Saturday, April 11, 2015
Was Phenergan Marilyn Monroe’s Silent Killer, and Was She a Victim of Psychological Abuse, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death? New Possible Theories Regarding the Death of Marilyn Monroe
Was Phenergan Marilyn Monroe’s Silent Killer, and Was She a Victim of Psychological Abuse, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death? New Possible Theories Regarding the Death of Marilyn Monroe
August 2, 2012 at 12:00 AM
NEWTON, NJ – I consider the start of my career as a Marilyn Monroe researcher and scholar started at the tender age of nine, when I first read a book about her.
However, her iconic face was so familiar to me before I pored over my first sentence in Norman Mailer’s book.
Since then, my fascination and commitment to preserving and protecting her legacy has not waned.
I own a collection of original and unpublished photographs and negatives, as well as a few small items that once belonged to Marilyn Monroe.
My work has involved collaborations with others, including German collector, Ted Stampfer, who I have known for over five years.
Knowing my research for a book project I had planned about Marilyn, Ted had the foresight that some of his items might be helpful to me in my research.
One of his items brought my research to a screeching halt, and shifted my path.
When I was 17 years old, I vowed to write something to “set the record straight”, in terms of putting to rest the rumors of Marilyn’s life, and death.
I firmly believe what I have recently discovered, as well the research of another very significant person who was interviewed for this story, will accomplish that.
What is most amazing to me, however, is how everything has come full-circle in terms of my work with the life of Marilyn Monroe.
In it I have learned, serendipitous events occur, ones that we do not realize at the time, are a part of the fabric in which our own lives are woven.
My Introduction to Phenergan
It was at the beginning of 2012, the year marking the 50th anniversary of Marilyn’s death, when I received an item of Ted Stampfer's.
I unwrapped a delicate slip of paper, gently cloaked in tissue paper, and my heart skipped a beat.
“What the heck is this?” I asked myself aloud, my mouth dropping open.
It turned out to be a prescription written for Marilyn Monroe the day before she died, on August 3, 1962.
I felt as if I held a small piece of history in the palm of my hand.
The circumstances surrounding Marilyn Monroe’s mysterious and untimely death have been a topic of conversation since her passing was reported to the Los Angeles Police Department on August 5, 1962. The theories and rumors have not stopped flying since.
Suicide? Probable suicide? Murder by the mob, and/or John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy have also been thrown out there.
Her death was coined a “probable suicide” following the autopsy.
I personally have always been suspicious of the cause of her death yet, have never bought into the sensationalist theories, especially having to do with the Kennedys. That focus was brought about by a random cast of characters such as the late Bob Slatzer, a journalist who helped to spin several books and numerous documentaries on the subject, falsely claiming to even have been married to Marilyn Monroe for three days.
The Slatzer story was nothing more than tabloid fodder; and he was one in a long line of individuals who claimed to have been closely affiliated with Marilyn Monroe, when he in fact never was.
I was always distrustful of those who I thought were the strongest suspects with the most to gain: members of the “cast” verified closest to her in those final days and hours; most especially her housekeeper Eunice Murray, her psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Greenson, and her internist Dr. Hyman Engelberg.
On the day Marilyn Monroe died, these three were present at the death scene in her bedroom when police arrived, and their behaviors were erratic, including first calling the police more than an hour after Dr. Engelberg pronounced her dead.
Others slated for monetary gain included Marilyn’s psychiatrist, Dr. Marianne Kris, and her acting coach Lee Strasberg, both named in her will.
Lee Strasberg was a specified residuary beneficiary of the estate of Marilyn Monroe per her last will, executed in January 1961.
Her will in itself is questionable most especially, because of research I have discovered, which points to it possibly not having been executed on the date it was supposedly executed on.
I am not the first person to question the validity of Marilyn Monroe’s will.
Marilyn was scheduled for an appointment to draw up a new will, which was set to take place the week following her death in August 1962.
Marilyn Monroe’s secretary Inez Melson for one, believed circumstances regarding her will were shady, as well as Marilyn’s own half-sister, Berniece Miracle, who discussed this in her book, “My Sister Marilyn”.
Another very controversial player in the whole production, yet someone who never met Marilyn Monroe, is Anna Strasberg, the second wife of acting coach Lee Strasberg, who is also his widow (he died in 1982).
