Sunday, October 4, 2015

70 Years On: Jews Feign Suffering To Murder The Whole Of Europe

70 Years On: Jews Feign Suffering To Murder The Whole Of Europe

It is now 70 years since the war for the survival of the Germanic people. There was no actual reason for allied soldiers to fight, so to justify their rampage through Europe the Jews came up with a holocaust scam to keep the flame of hate alive while Jews tied up all their loose ends and worked in the destruction of the Nordic Race to government policy.
They have never provided any evidence for this ‘holocaust’, they won’t even print the 6,000,000 names and they even admit it themselves that it is a hoax. In contrast over 15 million Germans died.
holocaust fiction
But it is not a competition to see ‘who suffered the most’.
The Germanic people have been demonised and the Jew has gotten off, all his crimes seemingly forgotten. The Nordic Peoples left without any nation of their own and the idea of Germans living on their own slammed as ‘racist’ by the international criminal Jew.
Hitler at the front
But we remember.  Emil Scheibe – Hitler at the front
In the following article we see the true and actual unbridled essence of the holohoax scam.  This is what the holocaust was always made for. The justified genocide of Germany, just the latest example in a pattern stretching back over 6000 years as in all times in the Jews history, Jews genocide their host. The Jews hang the people with a horrendous crime and thus demonise them as punishment for rising up against an unruly Jewish parasite. The result every time, the Jew destroys its host.
The ‘holocaust’ is a celebration of the Jews victory over Germany and the Nordic Race.
This Jewish gravedigger Schuster says that Germans have a moral duty to accept more refuges than anybody else! All because Germany for 12 years shook off the parasitic blight.
Live with the Jews – They kill you, Try to get rid of the Jews – They kill you.

Jewish Council: “Multiculturalism is a Moral Duty for Germany”

European Guardian May 5, 2015
Josef Schuster
Josef Schuster
According to the head of the Jewish Council, Josef Schuster it’s a moral duty for Germany to take in immigrants from the third world. This because of the “barbaric” history of Germany.
It was during the 70 year commemoration of the liberation of Dachau that Josef Schuster proclaimed his harsh “sentence” against the Germans.
He said to the German newspaper Junge Freiheit that:
“Germany has brought so much misery to the world. We owe so much to so many countries. We’re the last country that can turn back refugees.”.
Germany is today alongside Sweden one of the EU countries that receives the most refugees. Something that doesn’t seem to bother Josef Schuster. Instead he went on an all out attack against critics of islam.
“When I see 10.000 people cheering islamophobe and a right-wing populists such as Geert Wilders I feel sick.”
He also declared that it was the prisoners in Dachau who witnessed a “supposedly civilised people” were transformed into a “wildlings”. That there once again are people who talk badly about immigrants and jews makes one question if Germans respect “humanity”.
As icing on the cake he ended his speech by demanding Germany to spend even more money on fighting the right-wing.
Note: This article was published by the Swedish online news site Fria Tider with whom The European Guardian has reach an agreement to translate and republish selected articles.
Originally from
Jews exhibit the behaviour that should make them hated by the nations – imposing their will on non Jews.
Poster fror Der ewige jude
The Scourge of God
The Jews are the murderers of humanity. They seek to exterminate its very image. This image is a highly evolved Nordic Image, the independent racial denomination that sits atop the humanoid family unmatched as the highest form of life to ever exist. Europe’s unmixed descendent, a disciple from the Paleolithic Cro-magnon’s that hunted in Europe’s forest, the Nordic Race carries the universal energy to create even higher advanced lifeforms. This race should not be burdened by demands that it goes down to the level of others to be ‘fair’ and face allegations of evil because it wants to live alone.
The Jews entire history of meddling among the nations has been a continued rebellion against its form, and a seeking to replace it with worthless undermen. They demand the death of every People they come across and accuse them of hating Jews when they do not yield.
The Nordic Race
The Jews desperately want all races to mix under them to create a bastardised mongrel mass of useless sufferers. Jews struggle to come up with reasons for races to mix. Their prevalent one, ‘we suffered’. You must accept these refuges because we suffered. Jews, the eternal ‘sufferer’ leads the undermen against true humanity.
In this latest example, of something that has been going on for thousands of years, Jews vengefully exterminate the German People, for rejecting the Jews and affirming their Nordic character more than any other nation in the modern era.
Verschiedene Porträtaufnahmen von Charakterköpfen, gesammelt im Rassepolitischen Amt der NSDAP
A nation for one race, not for all of them.
The Jews murder the German people before the very eyes of the world as they claim ‘persecution’. Pushing for more ‘refuge’s’ to replace the hated German Race. Why do Jews have say in the affairs of any other Race?
Germany – The latest embodiment of the Nordic Peoples community, on its own
The Third Reich rejected the Jews. The Third Reich was an embodiment of Nordic Peoples representation. Germany has been the highest embodiment of Nordic culture in the modern era, when one Nation alone, made its national race, the Nordic Race.
The Nordic Youth Mobilised.
This accelerated decomposition of Europe, 70 years after the war is an example of Jews exterminating whole races and getting away with it. Meanwhile they accuse us of evil in exterminating them!
Before you listen to a Jew on whether Germans respect ‘humanity’ or not, according to Jew Yuri Slezkine this distinct group of human beings, the German Race and thus the Nordic Race is the humanization of Evil, the flesh and blood devil. This identifiable group might change, to any other group that does not put the Jewish interests before its own.
abe foxman
Jews the anti-human
On Schusters words, Jews cannot come up with any true instances Germany ever brought misery to anyone. The other nations bring their own misery, and indeed can never leave Germany alone.
