Saturday, April 11, 2015

Was Phenergan Marilyn Monroe’s Silent Killer, and Was She a Victim of Psychological Abuse, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death? New Possible Theories Regarding the Death of Marilyn Monroe

Was Phenergan Marilyn Monroe’s Silent Killer, and Was She a Victim of Psychological Abuse, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death? New Possible Theories Regarding the Death of Marilyn Monroe

August 2, 2012 at 12:00 AM

NEWTON, NJ – I consider the start of my career as a Marilyn Monroe researcher and scholar started at the tender age of nine, when I first read a book about her.
However, her iconic face was so familiar to me before I pored over my first sentence in Norman Mailer’s book.
Since then, my fascination and commitment to preserving and protecting her legacy has not waned.
I own a collection of original and unpublished photographs and negatives, as well as a few small items that once belonged to Marilyn Monroe.
My work has involved collaborations with others, including German collector, Ted Stampfer, who I have known for over five years.
Knowing my research for a book project I had planned about Marilyn, Ted had the foresight that some of his items might be helpful to me in my research.
One of his items brought my research to a screeching halt, and shifted my path.
When I was 17 years old, I vowed to write something to “set the record straight”, in terms of putting to rest the rumors of Marilyn’s life, and death.
I firmly believe what I have recently discovered, as well the research of another very significant person who was interviewed for this story, will accomplish that.
What is most amazing to me, however, is how everything has come full-circle in terms of my work with the life of Marilyn Monroe.
In it I have learned, serendipitous events occur, ones that we do not realize at the time, are a part of the fabric in which our own lives are woven.
My Introduction to Phenergan
It was at the beginning of 2012, the year marking the 50th anniversary of Marilyn’s death, when I received an item of Ted Stampfer's.
I unwrapped a delicate slip of paper, gently cloaked in tissue paper, and my heart skipped a beat.
“What the heck is this?” I asked myself aloud, my mouth dropping open.
It turned out to be a prescription written for Marilyn Monroe the day before she died, on August 3, 1962.
I felt as if I held a small piece of history in the palm of my hand.
The circumstances surrounding Marilyn Monroe’s mysterious and untimely death have been a topic of conversation since her passing was reported to the Los Angeles Police Department on August 5, 1962. The theories and rumors have not stopped flying since.
Suicide? Probable suicide? Murder by the mob, and/or John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy have also been thrown out there.
Her death was coined a “probable suicide” following the autopsy.
I personally have always been suspicious of the cause of her death yet, have never bought into the sensationalist theories, especially having to do with the Kennedys. That focus was brought about by a random cast of characters such as the late Bob Slatzer, a journalist who helped to spin several books and numerous documentaries on the subject, falsely claiming to even have been married to Marilyn Monroe for three days.
The Slatzer story was nothing more than tabloid fodder; and he was one in a long line of individuals who claimed to have been closely affiliated with Marilyn Monroe, when he in fact never was.
I was always distrustful of those who I thought were the strongest suspects with the most to gain: members of the “cast” verified closest to her in those final days and hours; most especially her housekeeper Eunice Murray, her psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Greenson, and her internist Dr. Hyman Engelberg.
On the day Marilyn Monroe died, these three were present at the death scene in her bedroom when police arrived, and their behaviors were erratic, including first calling the police more than an hour after Dr. Engelberg pronounced her dead.
Others slated for monetary gain included Marilyn’s psychiatrist, Dr. Marianne Kris, and her acting coach Lee Strasberg, both named in her will.
Lee Strasberg was a specified residuary beneficiary of the estate of Marilyn Monroe per her last will, executed in January 1961.
Her will in itself is questionable most especially, because of research I have discovered, which points to it possibly not having been executed on the date it was supposedly executed on.
I am not the first person to question the validity of Marilyn Monroe’s will.
Marilyn was scheduled for an appointment to draw up a new will, which was set to take place the week following her death in August 1962.
Marilyn Monroe’s secretary Inez Melson for one, believed circumstances regarding her will were shady, as well as Marilyn’s own half-sister, Berniece Miracle, who discussed this in her book, “My Sister Marilyn”.
Another very controversial player in the whole production, yet someone who never met Marilyn Monroe, is Anna Strasberg, the second wife of acting coach Lee Strasberg, who is also his widow (he died in 1982).
