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Zecharia Sitchin and aliens from Nibiru

Zecharia Sitchin and aliens from Nibiru

Опубликовано December 1, 2011  Комментариев Comments: 6  Прочтений 8066
Zecharia Sitchin and aliens from Nibiru The last two or three years, the media heavily hysteria about the end of the world in 2012. Armageddon scenario that emerged from the bizarre symbiosis last date of the Maya calendar and the myth of the planet Nibiru, Marduk. Leapfrog arguments and counterarguments somehow forgotten that man, through which the myth of Nibiru got modern sound - who died in October 2010, an American researcher Zecharia Sitchin - called quite a different date of convergence of our planet and Marduk, namely 2085.

Mythology as ancient journalism

Zecharia Sitchin was born July 11, 1920 in Baku - the capital of the young Soviet Azerbaijan. He grew up in Palestine, where his parents had moved. There Zechariah received knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, as well as the Old Testament, on the history and archeology of the Middle East. Later he graduated from the London School of Economics and the University of London. But the main interest in life Sitchin has become ancient history, which he gave a very peculiar interpretation. Having spent many years as a journalist and editor in Israel, in the future, Zechariah lived and worked in New York.

Миф о приближающейся планете будоражит людские умы
The myth of the approaching planet excites the minds of men

Few could match with this person in the knowledge of ancient languages. Being one of the few linguists who can read Sumerian cuneiform texts, it also is a recognized authority in the field of Hebrew and Egyptian hieroglyphics. That's just an unusual method to Sitchin's interpretation of ancient texts still raises numerous objections men of science. Regardless of whether it is biblical, Sumerian, Egyptian and other texts, Zacharias insisted that they should not be seen allegorically as myths, and just as modern journalism. "If someone says that a group of 50 people landed in the Persian Gulf under the leadership of Enki - he argued - and wade to reach the shore, build a settlement, so why should I have to say that it never happened that a metaphor myth, imagination, someone just came up with this. "

Created humans

Starting from the book "The Twelfth Planet, which came out in 1976. Zecharia Sitchin developed his unique interpretation of ancient texts. In the end, it has developed into a vast and fascinating history, which could well serve as a subject is not one fantastic film. But, according to the writer, these are the events happening in reality at the dawn of humanity. Sitchin argues that in the solar system, there is another planet, very distant from the light and moving on an elongated elliptical orbit - Nibiru, or otherwise, Marduk. During its rotation around the Sun is about 3600-3760 years. From there, in ancient times came to Earth paleoastronavty - Biblical giants, or Anunnaki, the Sumerians who were described as humanoid creatures rising three and a half - five meters with a lifespan of up to 360,000 years.

It beings with Nibiru artificially created modern humanity, genetically engineered combining their genes with the genes of Homo erectus - Homo erectus, or more simply, Pithecanthropus. Sitchin developed this hypothesis in a series of books: "Stairway to Heaven", "War of Gods and Men," "Lost Worlds" and "when to start time." Texts series collectively known as "The Earth Chronicles" and were supplemented by another work - "Revised being." The researcher found confirmation of his ideas in the materials of the International Consortium for sequencing (decoding) of the human genome, discovered in the genome of the 223 unique genes that seemed at first, did not have predecessors in evolution. But more work was going consortium, the more plausible explanation in the biological sense given the identified paradoxes. In particular, it was found that about 40 of the aforesaid mysterious human genes inherited from the so-called prokaryotes - single-celled organisms that do not have formalized the cell nucleus, ie bacteria. After all, these tiny creatures completely dominated the planet 3,6-1,6 billion years ago.

Fragments of Tiamat

Representations of the Sumerian origin of the universe lay in the fact that, in their opinion, then there was only water and chaos reigned terrible. From his first gods were born. Over time, some of the gods wished to establish order in the universe. This aroused the indignation of God Abzu and his wife Tiamat - the goddess of chaos, the mother of all dragons. But supporters of the order were united under the leadership of the wise god Ea and killed Abzu. Tiamat decided to take revenge for the death of a spouse. Then the rebels led by Marduk in the bloody battle battled goddess of chaos, and its huge body was cut into two parts, one of which became part of the land, and the other - the sky. Blood same Abzu mixed with clay, and from this mix came the first man.

Нибиру (в вавилонском варианте -Мардук) поражает богиню хаоса Тиамат
Nibiru (in the Babylonian version -Marduk) affects the goddess of chaos, Tiamat

In the interpretation of Sitchin Tiamat seems more planets formed after the formation of the solar system and move in an orbit of this asteroid belt. After the collision with the satellite planet Marduk was split into two halves. During the next pass through the inner solar system is itself Nibiru, Marduk was faced with one of the halves of the "goddess of chaos" and turned it into the asteroid belt. The second part of Tiamat after "meeting" head-on with another companion Nibiru came into a new orbit, which now acquired called "Earth". Despite the fact that scientists are convinced of the impossibility of such a scenario, proponents of Sitchin sure that it explains the reason for the separation of the continents on our planet, and the nature of the layers in sedimentary rocks. Confirmation of the correctness of the American writer and find that the Earth's continents are concentrated on one side, and the other is a vast ocean.

Stolen gods

In the book of Sitchin's "Divine aliens" in accordance with the theory paleocontacts retold stories from the Bible, Sumerian and Egyptian sources, ranging from the Garden of Eden and to Gilgamesh. Writer believes. that all references to deities actually point to the Anunnaki, and makes no distinction between the modern cases of abductions by aliens and earthlings same actions by paleoastronavtov. Stressing that personally he was never kidnapped, Sitchin states: if today a similar experience is seen as a negative, coupled with the painful experiences, that "in ancient times, joining the gods was great and unique privilege. Only a few were awarded this. "

Descendants of close contacts of people and aliens deified in ancient times perceived as demigods. In the Bible, according to Zecharia Sitchin, it is clearly stated that the Anunnaki chose their wives from the daughters of humans and had children by them, as a rule, very important personalities. These demigods are described in Mesopotamian literature and in ancient Egyptian mythology, and, to some extent, in the ancient Greek sources. After all, the same Alexander the Great believed that the children of the gods entered into a relationship with his mother.

Ancient Anunnaki?

The argument that the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations were extraterrestrial source, does not exclude the likelihood of having to Sitchin on Earth earlier and perhaps more developed cultures. In these conclusions, he is repelled by the Sumerian and Assyrian legends. King Ashurbanipal, for example, said he could read the texts, dating back to antediluvian times, and talked about cities and the people who murdered a global cataclysm. So for the researcher only a resounding "yes" becomes the answer to the question of the existence of an unknown civilization to the Sumerians, and even before the Great Flood.

Захария Ситчин знал множество древних языков
Zecharia Sitchin knew many ancient languages

Just as literally as the Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology perceives Zecharia Sitchin and the writings of the ancient Greek Plato, although it emphasizes that the more confusing points to the location of Atlantis. "Whether it is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, which later became known as My, or in Antarctica? It is unclear what the title of the reports [Plato] actually. But there are no issues - once upon a time there was a kind of civilization that was destroyed or disappeared as a result of the terrible catastrophe, the Great Flood or other similar phenomena. "

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