- "Accountability
For War Crimes is Imperative"
- An Interview With Cindy Sheehan
Español | |||
Español |
- "Barack
Obama dio el Paso más Agresivo Contra Venezuela en la Historia
de Estados Unidos"
- dice Nicolás Maduro
Barack Obama Elected President
- An Analysis by The Global Consciousness Project
Español | |||
Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging
- Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook, Blackberry
Cierra la Administración Obama
- Los Republicanos Fuerzan el Primer Cierre del Gobierno
desde 1995
Español | |||
Español | |||
Español | |||
Español |
Feroz Caída en Las Encuestas
- Entre Las Masacres y La Crisis Global, Obama se
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al
Qaeda in Syria
- The Obama
Administration is a "State Sponsor of Terrorism"
Financial Polarization and Corruption - Obama's Politics
of Deception
- Don't Let Him Get Away With It...
Español | |||
Español | |||
- "Identify
The Perpetrator"
- How 'The Obama' Fulfills the "Deceiver" Archetype and
Why it Is Important to Expose Him Publicly
Español |
Imperio Reciclado - Porqué Obama Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush
- Las Líneas Matrices
Internet 'Kill Switch' Dropped
From Cybersecurity Bill
- But White House Still Claims Power to Intervene in
World Wide Web
Biografía Oculta de Los Obama
- Una Familia al Servicio de La CIA
Español | |||
Español | |||
Español | |||
No Puedo Con Obama...
Español |
Obama Continúa Ejerciendo Una Política Neoconservadora
- Proyecto Censurado 2010
Español | |||
Español | |||
Obama is a Liar - Fake NATO
- OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have
Crossed the Russia-Ukraine Border
Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS)
- The Islamic State is
Protected by the U.S. and its Allies
Obama's Oil Man
- George Soros
Obama Wants to Make Sure The Government Can Lock You Up
Without Trial
- The National Defense Authorization Act - NDAA
Orwellian Justice System
- The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life -
Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court...
Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event
- "There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in The
President Obama's Promise - Global War on Terror to
Continue, with Fresh Makeup
- Assassinating People Prevents Them...
Rhetoric of Change
- Among Politicians, Actors, and Preachers
Swinderls List
- Obama's Vicious Band of Zionist Criminals Are Stealing
America Blind and Now Threaten Our Very Lives
0% Doctrine
- Obama Breaks New Ground
When It Comes to War With Iran
The Bureau of Counterterrorism
- Obama Administration Gives Birth to New Agents of
The Clintons - America Politics
- Main File
The Forbidden Truth
- The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in
Syria, Obama is a Liar and a Terrorist
Morning After Obama Was Elected The New US President
- A 15 Minute Phone Conversation With Michael St.Clair
The Obama Administration's
Cover-up of The Flight 253 Affair
- "New Smoking Gun" Disclosures
The Obama Deception
- Information About a New Documentary Regarding The
Current Looting of America
"Obama Doctrine"
- Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind
Obama Killing Machine in Afghanistan
- The "Under-Reporting" of Civilians Killed by Foreign
Obamathon Has Begun
- How Long Will The Honeymoon Last?
The Shutdown of The U.S. Government and "Debt Default"
- A Dress Rehearsal for the Privatization of the Federal
State System?
The Two Contending Visions of World Government
- The Origin and Broader Context of Obama's "Trade"
Español | |||
Italiano | |||
Español | |||
White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering
- Obama, Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks
Was President Obama Gifted The Nobel Peace Prize?
- The Answer to The Burning Question Du Jour
Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery
- Washington Times Report
Obama Birth Certificate Maybe Forged
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says
Español | |||
Español | |||
Third Whistleblower Publicly
Confirms CIA Jump Room Program
- Teleportation
Former Monsanto VP Attaining Top
Position at The FDA
- Sign The Petition to Stop It
Monsanto's Man in The Obama Administration
- The Return of Michael Taylor
U.S. to Start 'Trade Wars' With
Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops
- Leaked Information
Map to Disclosure for President Obama
- 7 Steps to Real Change
America's Drug-Corrupted War
- Obama and Afghanistan
An Exopolitics Christmas Message
- President-Elect Obama and Change We Can Believe In!
- "A
Pair of Testicles Fell Off The President After Election
- Former Guantanamo Chief
Prosecutor Says
Español | |||
Tale of Two Countries
- New Zealand Apologizes for Illegal Domestic Spying,
While U.S. Still Refuses to Acknowledge NSA's...
Español |
Barack Obama y John McCain
- La Misma Cosa Pero Con Diferente Calzón...
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare
- What Is The U.S. Government Planning?
China's Crucial Role as America's
- Strained US-China Relations
Contact - Learning From Outer
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011
Global Competitiveness Forum and UFOs
Copenhagen Is On
- Obama Proposes a Treaty And Leads U.S. Delegation
- Coast Guard and Obama Administration Betrays The
People and Country It Is Sworn to Protect
Dollar Collapse Update
- "Obama Demands Pay in Euros!"