Race mixed people, Mongrels are innate sufferers. They will always blame other more superior people for their own suffering. The Jew wants this fate to befall all people.
Organic Peoples strive to make things better while Jews strive to make them worse. Racemixing is the wholesale murder of humanity.
Jews are digging their own grave. Jewish actions should generate the natural hate in the people necessary to kill them off in the future. The Jews think if they can accrue enough sympathy for non-existent atrocities they might be able to finish their job at defiling the races and destroying everything that evolved favourably in man.
From Europe’s Children
Human Waste - Here come the disgusting Nigger idiots!
to this
We hate the Jews. We target the Jews as a group, we recognise them as something biologically distinct, a plague on this world. This plague is marked for destruction, and we remember everything. It will be their own doing.
German Soldiers we remember you every day
– Aidhan
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A Conversation With Jerry

Reichs Arbeits Diesnst
Jerry is a great friend of mine. Born in Ostpreußen, he rode on the cattlecars west as the Russians came to burn their homes and murder all Germans. After the war the Jews would take the photos of the Cattle Cars and claim it was them going to Auschwitz.
He was in the Hitler Jugend and subsequently in the Reichs Arbeits Dienst (RAD). He was training to be in the Luftwaffe when he was drafted and fought the final months of the war in Belgium and the Nederlands. Some of Jerry’s Writings are on this site.
I met up with Jerry and for the first time I made this transcript.
We talk about the invasions of Niggers and inferior races into Europe in general and in particular about the present massive invasion of Europe by useless bipedal apes coming across the Mediterranean Sea and how the UN, founded to preserve Jews says we have to take them and help them or else we are evil, while actually they are evil for defiling humanity.
We don't want any immigrants or any inferior subhumans. We want to live alone.
We don’t want any immigrants or any inferior subhumans. We want to live alone.
We talk about how the more people on welfare and the more refuge’s there is the better it is for the Jews because they cost a lot of money and governments have to borrow the money to pay for them all.
We talk about the holocaust and how this preserves Jews through this time in history as they exterminate European Peoples, we talk about desperate Jews needing another ‘eyewitness’ to prove this fictitious event through Oskar Gröning & how Jews use their imaginary holocaust to paint their victim as ‘evil’, in order to justify the extermination of their victim, as they have done so throughout history.
We talk about the present world situation of bastardisation and overpopulation of the wrong people and its cause, the abhorrent and vile Jewish race; the agents of decomposition, through their role as biological defilers and evolution reversers aiding all the inferior rubbish labelling all opposition and realisation of racial difference ‘racist’ and we talk about the future of life on this planet and how the superior will separate from the useless idiots.
– Aidhan
The others are no good.
The others are no good.
Aidhan: Did you write anything this week?
Jerry: Yes I did. Something about our future, how we will end up.
Aidhan: Mongrelisation
Jerry: Mongrelisation, we will be divided, and we have to keep them and there will be a lot of trouble. The intelligent will separate themselves from the stupid.
Aidhan: Have you heard this theory; When Europe fills up completely with niggers, the electricity will turn off because no one will be able to upkeep it, and because the niggers will be in Europe they won’t be able to heat their homes, and they will all get too cold and move back to Africa.
Jerry: You reckon [laughs] if you turn out the electricity you are going to freeze too.
Aidhan: Nordic people have always lived in the cold anyway so a Nigger would definitely have to die, he would have to go back to Africa, or at least to Italy or Spain
Jerry: That was in times ago, in the ice age, the one that was fit, the one that survived, the one that was strong, that was the White Race, the Germanic Race, the Nordic Race.
Aidhan: Did you know that in South Africa now because they have got so many Niggers they are experiencing rolling blackouts because they put a policy of putting quotas of Niggers into the electricity company and now they can’t keep the lights on.
When that starts happening in Europe, when it’s cold and winter, it’s going to be 2c degrees outside, and 2c degrees inside, and all the Niggers can’t live like that.
Jerry: Germany is half full of Niggers, the same as in America. That is the aim of the bastardisation.
Aidhan: If the power went out, they would not be able to keep their house warm. Then they would have to go south, or they would die.
Jerry: And they would go back again [laughs]. They want to destroy the boats, [on the Mediterranean] the same as Abbot. There is too much humanitarian bilge.
Aidhan: The UN says that they have to take them.
Jerry: Who is the UN anyhow, how much rights has he got to impose on everyone, all the countries, and tell them what to do. They stagnate you. If I don’t want them, I can’t afford them, I know something better, I don’t want to take them. Why can’t they [niggers] plant their own food. Under the white man, when the white man was there they lived alright, there were no complaints. But now they want to come and live with us. Mandela, that idiot, he did not know anything, and the international politicians, Hawke (aus prime minister) going on Apartheid, Apartheid, Apartheid.
Aidhan: Apartheid is good, what’s so good about us having to live with them
Jerry: That’s right. We have to support them, they are beggars, and they increase like shit, and they cannot feed themselves. You cannot stop them once they get helped, they can play sport they can play football, but they have no brains.
Aidhan: But the thing is they can’t support a high population because they can’t farm, they can’t do anything intensively, and they are just another animal, so they can just take from nature. They cannot support a high population; they only have got a high population because of charity and because they live off of us.
Jerry: After the war they started increasing, then after Apartheid they ran out, they can’t help themselves, they don’t know what to do, they are not intelligent enough, and they decide they are going to migrate to Europe.
Aidhan: They are going to flood as many Niggers as they can into Europe, all across the Mediterranean sea, and they are all waiting, they are all lining up to come. The EU is going to make special migrant application centres in Africa, to get them there quicker.