The right of publicity for Marilyn Monroe has been challenged in court, with judges ruling that it died with her in 1962. And in the eyes of many, including mine, Anna Strasberg hijacked Marilyn Monroe’s name, in spite of court orders, and has continued to pocket millions of dollars on her lifetime work. Click here to read an article on the topic from The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel.
When Marilyn Monroe died, her financial records showed she was in monetary crisis, facing several lawsuits, and literally cash poor.
How then, could Marilyn’s legacy have reaped millions of dollars annually posthumously, considering the economic state she was in?
Eunice Murray, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, Lee and Paula Strasberg, Dr. Marianne Kris, the Anna Freud Centre, and also Anna Strasberg have all had something fiscally to gain from Marilyn Monroe’s death, based on several technicalities.
To them, she has become a platinum blonde commodity, worth more dead than alive.
I once challenged Dr. Greenson’s great niece in an online forum, after she asked why the controversy between her uncle and Marilyn Monroe was not put to rest.
“Why is he still-why are WE still constantly being berated? He's dead, she's dead. People still won't leave this alone!” Greenson’s great-niece exclaimed.
“People won't leave this alone because we care about Marilyn and want to know what happened to her,” I wrote back in reply. “Thanks to the lack of honesty and integrity in part to your great uncle, Eunice Murray and Dr. Engelberg on 8/5/62 we will never completely know the answers. Sorry, that's why we won't leave it alone.”
Prescription number 20857 was for Phenergan (known by its generic name of Promethazine), 25 milligrams, and 25 tablets, signed off by Hyman Engelberg, MD, Marilyn Monroe’s internist. He pronounced Marilyn Monroe dead in her home at around 3:50am on August 5, 1962, in Dr. Greenson’s and Eunice Murray’s presence, then called the police nearly an hour later to alert them she had “committed suicide”.
I was now holding prescription number 20857 in my hand, and felt as if this living document was speaking to me about the death of Marilyn Monroe.
It is very well known that on the day Marilyn Monroe was found dead, an empty bottle of Nembutal, also known as Pentobarbital, was found on her nightstand. Nembutal has always been to blame for her death.
The Nembutal prescription (number 20588) was filled, along with Phenergan, on August 3, 1962 at the Vincente Pharmacy, for 25 pills.
Books about Marilyn Monroe have documented Phenergan too, yet always noted it as an “anti-histamine”.
What immediately set the bells and whistles off in my head about Marilyn Monroe’s Phenergan prescription, however was one word noted on the prescription for its purpose: “sleep”.
To date, I have found no research where Phenergan has been considered as a factor in her death, as an investigative journalist I strongly believe Phenergan precipitated the death of Marilyn Monroe, and went so undetected as it did.
Having experiences already in writing articles about drug interactions in the celebrity realm (click here to read one of these articles), handling this slip of paper triggered something in me, and I immediately went to work researching it.
Yet, Phenergan is also a sedative, mild anesthetic, and anti-emetic (anti-nausea) drug. The U.S. National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institute of Health, posts a warning about this drug at the top of its webpage (click here to view), especially for children, due to its effect on respiration. Phenergan can cause breathing to slow or stop, and can cause death. It also warns of side effects for all ages, especially if already on sleeping pills.
My concern once I learned of Phenergan was the sedative effect. Marilyn was already on a sedative, Nembutal, a barbiturate depressing her central nervous system.
Her body previously developed a strong tolerance to Nembutal though, as well as Chloral Hydrate, another power sedative and hypnotic medication found in her autopsy report, and she was not acclimated to Phenergan.
Since she had not developed a tolerance to Phenergan, could it have been the one that tipped the scale in the direction of eternal slumber for Marilyn Monroe?
I spent many late nights researching, analyzing and dissecting this drug, in combination with the others. My preliminary research uncovered when combined with Nembutal, the two should be monitored closely, with a significant interaction, and tendency to increase sedation. Add that in with the Chloral Hydrate, then three drug interactions are found with similar effects.
Documentation of the drugs found on Marilyn Monroe’s nightstand showed one Phenergan pill was missing from the bottle at the time of her death, meaning she had ingested one after it was prescribed, and before she actually died a day later.
 I planned to explore the Phenergan possibility further.
However, little did I realize about 3,000 miles away, a parallel path was being explored about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe that went hand-in-hand with what I was working on, and would eventually intersect on the same avenue as mine.