Español |
EE.UU. y Teherán Se Posicionan Para La Guerra
- Plan de Ataque
Español |
Estados Unidos es Un Títere de La
Banca Privada
- Entrevista de Anastasia Churkina al Cineasta Alex
Everything Is A Lie
- The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All
Time High
Español | |||
Expediting The Grand Jihad
- The Muslim Brotherhood
Forced Abortions and Mass
Sterilization Needed to 'Save' the Planet
- says John Holdren,
Obama's Science Czar
From Democracy to Plutocracy
- The United States of Corporate America
GOP Debate Evades ET Disclosure
Issue -
Now on Obama White House Website
Español | |||
Huge Fines for Refusing to Buy
Health Insurance
- Americans Threatened With Jail Time
- "Hunt
For Bin Laden" A National Shame
- Bin Laden Never Mentioned
in McChrystal Report or Obama Speech
Hurricane Sandy as Environmental
War -
Israel's Pillars of Samson
- Not Quite Armageddon, But…
Español | |||
Español | |||
- "Let
the Plunder Begin"
- The Return of Robert Rubin
Español | |||
Español | |||
Español | |||
Memo to A More Conscious American
- From a Fellow Achiever Who Is Gravely Concerned About
Our Future
Mr. Smiley, Smiley, Hope and
- Obama - Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak Not of Evil
New World Order Blueprint Leaked
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership
- "Nobel
Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama, is Preparing for War in
South America"
- Interview With Eva Golinger
Español | |||
Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu
Propaganda Blitz
- To Counter Growing Criticism From Scient...
Obama Administration Pushing a Secretive Trade Agreement
- Leaked Trade Doc Shows
Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid...
Español |
Obama, La Guerra Financiera y La
Eliminación de DSK
- Escándalo del Patrón del FMI
Italiano |
Obama, La Guerra Finanziaria e
l'Eliminazione di DSK
- Lo Scandalo del Patron del FMI
Obama’s TTIP Trade Deal with
Europe Would Be Disastrous for Europe
- Says the First Independent Study
Obama's War
- Why is The Largest Military Machine on The Planet
Unable to Defeat The Resistance in Afghanistan
- "Operation
Justified Vengeance"
- Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of
A Broader Military Agenda
Español |
Evitar Una Guerra Nuclear Con Irán
- Discurso de Fidel Castro en Parlamento Cubano - Agosto
Español | |||
Español |
Presidente Obama, ¡Hágalo!
- Emplazamiento al
Presidente de Estados Unidos
Español |
- ¿Qué
Podrá Depararnos El Futuro?
- Línea de Tiempo 1, Variante 83
China Successfully Blackmails The Obama Administration
- Federal Reserve Will Be Broke by August of 2009
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead
in US as Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
- Genetically Modified Organism - GMO
Sarkozy Booted in France in Favor of Socialist Leader
- What is Socialism and What Does It Mean for the New
World Order?
Español | |||
Something Funny Is Going On
- Our Government Is Not What It Appears to Be
Español | |||
Game That Goes On and On
- A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government
The Octopus Is Dying
- 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger
Missing-Presumed Dead
The Science of Physical Economy
- Economics as History
Español |
Todo Es Una Mentira
- El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está
en Su Punto Más Alto
Two Faces of The Same Coin
- Obama-McCain Candidates of The Global
Español | |||
Italiano |
Una Oligarchia Detiene Il Potere
Politico Negli Stati Uniti
- La Commissione Trilaterale Domina il Governo Obama
Español |
Una Oligarquía Tiene El Poder
Político en Los EE.UU.
- La Comisión Trilateral Domina El Gobierno de Obama
Español | |||
Español | |||
Washington Exposed As Secretly Financing Al-Qaeda
- President-Elect Obama Demands Payment of The
What May The Future Hold?
- Timeline 1, Variant 83
Who Are The Architects of Economic Collapse?
- Will an Obama Administration Reverse The Tide?
Whose Sarin?
With Liberty to Monitor All
- How Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism,
Law, and American Democracy
Barack H.Obama - The Unauthorized
- by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Capitalismo - Historia de Un
- Capitalism - A Love Story
Collateral Murder
- Wikileaks
- Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's New Film Exposes
Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare - DemocracyNow!
Fall of The Republic
- The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
National Security is A Myth
- Patrick Wood Report
Obama and The Agenda to Destroy
- David Icke
- "Obama
- El Gran Engaño"
- de Alex Jones
Obama - Things Are Not Always What They Seem
- Adrian Salbuchi
President Obama, Do The Right Thing!
- Appointing Pro-Israeli Hawks Isn't Change We Can
Believe In
The Trilateral Commission
- Analysis by Patrick Wood
Unraveling The Soetoro-Obama Deception
- Unicus Radio
What Happened to Strauss-Kahn, Was
No Accident
- New Political Shift in Progress...
Related Reports
George Soros
and The Rothschild
- Main File
The Actual Syrian Case
- Main File
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File
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