The right of publicity for Marilyn Monroe has been challenged in court, with judges ruling that it died with her in 1962. And in the eyes of many, including mine, Anna Strasberg hijacked Marilyn Monroe’s name, in spite of court orders, and has continued to pocket millions of dollars on her lifetime work. Click here to read an article on the topic from The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel.
When Marilyn Monroe died, her financial records showed she was in monetary crisis, facing several lawsuits, and literally cash poor.
How then, could Marilyn’s legacy have reaped millions of dollars annually posthumously, considering the economic state she was in?
Eunice Murray, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, Lee and Paula Strasberg, Dr. Marianne Kris, the Anna Freud Centre, and also Anna Strasberg have all had something fiscally to gain from Marilyn Monroe’s death, based on several technicalities.
To them, she has become a platinum blonde commodity, worth more dead than alive.
I once challenged Dr. Greenson’s great niece in an online forum, after she asked why the controversy between her uncle and Marilyn Monroe was not put to rest.
“Why is he still-why are WE still constantly being berated? He's dead, she's dead. People still won't leave this alone!” Greenson’s great-niece exclaimed.
“People won't leave this alone because we care about Marilyn and want to know what happened to her,” I wrote back in reply. “Thanks to the lack of honesty and integrity in part to your great uncle, Eunice Murray and Dr. Engelberg on 8/5/62 we will never completely know the answers. Sorry, that's why we won't leave it alone.”
Prescription number 20857 was for Phenergan (known by its generic name of Promethazine), 25 milligrams, and 25 tablets, signed off by Hyman Engelberg, MD, Marilyn Monroe’s internist. He pronounced Marilyn Monroe dead in her home at around 3:50am on August 5, 1962, in Dr. Greenson’s and Eunice Murray’s presence, then called the police nearly an hour later to alert them she had “committed suicide”.
I was now holding prescription number 20857 in my hand, and felt as if this living document was speaking to me about the death of Marilyn Monroe.
It is very well known that on the day Marilyn Monroe was found dead, an empty bottle of Nembutal, also known as Pentobarbital, was found on her nightstand. Nembutal has always been to blame for her death.
The Nembutal prescription (number 20588) was filled, along with Phenergan, on August 3, 1962 at the Vincente Pharmacy, for 25 pills.
Books about Marilyn Monroe have documented Phenergan too, yet always noted it as an “anti-histamine”.
What immediately set the bells and whistles off in my head about Marilyn Monroe’s Phenergan prescription, however was one word noted on the prescription for its purpose: “sleep”.
To date, I have found no research where Phenergan has been considered as a factor in her death, as an investigative journalist I strongly believe Phenergan precipitated the death of Marilyn Monroe, and went so undetected as it did.
Having experiences already in writing articles about drug interactions in the celebrity realm (click here to read one of these articles), handling this slip of paper triggered something in me, and I immediately went to work researching it.
Yet, Phenergan is also a sedative, mild anesthetic, and anti-emetic (anti-nausea) drug. The U.S. National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institute of Health, posts a warning about this drug at the top of its webpage (click here to view), especially for children, due to its effect on respiration. Phenergan can cause breathing to slow or stop, and can cause death. It also warns of side effects for all ages, especially if already on sleeping pills.
My concern once I learned of Phenergan was the sedative effect. Marilyn was already on a sedative, Nembutal, a barbiturate depressing her central nervous system.
Her body previously developed a strong tolerance to Nembutal though, as well as Chloral Hydrate, another power sedative and hypnotic medication found in her autopsy report, and she was not acclimated to Phenergan.
Since she had not developed a tolerance to Phenergan, could it have been the one that tipped the scale in the direction of eternal slumber for Marilyn Monroe?
I spent many late nights researching, analyzing and dissecting this drug, in combination with the others. My preliminary research uncovered when combined with Nembutal, the two should be monitored closely, with a significant interaction, and tendency to increase sedation. Add that in with the Chloral Hydrate, then three drug interactions are found with similar effects.
Documentation of the drugs found on Marilyn Monroe’s nightstand showed one Phenergan pill was missing from the bottle at the time of her death, meaning she had ingested one after it was prescribed, and before she actually died a day later.
I planned to explore the Phenergan possibility further.