Jerry: They are going to bring the boats in, like they wanted to do here, the Democrats, the Women, the Greens, and the Labour Party. They want to drag them in. ‘The poor things, the poor souls’. Look at the debt they run up when they do this they go broke, then Labour got kicked out. Billions we have to pay! On all those poor bastards, not on the working people, but on those bludgers. They borrowed and they borrowed and they kept borrowing, from the World Bank, from the Jews. That’s how they make money!
Aidhan: It costs a lot of money to bring in all these deadbeats and put them all on welfare.
Jerry: Why don’t the people rise! Rise up against it when they see that. They should start uniting and thinking that way, and not ‘ohh we must accept, the Jew has suffered a lot, under the Nazi’s’. They bring it again and again the concentration camps bullshit. Now the old man, the 93 year old, he was a book keeper.
Aidhan: Oskar Gröning.
Jerry: They want to get at him
Aidhan: What’s the story with that? They say he says he saw everything, he saw them being divided into two lines, he says he saw them being led to the gas chamber, he says he saw SS men beating the baby’s head. I’m thinking who is this person? He could just be someone they pulled out of some nursing home with dementia, he could be anyone. How do we know he even existed.
Jerry: He must have been persuaded. The Jews, the publication people said you admit a few things and we will let you go.
Aidhan: I would like to see his service records. He might not have even been there. And this Oskar Gröning now, that might not even be him. It might just be an old person. How would we know? Why this Oskar Gröning, what if none of its real. The Jews could just have made it all up. They could have just taken some ones photos, got an old person.
Jerry: It’s the Jews; the Jews have come up again. They portray their own evil, their ugliness on the Nazi’s. They killed the Jews. The poor Jews. Always to awaken the pity of humanity. Now there will be a mass migration of Africans into Europe. They will flood us. They will overpopulate Africa. They have got nothing there, no culture, no cultivation, nothing growing, no food. What do they do? They go ‘help me, help me’. The Jews say I will help, they make a charity, he collects 90% for themselves, and 10% he gives to the bastard. It’s amazing how the people here are not intelligent enough. They won’t wake up. They believe all the bullshit. They are being fooled with the pity and the humanity rubbish. This is the Jew, he makes it so he is protected, so he is not murdered, he does not want that so he has got to make it a big law. A humanitarian law. ‘The United Nations’, it all comes from America, their country, to protect their race. The white police shoots a black and they go off about it. Now the time comes, now comes the payback. For taking them on, for taking on any kind of people.
Aidhan: ‘The Melting Pot’, ‘the American Experiment’.
Jerry: And once they get enough numbers in there, they will demonstrate against you, and demolish you. We should have never allowed that. We should have been right and strong, not wrong and weak, and not wrong but strong like the Jew. He can do wrong things but he can enforce it.
Aidhan: This Oskar Gröning, the Jews have already called him ‘the Bookkeeper of Death’. They have said in the paper, that he has said that the reason why he is coming forward with all of this is to stop holocaust denial.
Jerry: Who said that, the Germans they wouldn’t.
Aidhan: Well im not sure he really exists. It could be just someone from a nursing home they found with dementia.
Jerry: The Germans never love the Jew, it’s only the mongrels. After the war there was a lot of mongrels coming in from the East, from Poland and other countries, and they assumed German citizenship and German language, and they will say ‘im German’. That is the mongrelisation they have taken in after the war.
Aidhan: It’s been said he did not want a combat role he wanted a book keeping role so he could be a Jew, and before the war he worked as a bank clerk. He has been a bank clerk.
Jerry: The Jews get a victim, and then they crucify him. Don’t believe anything. What the Jew prints, don’t believe it.
Aidhan: The Jews are using it, they are saying it’s a historic moment, and it’s very useful to them because it’s an eyewitness testimony. That he was there and saw it happen. But that’s the only evidence Jews have, eyewitness testimony, and we all know how much Jews lie. Eyewitness testimony is not evidence, they have got no evidence.
Jerry: They will not let anybody know, and they will not let anybody think that they are lying. What the Jew says, it’s true. They won the war, they have the power to do anything. What they say, it’s true. They forced their lying ways.
Aidhan: The only way they can guilt us with the holocaust is because if we really were a race that perpetrated a holocaust, when they try and tell us that we did it, we would not feel guilty. But they make the whole of Germany feel sorry somehow, obviously they are not the race that did the holocaust. If you are a race of cold blooded killers, how are you going to feel sympathy for anything. Jews are milking it saying ‘feel sorry for us’. Obviously we didn’t. If we really did what they say we did, we would not feel sorry, all their efforts of brainwashing us wouldn’t work. You get Germans now that go to Auschwitz and cry ‘oh I can’t believe my ancestors did this’. Obviously they did not because your ancestors had the same instincts as you, and if you feel bad about it obviously they did not do it. The Jew just made it up.
Jerry: They made it all up. What the kids get today, it’s all made up stuff, its lies. They have to accept it, they don’t know anything else. The older people they are not allowed to say the truth it’s always ‘oh he is a Nazi’ if you rise up against them. They [the older people] are right and they [Jews] are afraid of the anti-Semitism. They don’t want it getting stronger. There is a lot of animosity building up. It’s anti-Semitism and they hate it. They don’t want any hatred against them.
Aidhan: Because they deserve to be hated. This is a war to the death, its ongoing since the last Second World War and the Nordic People have to wake up and stop being so childish and childlike and realise that it is being warred on. Jews are doing this deliberately and persistently and they have been doing it for 6000 years at least.