Meeting The Marilyn Monroe Family
An important element, and person, was about to walk into the picture, who would further influence my course of research.
I was on a Facebook thread on a friend’s page, and saw a comment from a person who went by the identity of “Marilyn Monroe Family”.
“Who is that?” I asked myself.
I learned of a webpage that read, “Marilyn Monroe Family”, and was skeptical. I had seen others pretend they were relatives of Marilyn Monroe in my past, and challenged them.
Their webpage motto read, "We're not related to Anna Strasberg, Anna Freud, or Authentic Brands Group....We're just related to Marilyn Monroe..."
I immediately conducted my due diligence, and discovered the owner of the Marilyn Monroe Family Facebook Page, and website was an individual named Jason Kennedy (not related to JFK and RFK). Being an obsessive genealogist, and locating his family tree online, I discovered his bloodlines checked out on the Hogan side of the family, with his great-grandfather (William Marion Hogan) related to Marilyn Monroe’s grandmother (Della Mae Hogan) as siblings.
Jason Kennedy is Marilyn Monroe’s second cousin once removed.
Jason sent me a friend request after I posted my comments in reply to his, and we began an offline discussion about his cousin.
I soon learned he was on a similar quest for the truth as I was.
Marilyn Monroe Fans, and others have attacked Jason for posts he has written about Marilyn Monroe online, asking why it appears to be a sudden interest from his family 50 years after her death.
Jason himself was born several years following his cousin’s death, and, did not know his exact lineage to her until one year ago.
His investigation began innocently to learn more about his famous relative, and like me, he soon uncovered something more sinister behind the scenes.
Although Marilyn Monroe had family, her doctors, psychologists, and acting coaches isolated her from them, Jason said.
“Members of the Hogan Family, who lived in the Los Angeles area, had attempted to make contact with Marilyn Monroe after she was famous, and their efforts to connect with her were blocked,” Jason told me.
Jason’s grandmother spent time with Marilyn (who he often refers to by her given name of “Norma” in conversation), when the two were young.
“The ‘Surgeon Story’ is the smoking gun,” Jason wrote to me in our early correspondences.
I had no idea what the “Surgeon Story” was, and I was soon to learn. And learn how it was connected to what I was working on; and that in Jason Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe’s cousin, I had a parallel research partner.