However, little did I realize about 3,000 miles away, a parallel path was being explored about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe that went hand-in-hand with what I was working on, and would eventually intersect on the same avenue as mine.
Meeting The Marilyn Monroe Family
An important element, and person, was about to walk into the picture, who would further influence my course of research.
I was on a Facebook thread on a friend’s page, and saw a comment from a person who went by the identity of “Marilyn Monroe Family”.
“Who is that?” I asked myself.
I learned of a webpage that read, “Marilyn Monroe Family”, and was skeptical. I had seen others pretend they were relatives of Marilyn Monroe in my past, and challenged them.
Their webpage motto read, "We're not related to Anna Strasberg, Anna Freud, or Authentic Brands Group....We're just related to Marilyn Monroe..."
I immediately conducted my due diligence, and discovered the owner of the Marilyn Monroe Family Facebook Page, and website was an individual named Jason Kennedy (not related to JFK and RFK). Being an obsessive genealogist, and locating his family tree online, I discovered his bloodlines checked out on the Hogan side of the family, with his great-grandfather (William Marion Hogan) related to Marilyn Monroe’s grandmother (Della Mae Hogan) as siblings.
Jason Kennedy is Marilyn Monroe’s second cousin once removed.
Jason sent me a friend request after I posted my comments in reply to his, and we began an offline discussion about his cousin.
I soon learned he was on a similar quest for the truth as I was.
Marilyn Monroe Fans, and others have attacked Jason for posts he has written about Marilyn Monroe online, asking why it appears to be a sudden interest from his family 50 years after her death.
Jason himself was born several years following his cousin’s death, and, did not know his exact lineage to her until one year ago.
His investigation began innocently to learn more about his famous relative, and like me, he soon uncovered something more sinister behind the scenes.
Although Marilyn Monroe had family, her doctors, psychologists, and acting coaches isolated her from them, Jason said.
“Members of the Hogan Family, who lived in the Los Angeles area, had attempted to make contact with Marilyn Monroe after she was famous, and their efforts to connect with her were blocked,” Jason told me.
Jason’s grandmother spent time with Marilyn (who he often refers to by her given name of “Norma” in conversation), when the two were young.
“The ‘Surgeon Story’ is the smoking gun,” Jason wrote to me in our early correspondences.
I had no idea what the “Surgeon Story” was, and I was soon to learn. And learn how it was connected to what I was working on; and that in Jason Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe’s cousin, I had a parallel research partner.
“Best Finest Surgeon…Bring Me To Life..."
Jason sent me a message one evening.
“Can you please click on this special link, and check my research please?” he asked.
Although Marilyn Monroe’s relative, he was still learning the facts about his famous cousin. He was aware of my knowledge base, and asked for my opinion on what he had found.
I cautiously opened up what seemed like a secret passageway on the Marilyn Monroe Family webpage.
“How can you see into my eyes like open doors?” I heard the hauntingly resonant voice of Amy Lee of Evanescence sing in the song, “Bring Me To Life” as the page launched.
“Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb,” I heard it continue, and then saw a video of Marilyn Monroe appear. She was dressed in black, with her arms folded, and looking sadly into the camera lens, with the pleading words “Help Me” splattered above her head in blood-red lettering.
“Without a soul, my spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold,” flashed across in red in accompaniment with Amy Lee’s song. “Until you find it there and lead it back home.”
I began to read words across the webpage that were penned by Marilyn Monroe’s handwriting in 1955 on Waldorf-Astoria Stationery, a piece that ended up in the book, “Fragments”.
“Best finest surgeon-Strassberg (sic),” she wrote.
My eyes widened, and I began blinking rapidly as I read. I was confused at first, and then a sickening pit formed in my stomach. I covered my mouth with my hand, as I continued to read in horror.
“to (sic) cut me open which I don’t mind…”
Marilyn next referred to her psychiatrist, Dr. Margaret Hohenberg. She was under Hohenberg’s care when she moved to New York in 1955. Dr. Hohenberg was treating Marilyn Monroe and Milton Greene, her then-business partner, simultaneously. She was the first to prescribe the heavy sedatives to Marilyn, including Nembutal.
“Dr. H has prepared me – given me anesthetic and has also dyanosed (sic) the case and agrees with what has to be done –,” I continued to read.
“an (sic) operation – to bring myself back to life,” I read, which echoed eerily similar to the Amy Lee lyrics and song title.