Jerry: You follow the history and you will see, it’s written again and again. Societies have kicked them out and why? The Jew will never say why.
Aidhan: No they won’t, it’s always someone else’s fault and because they are so evil they deserve to die. [sardonic]
Jerry: It’s not a lie when the Jew cheats the goy. It’s because they are the chosen ones. Who made them the chosen ones?
Aidhan: Themselves
Jerry: How can they be chosen when they lie.
Aidhan: Why would god create all these races and then send the Jews to come and exterminate everyone. It does not make sense at all.
Jerry: He just fleeces and pinches and robs and cheats, hordes money and exploits the people, everywhere they go. They own all the banks, even in Europe now. They keep the people down. They show the videos, the white man shooting that Nigger in America and everybody believes. Obama is a coloured bastard too. He will not stand on the white side he will go on the bastard side.
Aidhan: He has said it already. He said he felt animosity towards his mother’s race, because she was half white. He had a white grandmother. He resented her because she used to cross the road every time she saw a Nigger, and so Barack Obama was raised with this idea that Niggers are hard done by, nobody likes Niggers, raised with the idea Niggers have a score to settle.
Jerry: They are ugly they have that big nose, those flat lips, they are animals. They are like monkeys. They are offspring of monkeys
Aidhan: And its time we got rid of them. It is stuffing around just keeping them.
Jerry: They are wild, they have got no intelligence, they have animal like brains. A lot of emotion and a lot of sexuality. Fuck, fuck, fuck, produce children and that’s all they do. They jump, they dance with their music. Its racket, it’s not music, its racket. But what can you do? The people in Australia have to be careful. If you are making too much noise and getting too high up, they dob you in. The anti-defamation, anti-racism, they put you in gaol.
Aidhan: They have got that new racial vilification act. If somebody feels offended or insulted they can take you to court. Section 18C.
Jerry: UNHRC, the human rights commission. Anybody who is against any race or mainly Jews they will get you. Like Fredrick Töben. He stood up and said it’s not the truth. The Jews did not get deliberately killed or gassed.
It is going to be catastrophic in the future. There will be so much overpopulation. We will part it out, we will make camps all along the boarders for all the nitwits who cannot feed themselves. They will stay there. All the intelligent ones they will live differently. We will regulate ourselves. Everybody will not intermarry with everyone. If you intermarry with the blacks or even a half black you lose.
Aidhan: There should be no inclusion of any of them.
Jerry: They get some of your intelligence, while you get shit from the blacks. You lose. This would go on until the blacks use up the whole small white population. We would be soaked up, coffee coloured.
Aidhan: This means that now the Jews have tried to integrate everything we have got to be more racist than we ever have been. We have got to be extremely racist. We have got to be so consciously racist. In the old days when we lived only on our own we could just follow our instincts. But now we have got them living amongst us we have got to consciously say ‘I hate you, im not going to mix with you, your scum’.
Jerry: In the past we lived separately, we lived tribally. Then those smart arses, the Jews, the Semites said that’s no good you have got to mix all races because all the races are the same. The races are not the same. We should have lived as nature provided us. Space for every race to live separately.
Aidhan: There is no excuses for mixing at all.
Jerry: The best race assures human survival.
Aidhan: And that’s the Nordic Race because take all the charity away we support ourselves.
Jerry: That’s right. Not the idiot blacks. Now they are doing the wrong thing again, by bringing them into Europe. The Jews they want to help them, and the woman with her glass ceiling and her maternal soul. They don’t think of the future what’s going to happen. They don’t think what is going to happen when all of the races are mixed.
Aidhan: It all has to be about feelings doesn’t it. Whether things are ‘nice’ or not. They say you have got to be compassionate.
Jerry: Emotions. In the year 2750 it is predicted the world will be so overcrowded. There will be ten people standing on every square metre. There will be no more standing space. We will go in the sea. We will make big air bubbles. Sea water is full of minerals. We will grow the food out of the minerals. We will build in the orbit, then we will start sorting the people out.
Aidhan: Well im definitely against all of that. That is not how it should have been. Why do you want to overpopulate this much? Why do you want all these people, all the wrong people? It’s for the inferior idiots
Jerry: When England went out 300 years ago colonising and met all of these blacks, we should have killed them all. Instead we save them all, and now we open up the door and they all come in from the East to the West.
Aidhan: In Australia here the Abo’s complain all the time. If we had just killed them they wouldn’t complain. We should have just killed them. There is no reward for not killing them, obviously as we can see now. In America with the Indians, we should have killed all of them. There is no reward for not killing them. Now we have to deal with all of their complaining. Then all the Jews that do the complaining for them
Jerry: Humanitarianism, helping the inferior bastard is ruining the world. It is created by the Jew himself. When the White Man stands up against the Black invasions the Jews persecute them for being racist.
Aidhan: He will keep saying that until he is dead. Until the Jew is dead you can’t win.
and then was a good time to stop
The future without them
The future without them
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Tidal Wave of Colour

The Jews, eternal parasites who like devolving the people. Their crimes against an honest nature loving people are astounding! Opening the floodgates of undeveloped stagnates to destroy a creative and intelligent Nordic Race. The activities of the Jew in the modern world; the destruction of all evolution and evolutionary thought to make a herd animal. Evolution goes from instinctive to criminalised.
Human Waste - Here come the disgusting Nigger idiots!
Human Waste – Here come the disgusting Nigger idiots! Keep in mind the cross between the Nigger and anything is always a Nigger.