“Best Finest Surgeon…Bring Me To Life..."
Jason sent me a message one evening.
“Can you please click on this special link, and check my research please?” he asked.
Although Marilyn Monroe’s relative, he was still learning the facts about his famous cousin. He was aware of my knowledge base, and asked for my opinion on what he had found.
I cautiously opened up what seemed like a secret passageway on the Marilyn Monroe Family webpage.
“How can you see into my eyes like open doors?” I heard the hauntingly resonant voice of Amy Lee of Evanescence sing in the song, “Bring Me To Life” as the page launched.
“Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb,” I heard it continue, and then saw a video of Marilyn Monroe appear. She was dressed in black, with her arms folded, and looking sadly into the camera lens, with the pleading words “Help Me” splattered above her head in blood-red lettering.
“Without a soul, my spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold,” flashed across in red in accompaniment with Amy Lee’s song. “Until you find it there and lead it back home.”
I began to read words across the webpage that were penned by Marilyn Monroe’s handwriting in 1955 on Waldorf-Astoria Stationery, a piece that ended up in the book, “Fragments”.
“Best finest surgeon-Strassberg (sic),” she wrote.
My eyes widened, and I began blinking rapidly as I read. I was confused at first, and then a sickening pit formed in my stomach. I covered my mouth with my hand, as I continued to read in horror.
“to (sic) cut me open which I don’t mind…”
Marilyn next referred to her psychiatrist, Dr. Margaret Hohenberg. She was under Hohenberg’s care when she moved to New York in 1955. Dr. Hohenberg was treating Marilyn Monroe and Milton Greene, her then-business partner, simultaneously. She was the first to prescribe the heavy sedatives to Marilyn, including Nembutal.
“Dr. H has prepared me – given me anesthetic and has also dyanosed (sic) the case and agrees with what has to be done –,” I continued to read.
“an (sic) operation – to bring myself back to life,” I read, which echoed eerily similar to the Amy Lee lyrics and song title.
“and (sic) to cure me of this terrible dis-ease (sic) what ever (sic) the hell it is -,” Marilyn wrote.
By this time, tears were streaming down my face, and I began shaking my head from side to side.
Marilyn Monroe’s pain was strong, and deeply evident from her testimony.
“What the hell did they do to her?” I asked Jason in reply via email.
I continued to read Marilyn’s writings about then-husband Arthur Miller, who was waiting to hear news about her operation’s success, about her mention of her friends Hedda and Norman [Rosten] (who were also beneficiaries in her will, and Norman Rosten strangely corresponded after Marilyn’s death with her California psychologist, Dr. Greenson), and Milton Greene, who she wrote passed the time listening to music and taking photos of “great paintings”.
“Strassberg (sic) cuts me open after Dr. H gives me Anisithea (sic) and trys (sic) in a medical way to comfort me – everything in the room is white infact (sic) I can’t even see anyone just white objects -,” Marilyn writes on the second page.
She continues to chronicle how Lee Strasberg cuts into her, and nothing is inside of her, only finely cut sawdust spills all over the floor, and table, as if it has fallen out of a Raggedy Ann Doll.
“Dr. H is pusseled (sic) because sudenly (sic) she realizes that this is a new type of case –,” Marilyn wrote. “The patient (puple (sic) or student – I started to write) existing of complete emptyness (sic). Strassbergs (sic) dreams & hopes for the theater are fallen. Dr. H’s – “ “ a permant (sic) phyicatricic (sic) cure is given up – Arthur – is disapointed (sic) – let down &.”

