Sunday, March 29, 2015

URGENT: Here’s the Insane Threat Obama Just Sent US Allies for Defying His Agenda

URGENT: Here’s the Insane Threat Obama Just Sent US Allies for Defying His Agenda

President Barack Obama and his administration continue to destroy decades-old, invaluable alliances all across the globe, as Obama prepares to finalize his ridiculously soft “legacy deal” concerning Iran’s future nuclear capability.
In an effort to silence other countries’ criticism over White House negotiations with Iran and their willingness to make unbelievably asinine concessions, the administration has reportedly engaged in bully tactics, including direct threats to allies like France and Saudi Arabia.

France, a country understandably cautious about Iran’s nuclear program, has respectfully disagreed with Obama’s intentions to sign a quick deal. After all, France is much closer, geographically, to a nuclear Iran than the United States.
French officials, including President Francois Hollande, are shocked at the campaign Obama launched to counter their concerns and their willingness to sacrifice a long-standing friendship and strategic alliance between the two countries.
“The French want a deal, but they see no rush and repeat that Iranians need a deal more than we do, and that we shouldn’t fix artificial deadlines that put more pressure on us than Iran,” said Benjamin Haddad, a research fellow at the Hudson Institute.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, a recent phone call between Obama and French President Hollande was described as “tense,” with both leaders disagreeing over deal concessions.
Politically speaking, Obama has already spat in the face of Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads a country most at risk from Iran developing nuclear weapon capabilities in the next decade.
The French are pushing for a “robust” deal that would guarantee that Iran couldn’t reduce its “breakout time” for nuclear weapons development or during or immediately after the term of an agreement.
Obama, on the other hand, doesn’t care much about what the rest of the world thinks — he just wants to add “nuclear deal with Iran” to his liberal resume.
Now with reports indicating Iran is demanding yet another absurd concession — one that would pressure the United States to tell Saudi Arabia to halt the bombing of Iran-backed rebels in Yemen who’re trying to destroy its Western-backed government — it should make for an interesting and frightening week ahead.

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