Africa’s hordes on Europe’s doorsteps, any objection of their coming in is labeled ‘racist’, and compared to atrocities committed against Jews. Jews use themselves as the wedge against Europe, their historic role. The Jew never changes, just defiles his host.
Ugliness vs Beauty, for 6000 years
Ugliness vs Beauty, for 6000 years
A superior race; whose traits are higher, more specialised, more evolved, will have these traits mixed out in any cross. The population of inferior Niggers in Africa more than doubles every 40 years, and this is just the Niggers that stay there! With the Subhuman contents of Africa being emptied into Europe, this really is the dawn of the planet of the apes.
Weapons of mass genetic destruction
If you do not want these bastard savages, you are a racist, and if you are a racist, you deserve to die say the inferior races. Whatever happens, races must be separate. It is separation or death, and it is only in the Nordic Races interest to enforce this separation, or else die out forever. Here are some good articles about this tidal wave of colour:
Invading Niggers get what they deserved
Invading Niggers get what they deserved.
The Jews, the murderers of humanity, are a congenitally criminal, disfigured and disastrous race, forever merciless in their persecution of those who will not be killed by them, a race hell-bent on genocide of every other group, the eternal ferment of decomposition, the leveler of civilisations the mistletoe parasite of humanity, the blood sucker, is in full control of all world-wide media, distribution, entertainment and information sharing. The Nordic people have not had a government since 1945.
We have to put up with Jews like this.
They will never forgive you for labelling them foreign before the last war. Whether we did or whether we didn’t, the decision to lay waste to Nordic Humanity was made way before the Third Reich.
Defy the Jew and reaffirm your existence
Defy the Jew and reaffirm your existence
You can’t kill them because its mean. Those that can’t comprehend them will gang up on you. Intelligence has a new meaning, ‘anti-Semitism’, anti-Semitism correlates with higher levels of intelligence.  As Jews condemn anti-Semitism they condemn intelligent life to extinction.
The Jews have a grudge, the Nordic Race, as a race, is by definition ‘racist’. For this transgression, the penalty is to be extermination.
It is the Jew or life itself. One or the other, chose strength and live or chose tolerance and die. The sadistic horror unleashed on Germany in the end of the last war, the bombing, mass rape, torture and killing sprees is un-ended through the policies the Jews have lined up for us. Official hostilities ceased, Germanic people’s must shut up, face extermination and non-existence. Iphones, Electricity and Internet does not distract us from this fact. This Jewish plan for us has always been complete genocide of our people and removal of our genome from planet earth.
The Jew. Our eternal enemy not by choice but by necessity
And they say we holocausted them?
The destroyer of culture never left us, and the same policy of complete destruction of Germany and her people from the 1940’s is still in effect. Their Job is not yet finished. Negroes are being brought into Europe in record numbers. Today the Nordic Race will not just breed itself out of existence just because the Jews inject some Niggers and idiotic brown people next to leading ladies on Hollywood Movies and systematically into Television Programs. Indeed when it comes to television, to have an all White cast would be labeled as racist and boycotted by the left (Jewish) element and Jewish columnists themselves. The existence of a ‘non diverse’ television program would prompt more diversity as an imperative. We simply turn it off, so instead we must be swamped numerically by weapons of gross biological defilement, drowned out to such a point where you might be the only Nordic on your street or the only Nordic in your school group. You are not supposed to recognise that you are part of a race. This tidal wave is now coming in the form of millions of Negroes, prehistoric bipedal apes 2 million years behind us in evolution, our only relation an extinct species of ape.
The Jews say that Germany must atone for its ‘nazi past’ and because of its present wealth accept ‘migrants’ fleeing war and poverty. Why must it atone and what has it got to atone for? Atone to its enemies for not dying out sooner. Germany must atone for daring to preserve its race. To give what one generation creates to its children will create a disparate planet as those with superior genetics inevitably do better than those who cannot think or create anything. This is most offensive to the Jew as he would like to mongrelise the whole planet so he can rule over a brown race of idiots, a mad rabble, depending on enforced equality. For daring to exist, the German is racist.
The European Commission, an unelected body, whose interest is first and foremost the preservation of the Jewish Race in Europe and enaction of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Talmudic Law, Europe’s highest expression of ‘democracy’ (a Jewish buzzword you are not allowed to criticise meaning rule by the Jew) is implementing from the top down bilateral (meaning both major parties in every nation) agreements on tax payer funded refuge application centers. This will not be up for debate. Just as nothing in so-called ‘democracies’ is up for debate, but by Jewish Policy Groups and unelected Non-Governmental Agencies, working behind the scenes.
There is no more dreadful tyranny than when world Jews enslave their host people through their willing, bribed, and obedient democratic lackeys. Hanns Oberlindober

Like every other government policy, from abortion to ‘gay marriage’ to multiculturalism, taxpayer-funded processing centers to increase the numbers of new migrants is to be simply made into unanimous party policy of every major political party, in every nation. Just like everything else, right over the people’s heads there will be definitive support for centres in Africa, directly supporting Niggers in giving them everything they need and ensuring they have a safe and free passage across to become the future population of Europe. So much for a ‘free democracy’.
Jews just cannot stop
Jews just cannot stop
The individual has no say in ‘democracy’. Democracy = Control by Jews. Fascism could be a word for self-government.
It is important for people to know that the decision to import hundreds of thousands of Niggers into Europe every year has had nothing to do with any European Peoples. It is being organised by such bodies as the European Commission in which the European people have no say in. Most Europeans were unaware these subversive Jewish groups were even formed until they could first see some of the destructive demands they have instigated on European constituencies. These bodies have been formed right over the heads of the European people by Jews. You must agree or die out as the Jew exterminates the Nordic victim he has worked on for millenia. Current European ‘law’ guarantees extermination of the Nordic Race and European Peoples.