“Surgeon Story” Dissected
I sat there puzzled, stunned, quiet, and dismayed by what I had just read, uncertain how to digest it, and knowing something did not smell right.
“When I found the ‘Surgeon Story’, I knew I was done,” Jason told me during one of our first phone interviews, after having first corresponded by email and instant messages sporadically, and then regularly on the subject.
Online publications have referred to the “Surgeon Story” as a dream or nightmare. Even a musician, Annie Clark, was inspired to write a song with the lyrics, "Best, finest surgeon/Come cut me open”, because she believed Marilyn wrote the words due to her reverence of Lee Strasberg during her studies with him.
Jason, on the other hand, likened it to a very real time in the life of Marilyn Monroe, and her narrative of the experience, after being subject to mind-control techniques and drugs at the hands of Lee Strasberg and Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, when she underwent private sessions with the duo in 1955 to help release blocks in her acting techniques.
Their methodology consisted of having Marilyn Monroe delve into painful childhood memories, they told her, to make her into a great actress.
According to Jason’s research, the pair convinced Marilyn this was all a part of “helping” her. He said she was confused from the start as she documented the “Surgeon Story” details, correcting her own details of the story from “pupil” or “student”, to coining herself the “patient”.
"It was a mental operation," Jason said. "She wasn't physically cut, but mentally cut open."
He said it was used to break her down and change her behavior.
“This had nothing to do with acting,” Jason continued. “It was pure and simple extortion using mind control techniques. Also, ‘mind-control drugs’ were only one aspect of the process of mind-control. Sensory deprivation, dissociative anesthetic drugs, and psychic driving are part of an overall process of mind-control.”
Lee Strasberg often referred to himself as doctor, including in his 1965 book, "Strasberg At The Actor's Studio: Tape Recorded Sessions".
In later years in fact, after Marilyn Monroe’s services were discontinued with Dr. Hohenberg, she underwent psychotherapy with Dr. Marianne Kris, whose office was in the same building where the Strasberg Family resided.
Dr. Marianne Kris eventually wrongly incarcerated Marilyn Monroe in New York’s Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic in solitary confinement in 1961, just after Marilyn Monroe’s last will and testament was executed. She was later released and transferred to another facility to rest and recuperate from her traumatic experience at Payne Whitney, after Joe DiMaggio, her ex-husband, stepped up to the plate to rescue her.
Jason described the “Surgeon Story” as a “1955 eye-witness account of criminal coercive financial extortion utilizing Sensory Deprivation (White Torture), and dissociative anesthetic drugs, that not only enhance the effects of Sensory Deprivation, but also to restrict movement while applying psychic driving techniques.”
As part of it her “treatment” Marilyn Monroe, according to the research uncovered by Jason, endured sessions with Lee Strasberg and Dr. Hohenberg to coerce her to turn over her personal funds, to help financially support Lee Strasberg’s theater, and the Anna Freud Centre.
Dr. Hohenberg and Dr. Kris were both Freudian doctors taking direct orders on psychiatric treatment of Marilyn Monroe from Dr. Anna Freud (as well as Marilyn Monroe having also met directly with Dr. Freud while she stayed in London).
Lee Strasberg’s legacy and theater, and the Anna Freud Centre have each financially benefitted from Marilyn Monroe’s will, now with Anna Strasberg at the helm, guiding the marketing end of the estate, and financially profiting off of a woman, Marilyn Monroe, who she never met.

Phenergan’s Tie to Sensory Deprivation and Other Mind Control Methodologies
Long before Anna Strasberg came into the picture however, several major players had a hold on Marilyn Monroe’s life from 1955 through her death in 1962: Lee and Paula Strasberg, Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, Arthur Miller, Milton Greene, Hedda and Norma Rosten, Dr. Marianne Kris, Eunice Murray, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, and Dr. Anna Freud.
This cast of characters attempted to influence Marilyn Monroe, taking advantage of her pocketbook, her schedule, and her life, while lacing her up with mind-altering drugs.
Those who were genuinely concerned about her and attempted to reach her including Joe DiMaggio, her half-sister Berniece Miracle, and even Jason Kennedy’s family who knew her at that time, were shut out.
Marilyn Monroe was told to forget about her family, leave them behind, and change her name (she legally changed it to Marilyn Monroe in 1956 after years of using this name professionally).
In the 1950’s, the United States Government was funding and promoting mind-control experiments, and utilizing mind-altering drugs, Sensory Deprivation, and Psychic Driving techniques.
“The ‘Surgeon Story’ documents these techniques exactly,” Jason said.
In her account, Marilyn refers to the room, as well as all objects in the room, as being the color white. She also refers to being anesthetized, and the subliminal messages she received, Jason said, which pointed back to the attempts of those who controlled her life and destiny to sign over funds and control to them.
Many of the drugs found on Marilyn’s nightstand upon her death, or in her system, were used in mind-control experiments, such as Nembutal (13 mg percent found in her liver), and Chloral Hydrate (8 mg percent found in her blood), as well as Phenergan.
These drugs were used in “Truth Drug” experiments and also “sleep cocktails”. Drugs mixed together in cocktails included Seconal, Vemoral, Thorazine, Nembutal, and Phenergan.
The experiments with these prescription medications implemented “depatterning” with the drug or “sleep therapy”, combined with electro-shock therapy, and “psychic driving” or, messages repeated via tape recordings.
Nembutal, and Phenergan, were all found in Marilyn Monroe’s home after she died (she was prescribed Seconal previously, including the month before her death), as well as prescriptions for other sedatives, anti-anxiety medications, stimulants, and more.
Phenergan, which was prescribed for Marilyn Monroe on August 3, 1962, did not show up during the autopsy, and was not tested for.