“and (sic) to cure me of this terrible dis-ease (sic) what ever (sic) the hell it is -,” Marilyn wrote.
By this time, tears were streaming down my face, and I began shaking my head from side to side.
Marilyn Monroe’s pain was strong, and deeply evident from her testimony.
“What the hell did they do to her?” I asked Jason in reply via email.
I continued to read Marilyn’s writings about then-husband Arthur Miller, who was waiting to hear news about her operation’s success, about her mention of her friends Hedda and Norman [Rosten] (who were also beneficiaries in her will, and Norman Rosten strangely corresponded after Marilyn’s death with her California psychologist, Dr. Greenson), and Milton Greene, who she wrote passed the time listening to music and taking photos of “great paintings”.
“Strassberg (sic) cuts me open after Dr. H gives me Anisithea (sic) and trys (sic) in a medical way to comfort me – everything in the room is white infact (sic) I can’t even see anyone just white objects -,” Marilyn writes on the second page.
She continues to chronicle how Lee Strasberg cuts into her, and nothing is inside of her, only finely cut sawdust spills all over the floor, and table, as if it has fallen out of a Raggedy Ann Doll.
“Dr. H is pusseled (sic) because sudenly (sic) she realizes that this is a new type of case –,” Marilyn wrote. “The patient (puple (sic) or student – I started to write) existing of complete emptyness (sic). Strassbergs (sic) dreams & hopes for the theater are fallen. Dr. H’s – “ “ a permant (sic) phyicatricic (sic) cure is given up – Arthur – is disapointed (sic) – let down &.”
“Surgeon Story” Dissected
I sat there puzzled, stunned, quiet, and dismayed by what I had just read, uncertain how to digest it, and knowing something did not smell right.
“When I found the ‘Surgeon Story’, I knew I was done,” Jason told me during one of our first phone interviews, after having first corresponded by email and instant messages sporadically, and then regularly on the subject.
Online publications have referred to the “Surgeon Story” as a dream or nightmare. Even a musician, Annie Clark, was inspired to write a song with the lyrics, "Best, finest surgeon/Come cut me open”, because she believed Marilyn wrote the words due to her reverence of Lee Strasberg during her studies with him.
Jason, on the other hand, likened it to a very real time in the life of Marilyn Monroe, and her narrative of the experience, after being subject to mind-control techniques and drugs at the hands of Lee Strasberg and Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, when she underwent private sessions with the duo in 1955 to help release blocks in her acting techniques.
Their methodology consisted of having Marilyn Monroe delve into painful childhood memories, they told her, to make her into a great actress.
According to Jason’s research, the pair convinced Marilyn this was all a part of “helping” her. He said she was confused from the start as she documented the “Surgeon Story” details, correcting her own details of the story from “pupil” or “student”, to coining herself the “patient”.
"It was a mental operation," Jason said. "She wasn't physically cut, but mentally cut open."
He said it was used to break her down and change her behavior.
“This had nothing to do with acting,” Jason continued. “It was pure and simple extortion using mind control techniques. Also, ‘mind-control drugs’ were only one aspect of the process of mind-control. Sensory deprivation, dissociative anesthetic drugs, and psychic driving are part of an overall process of mind-control.”
Lee Strasberg often referred to himself as doctor, including in his 1965 book, "Strasberg At The Actor's Studio: Tape Recorded Sessions".
In later years in fact, after Marilyn Monroe’s services were discontinued with Dr. Hohenberg, she underwent psychotherapy with Dr. Marianne Kris, whose office was in the same building where the Strasberg Family resided.
Dr. Marianne Kris eventually wrongly incarcerated Marilyn Monroe in New York’s Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic in solitary confinement in 1961, just after Marilyn Monroe’s last will and testament was executed. She was later released and transferred to another facility to rest and recuperate from her traumatic experience at Payne Whitney, after Joe DiMaggio, her ex-husband, stepped up to the plate to rescue her.
Jason described the “Surgeon Story” as a “1955 eye-witness account of criminal coercive financial extortion utilizing Sensory Deprivation (White Torture), and dissociative anesthetic drugs, that not only enhance the effects of Sensory Deprivation, but also to restrict movement while applying psychic driving techniques.”