Sympathy for ugly undeveloped ape men does not have to result in extermination of this. Are you smart enough to survive?
The Nordic Race exhibits an obvious racism against lesser advanced forms. And if evolution is racist, so it should be.
– Aidhan

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Oskar Gröning

The Holocaust was limited only by the imagination of those creating it, sustained by nothing more than the magic word “anti-Semitic” and the willingness of the whole of the American media to censor the truth. – Joseph G Stano, House of Orwell, Liberty Bell Magazine, December 1997
Oskar Gröning goes on trial in Lüneburg.
How many Jews can you see in this photo?
How many Jews can you see in this photo?
One can just imagine the Rabbi’s sitting around a big table coming up with ideas. ‘Lets make a German who was there say that it happened’, to which the other Rabbi replied ‘oy vey good idea Rabbi’. ‘Lets say he witnessed babies heads being caved in and other such imaginary things popularised by Jewish holocaust novels and storybooks post war.’ said another fetid Jew stooped over his notepad as he began writing ideas.
They even went as far as to have this German admit that the main reason he is coming out is specifically to quell ‘holocaust deniers’. Previously, the only people who say the holocaust happened were Jews themselves, now they have the German they can all memorise and cite everytime; ‘oh it did happen, Oskar Gröning admitted it did.’
I would like you to believe me,’ he says to the deniers. ‘I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections took place. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened because I was there.’
One important thing to remember is, that outside of the media, outside of television land, outside of Jewish storybooks, no real people say that it happened, and certainly Germans around at the time maintain and say that it did not happen.
Jerry, whose informatives are featured on this site was forced to go to a movie theatre after the War and watch some camp Liberation Films. They tried to get everyone to cry for the Jews. But why would you? You had been taught about the Jews for the last 12 years. Of course the Jews would try to do something like forcibly showing films, and of course they all knew what kind of government they would get if they lost. A very Jewish one! Germany was wrested from Jewish hands, so they were to be shamed. Nobody at all of any standing cared and apparently only weak people and some women cried for the Jews. Any worthwhile person did not care one ounce and they were certainly fully aware that Jews will always try to emotionally manipulate idiotic people. That fact in itself should be seen as one of life’s certainties, and there is not much you can do about that.
Like many during those hateful times, Groening made many wrong decisions as a young man, which ended up with him participating in the attempted destruction of an entire people. For those actions, he should be punished.
It becomes very silly when the Jews try and accuse us of ‘attempted destruction of an entire people’ as if it’s a bad thing when that is exactly what they have been doing to the European Peoples these last 70 years. A look at Germany today will show the highest Jewish population ever, and Germans swiftly being mixed out of existence, any suggestion to not raise immigration quota’s every year higher still labeled ‘racist.’
Even back in 2009 in the under 15 age group foreign scum made up almost half of the ‘recorded’ population! In contrast 100% of Jews are Jews.
It is also interesting to note here how the usual Jewish lie ‘we are a religion’ is not even bothered with here. Suddenly when their suffering comes into it they suddenly become a very important people. When Jews kill us they simply say there are no differences between races it doesn’t matter, indeed they barely even need to waste their breath on it. Speaking about race in relation to immigration ‘leads to holocausts’. We have to remember how much they ‘suffered’.
These last few days we heard about a pan-European cross-party campaign for more immigration into Europe, likening not aiding as many Niggers as possible in coming across the sea to Europe to participating again in a new holocaust. We can see exactly how this lie of the holocaust is being used for its intended purpose. The extermination of the innocent race.
Cecilia Wikström, a Swedish MEP has told The Local that EU member states are currently doing so little to help guarantee safe passage that future generations will compare their actions to Sweden “turning a blind eye” to the Holocaust (
Anything we ever do is always such a holocaust!
Genetic Criminals look forward to going to Germany, becoming millionaires and turning Europe 'multicultural'.
Genetic Criminals look forward to going to Germany, becoming millionaires and turning Europe ‘multicultural’.
Let us just get some home truths:
  1. The Jews mix all the races and accuse us of hate if we don’t die out
  2. We were all fine living separately before  the Jews
  3. The Jews say racism leads to holohoax etc. exterminating them.
Last night when I checked this article on Oskar Gröning on the Daily Mail website, it was getting an incredible comment every two seconds. One Jew was whining that he may be about to be given the life sentence he should have been given at the end of the war. The reason why so many of these SS Veterans are being charged years after is because they could not have given him this sentence at the end of the war as nobody particularly liked or cared about Jews back then, except for Jews themselves. Anything related to the Second World War on any online news outlet is sure to get probably most of Britain’s Jews commenting pretending to be normal non-Jewish outraged people. Even the author himself of the Daily Mail article obviously did not find revealing his Jewish identity particularly relevent to the article. Calling it such things as ‘the greatest crime’, and ‘terrible’, all from the Jewish perspective. And we all know only Jews speak highly of Jews.
At the end of it all we all know its all lies and we all know it didn’t happen, only the media and the Jews say that it did and even if it had have happened it would be fine because Jews are scum.
The world would be so much better without them.
The world would be so much better without them.
– Aidhan
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The Demise of Europe’s Daughters

A Nigger in a Superman Suit
This is what a Nigger said when a Nordic girl simply wrote on her social networking profile that she was tired of being harassed by mongrel races, with all of the annoying messages that come with that such as asking for sex and not taking no for an answer, asking ‘why don’t you like me, why don’t you like me’ over and over again, the expletives and the entitlement etc and so she asked for only her own race to contact her.