A Pharmacist’s Perspective
In delving into the pharmacological questions, I consulted with a pharmacist for further advice about Phenergan, Nembutal, and Chloral Hydrate.
One of the pharmacists at Newton Pharmacy, who requested not to be named in this article, did comment on the three drugs in major question in this article.
The pharmacist said in this day and age, Phenergan is used mostly as an anti-nausea medication, for airsickness or seasickness.
“You don’t see it much for sedation,” the pharmacist commented.
The representative from Newton Pharmacy did note Phenergan presents a potential risk of stopping the heart, though less in adults, it has a black box warning for children, meaning it can cause life-threatening adverse effects.
The pharmacist agreed Phenergan, also known by the name Promethazine, could possibly, “send someone over the edge, especially if mixed with alcohol”.
“I wouldn’t rule it out,” the pharmacist said, and indicated while on Chloral Hydrate or barbiturates there could be what is known as an “additive effect”, meaning there is an increased risk of respiratory depression.
“All new drugs to a patient, if used for a short-term, might be more of a risk,” the pharmacist continued, noting if a person is not acclimated to a particular drug, it could cause issues for a patient ingesting it.
The pharmacist could not comment on Nembutal (Pentobarbital), also not commonly used now, except for animal sedation and euthanasia, as well as physician-assisted suicide, and some cases of capital punishment.
“It’s not widely used anymore,” said the pharmacist about Chloral Hydrate. “It’s a sleeping medication, it’s very severe."
Chloral Hydrate has a depressant effect, and it does put a person at risk of respiratory depression.
A modern-day victim of Chloral Hydrate (mixed with other drugs) was Anna Nicole Smith, who developed a tolerance to it.
Other known celebrities who succumbed to sleep drugs, and anesthetics were Michael Jackson, and Heath Ledger, who, like Marilyn Monroe was prescribed an anti-histamine for sleep.
“In this day and age, you have to be your own advocate,” the pharmacist concluded, about a patient’s role in their own care.
Patients on one hand, need to have an open and honest relationship with their doctors about the medications they are on.
On the other hand, doctors, the pharmacist said, really need to trust their patients, and must counsel the patients prior to prescribing medications, to alert them of the risks, and monitor their blood pressure, especially if prescribing narcotic medications.

A Dialogue About The Crime Scene With a Police Chief
On August 5, 1962 at approximately 4:35am, the Los Angeles Police Department received a phone call that Marilyn Monroe had died as a result of suicide.
As Marilyn Monroe’s body was wheeled to the morgue, Eunice Murray, Marilyn Monroe’s housekeeper, busily walked around her property, did laundry, spoke cheerfully to reporters and photographers, and ushered in various parties to the home.
Many have questioned her demeanor, as well as the conduct of the two doctors at the scene.
And also questioned how thorough the police investigation was into Marilyn Monroe’s death.
“Los Angeles back then and now has an excellent reputation,” said the Town of Newton Police Chief, Michael Richards, who had been a seasoned detective with the town’s department prior to becoming chief. “These agencies are at the cutting edge of doing things the right way.”
To the department’s disadvantage in 1962, as well as all police departments, Chief Richards said there were technological limitations, which modern-day police departments have access to now.
“One of the nice things is the improvement in technology, which gives closure to families [of the victims],” Chief Richards said.
Chief Richards discussed the disparity that exists between the police work involving the celebrity culture in the Los Angeles area of the country, versus any other town in the United States.
“There’s ‘our’ normal, and there’s ‘their’ normal,” he said. “If you’re a cop out there, you shouldn’t explain things away. If you’re fearful and unsafe don’t ignore that. If something is out of place, keep looking into it until something makes sense.”
When dealing with the famous, Chief Richards said it could hamper an investigation.
“This was a case where too many maybe had hands in this, and it probably made the investigation difficult,” he said.
Chief Richards shed some light on basic investigation techniques, and the importance of collecting information, verifying all facts, and interviewing witnesses minimally three to four times.