She should not need to outline this. She was pounced on for simply saying that she was not interested in certain people.
For daring to simply not talk to or not go out on dates with absolutely anyone and everyone she was told such things as; her parents should have had an abortion, her parents should have used a condom so that she could never have been conceived, she should burn in hell and that she is certainly the next Hitler, probably a descendant.
The girl, 18, who does not want to be identified, but wants the race to see what happens out there on the World Wide Web, wrote this status update:
An intelligent, pure descendent from the pure families, pounced on by the mongrelised majority.
Not only do the sub-humans, barely whites, nearly whites and ugly all came out of the woodwork to oppose racial purity. These scum think they have the right to rape who they please, and if the girl does not like it she should be dead.
This is very different to the White, Aryan or Nordic ‘asking a girl out’. Unlike the mongrel, who would rape anything down to its level, the Nordic, the as yet pinnacle of evolution, the race with instincts and unmolested capacity for further uplift take only evolutionary partners. A Nordic girl throughout history is careful and conscious to only go with someone intelligent, strong, beautiful and not stupid, and visa versa. In our society, the male is not entitled, he must ‘win’ the woman. This ensures the race is not molested by lesser beings.
Our Nordic girl fought back with some facts and truths, and this provoked the above murderous responses.
Should not a young woman be able to state characteristics of her preferred partner, or even someone she might like to meet? Not according to the mongrels.
One can see from this one example how many of our young women are under tremendous strain to be more like the less intelligent, the more race mixed, to fit in a bit more. To abandon the idea of having children that look like them.
Frederick Sands Brunner - Mother Goose Stories
Frederick Sands Brunner – Mother Goose Stories
This phenomenon of being subject to what the enemies of our race think is a huge problem mainly effecting our ‘teenage’ aged girls. In these first few years that they are exposed to the Jewish invention of Facebook etc, for the first time they are desperate to be popular and liked by people outside of the family, they are inside a usually degenerate peer group, these are the years they are most likely to care about what others think of them. These are globalising forces at work, trying to remove the young girl from her folk.
Our girls all over the world are subjected to this, every one of them, except for the ones who are strong enough to be different, strong enough to hold an opinion different from the intellectually retarded masses around them. These ‘modern’ coloured and heterogeneous masses who assert their sordid influence would not have been around our girls until 20 or 30 years ago, depending on the area, and had these girls been around then instead of now, and had they thought the same way, it would have been acceptable. Their homogenous and akin friendship and peer groups could have come around to a spoken assertion, or would have felt these exact same things unspoken, instead of being cultural aliens, who demand acceptance.
The individual who is prepared to preserve her higher standing among bastards is immune to everything but physical rape. How many have the defiance? Who is strong enough to hate everything that is around them while dreaming of a better future? It is an unfortunate truth that not many women are capable of holding an opinion different from those that are around them, but this is also evolutionary, a punishment to the race with the weak males, for the masculine instinct drives progress forwards, and has the power to exclude the regressive, undesirable etc. A race without a healthy male sex, to enforce their will, will cease to be. Only that male sex can recreate the female sex, although in the Nordic Race, that female sex is lusted over by every black and brown idiot going.
Only those young women who are consciously aware of holding a different identity can be immune, and how many can retain that on their own? Many can, but in the present circumstances, of a race that evolved in pre-history, with currently no nation of its own, forcibly integrated to a global market, forced global cultural influence until everyone abandons their own, forced to share space with the teeming multitudes from the sewers of the world, the mongrels are going to mongrelise us one by one, through the woman, until there is no one left to mongrelise. Families that stay Nordic into the next generation, will miscegenate in the next generation. That is why National Socialist sites like these are important, to keep the Nordic flame alive in these years of tyranny and ensure interested people are kept together. That is why it is imperative that we found a new racially exclusive community.
This new racially exclusive community must be bought up and settled, not just for the fire that burns to finally live according to our nature again, in our own racial community unquestioned, not just for the hatred of what we see around us, not just because we know something better, not just because our lives are being wasted, but for the sheer unfeasibility of staying inside the system expecting our folk to survive long enough through conscious decision making by every individual.
The United Nations is ready to inflate the world’s population to 12 billion, and the European Peoples are not included. Most growth will come from ‘the third world’ and spill over to our lands through unrestrained immigration until the population is more or less consistent everywhere. It ought to look something like the below picture.
A Mongrel Hellhole
In a race diminishing in numbers, a higher percentage of the whole that remains must be roused.
Until then, interested people must continue to defy. Nobody represents the Nordic Race but the Nordic Race
– Aidhan
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Beauty Is A Nordic Concept

Beauty is a Nordic concept, held highly by the highest creations. If you are ugly or feel inferior, you may find beauty offensive, you may find it oppressive. It is a good thing these people are marked with ugliness.
‘Hideous, pig-faced dune coon Ruby Hamad’ writes Hamish Patton, of the Daily Stormer.
Ruby Hamad wants to get her way. She claims Australia is her country and the television advertisements here are ‘too white’. Her excuse, it may as well be ‘I am inferior give me what I want.’ Silly excuses like this come on the back of the Jews and their ‘accept us (and other races) or holocausts happen’ lie. The former is not possible without the latter and one has not been made possible without the other. This is a conscious reversal of evolution under the guise of ‘sympathy’ and ‘acceptance’.