Conclusion To This Investigation
Based on evidence the writer and interviewer of this story, Jennifer Jean Miller, and interviewee Jason Kennedy, have discovered and come to their own conclusions in the death of Marilyn Monroe. They are:
Marilyn Monroe’s death was not suicide, or brought about by members of the mob or John or Robert Kennedy;
Marilyn Monroe’s death was a result of years of psychological abuse and control by those who had a hold in her life through the use of heavy sedatives;
These drugs were used to manipulate her into making certain decisions with her last will and testament (and prior wills). When she became discontent about the result of her last will, and planned to rewrite it (the week after she died), Miller and Kennedy believe the individuals mentioned in the story, who were around at the time of her death (and now also deceased), medicated her in the right way to precipitate her death;
The conclusion of the research shows Phenergan, which was not tested for, could have likely been the drug, which pushed Marilyn Monroe over the edge, and stopped her heart. It was prescribed for sleep a day prior to her death, she took one, and her body was not acclimated to it as it was to the other drugs;
The bottle of Nembutal (Pentobarbital), found on Marilyn Monroe’s nightstand was ingested over a period of time, and had already metastasized into her liver, which is where the major concentration was found during the autopsy. It had already set in and was not final blow in her death, though it contributed;
Phenergan was Marilyn Monroe’s “silent killer”, and pushed her over the edge, though it went undetected at the time of her autopsy, because it was not tested for;
She was a victim of psychological abuse, medical malpractice and wrongful death, with her doctors overprescribing a battery of medications, which counteracted each other and caused harm to her;
Marilyn Monroe documented the psychological abuse in the “Surgeon Story”, which she began to endure starting in 1955, when those who took charge of her life and finances ended up “dissecting” her personality and soul in such a way it eventually broke her down and led to her death;
Marilyn Monroe was under the influence of mind-altering drugs, administered to her by Lee Strasberg and Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, when she wrote the “Surgeon Story”. Not only is this based on her written testimony, it is also due to other factors, including the severe misspellings, and random thoughts jotted along with the story, as she crafted it, and;
Those who were responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe were never prosecuted, and continued to profit off of her legacy until their own deaths. Today, her estate, which is managed by an outside agency and those who never knew Marilyn Monroe, continues to manage it in spite of court rulings, and Jennifer Jean Miller and Jason Kennedy advocate this should once again be challenged and re-evaluated in front of a judge as it was in 2007.

Editor’s Note: During the course of the investigation of this story, Jennifer Jean Miller, author of this story and Managing Editor of The Alternative Press of Sussex County and also a seasoned genealogist, has ironically learned with the help of Jason Kennedy, of her own distant blood relation and marital lineage to Marilyn Monroe.
Though her familial ties are still being researched, in light of this discovery and because of her past and current work on the subject of Marilyn Monroe, she has since become one of the founders of a newly formed media and entertainment company, which will produce works and projects focusing on the positive legacy of Marilyn Monroe, and investigate and reveal further details about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Marilyn Monroe.
Miller also gives grateful acknowledgements to Marilyn Monroe Collector Ted Stampfer for his permission to use the image of his Phenergan prescription, and for his contributions to this story.
The opinions expressed herein are the writer's alone, and do not reflect the opinions of

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