The lack of racial diversity in our commercials only further entrenches the implicit assumption that whiteness is the central human condition. White people are the stand-ins that everyone else is expected to identify with, while every other race can only ever represent themselves. – Excerpt from Ruby Hamad
We never asked them to identify with us, in fact we have always maintained we are distinct species. In fact her complaint that ‘whiteness is the central human condition’ only proves that there are parallel humanities, and her complaint that other races can only represent themselves but may be forced to identify with something different only proves separate races need their separate nations.
Not only do Arabs like Ruby Hamad already have their own Nations, they also have invaded most of ours and now make up majority populations in many of them. This is shameless genocide under an excuse that may as well be ‘I’m inferior that makes it fair’.
Separate Races in Separate Nations can only be enforced by the Nordic Race as the highest evolved life form, we have something to preserve.
Race mixing will be resisted by all superior groups with something to preserve.
Imagine if you were to disagree? You cannot reason with undermen.
We do not want to see an ugly Arab on our televisions, most of us don’t even watch television. We leave that to the subhumans. We certainly do not want to see her, and she does not want to see us. The feeling is mutual. This only proves there is no united humanity, but separate races, each with their own values, standards and nations they produce.
Cursed by the sins of their ancestors, the Arabic people are a stagnated mishmash of unevolved Peoples and degraded subraces with even partial Nordic Ancestry. They have been mongrels for so long, that the very word Arab is Hebrew for Mongrel. They embody a world toilet, they represent a septic tank of unwanted human effluent, bred together and concentrated into these rabid emotional dogs we see today as the modern Arab. As a people with whom mixing has gone on for thousands of years, they are obviously in no position to dictate to a pure race who has bred only with its own for thousands of years. They are made from mixing, thus they deem mixing acceptable. If we took advice from the Arabs we would become as unintelligent, ugly and useless as they are.
The pitfalls of asking a disfigured Mongrel how to evolve properly
The pitfalls of asking a disfigured Mongrel how to evolve properly
It is obvious that beauty occurs in the Nordic Race, the origin of beauty is in the Nordic Race. This race upheld the highest standards, bred through tens of thousands of years through sexual selection for its own standards. It has bred into something desirable for itself. Keeping races pure is the opposite of Genocide and it is up to those with superior pedigree to defend it and what they value.
In contrast, the other races are undesirable, and represent stagnated offshoots and degenerative mixes of an unformed sub-humanity. They have no standards, as it was destroyed standards that formed them.
They naturally resent the Nordic Race.
It is a good thing we have our instincts. If you want to preserve beauty and intelligence in this world, it makes sense you ask a beautiful and intelligent person, not a race mixed Arab.
Nordic Homogenity. Enforcing Evolutionary Law
Nordic Homogeneity. Enforcing Evolutionary Law
– Aidhan
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What Is Homosexuality II

The recent article, What Is Homosexuality I fell on deaf ears and would rather be ignored by those that would rather go on believing that homosexuality actually exists.
Many people missed the whole point of the article.
As explained the concept of homosexuality is entirely Jewish made, they don’t really exist, there is no evolutionary reason for having sex with your own sex, it is a made up phenomenon only legitimised by their imaginary ‘oppression’.
  • The people who say that they are, the people who claim that they are, and the males who argue for and side with homosexuals are bottom of the barrel type people, they are often afflicted with things such as physical abnormality, gross disfigurement, ugliness and obvious physical weakness. Calling friendship between these physical abominations a homosexual relationship is the largest cause of people who identify as the Jewish invention of ‘gay’.
  • The lesbians that don’t fall into this category have simply realised that they can receive stimulus from other females through sex toys etc, and this becomes their sexual fetish, their favoured way of receiving orgasm. Men are gotten to support it through Jewish control of pornography, in which actresses are paid and lesbians are depicted.
People still say they couldn’t care less about these faggots as long as they are not around them, or forcing it down their throats. They say this ofcoarse as it is being forced down their throats, to the point where they have gotten them believing that faggots do exist and that this is a problem that cannot be gotten rid of.
Here is an example of why these people believe in faggots. There is a  Jewish soap in which a High School Girl in America wants to go to the Prom with a girl and had to keep it secret from her parents, in the end went, was a little embarrassed, everybody got on great and they embarked on a long relationship of being a ‘couple’. In real life neither the actors were homosexual, or the producers, the directors or anyone involved. Homosexuals do not exist. Netherless any children watching the program will no doubt believe in the dubious invention of homosexuality. No doubt the young girls of our race will grow up with this idea and spend the rest of their lives, feeling sorry for, standing up for or speaking for faggots. With feminism some of these women will probably get into the Media and Government and pass more laws and demand stronger representation for this invented group.
As described in What is Homosexuality I the ‘real homos’ are just Jews and Jewess’s pretending.
This is the source of the rot!
This is the source of the rot!
The Jews can destroy all strength in a race just by inventing the most opposing thing to strength they can think of and saying ‘look your all evil and oppressive’.
Homosexuality is one of the largest, probably the second largest thing stopping the union of our young folk, as girls stand up for this invented group, against their own counterparts.
Homosexuals deem all males to be oppressive until masculinity, and with it a whole sex, and with that a whole race, is denatured and destroyed.
Homosexuality is invented by Jewish Sociologists with no solid theory, they all conflict each other, although that doesn’t matter, as the media makes the portrayals. The sociologists answer is to write in their Newspaper columns, on the News Sites, labelling everyone who won’t see the world they do as ‘evil’ ‘insensitive’ ‘bigots’ ‘homophobes’ ‘haters’ & ‘privileged’. This still does not make Homosexuals actually exist.
Ofcoarse if everybody who mattered read this site, these ‘Sociologists’ would be out of a job.
What Is Homosexuality I
– Aidhan
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