As part of it her “treatment” Marilyn Monroe, according to the research uncovered by Jason, endured sessions with Lee Strasberg and Dr. Hohenberg to coerce her to turn over her personal funds, to help financially support Lee Strasberg’s theater, and the Anna Freud Centre.
Dr. Hohenberg and Dr. Kris were both Freudian doctors taking direct orders on psychiatric treatment of Marilyn Monroe from Dr. Anna Freud (as well as Marilyn Monroe having also met directly with Dr. Freud while she stayed in London).
Lee Strasberg’s legacy and theater, and the Anna Freud Centre have each financially benefitted from Marilyn Monroe’s will, now with Anna Strasberg at the helm, guiding the marketing end of the estate, and financially profiting off of a woman, Marilyn Monroe, who she never met.
Phenergan’s Tie to Sensory Deprivation and Other Mind Control Methodologies
Long before Anna Strasberg came into the picture however, several major players had a hold on Marilyn Monroe’s life from 1955 through her death in 1962: Lee and Paula Strasberg, Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, Arthur Miller, Milton Greene, Hedda and Norma Rosten, Dr. Marianne Kris, Eunice Murray, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, and Dr. Anna Freud.
This cast of characters attempted to influence Marilyn Monroe, taking advantage of her pocketbook, her schedule, and her life, while lacing her up with mind-altering drugs.
Those who were genuinely concerned about her and attempted to reach her including Joe DiMaggio, her half-sister Berniece Miracle, and even Jason Kennedy’s family who knew her at that time, were shut out.
Marilyn Monroe was told to forget about her family, leave them behind, and change her name (she legally changed it to Marilyn Monroe in 1956 after years of using this name professionally).
In the 1950’s, the United States Government was funding and promoting mind-control experiments, and utilizing mind-altering drugs, Sensory Deprivation, and Psychic Driving techniques.
“The ‘Surgeon Story’ documents these techniques exactly,” Jason said.
In her account, Marilyn refers to the room, as well as all objects in the room, as being the color white. She also refers to being anesthetized, and the subliminal messages she received, Jason said, which pointed back to the attempts of those who controlled her life and destiny to sign over funds and control to them.
Many of the drugs found on Marilyn’s nightstand upon her death, or in her system, were used in mind-control experiments, such as Nembutal (13 mg percent found in her liver), and Chloral Hydrate (8 mg percent found in her blood), as well as Phenergan.
These drugs were used in “Truth Drug” experiments and also “sleep cocktails”. Drugs mixed together in cocktails included Seconal, Vemoral, Thorazine, Nembutal, and Phenergan.
The experiments with these prescription medications implemented “depatterning” with the drug or “sleep therapy”, combined with electro-shock therapy, and “psychic driving” or, messages repeated via tape recordings.
Nembutal, and Phenergan, were all found in Marilyn Monroe’s home after she died (she was prescribed Seconal previously, including the month before her death), as well as prescriptions for other sedatives, anti-anxiety medications, stimulants, and more.
Phenergan, which was prescribed for Marilyn Monroe on August 3, 1962, did not show up during the autopsy, and was not tested for.
A Pharmacist’s Perspective
In delving into the pharmacological questions, I consulted with a pharmacist for further advice about Phenergan, Nembutal, and Chloral Hydrate.
One of the pharmacists at Newton Pharmacy, who requested not to be named in this article, did comment on the three drugs in major question in this article.
The pharmacist said in this day and age, Phenergan is used mostly as an anti-nausea medication, for airsickness or seasickness.
“You don’t see it much for sedation,” the pharmacist commented.
The representative from Newton Pharmacy did note Phenergan presents a potential risk of stopping the heart, though less in adults, it has a black box warning for children, meaning it can cause life-threatening adverse effects.
The pharmacist agreed Phenergan, also known by the name Promethazine, could possibly, “send someone over the edge, especially if mixed with alcohol”.
“I wouldn’t rule it out,” the pharmacist said, and indicated while on Chloral Hydrate or barbiturates there could be what is known as an “additive effect”, meaning there is an increased risk of respiratory depression.
“All new drugs to a patient, if used for a short-term, might be more of a risk,” the pharmacist continued, noting if a person is not acclimated to a particular drug, it could cause issues for a patient ingesting it.
The pharmacist could not comment on Nembutal (Pentobarbital), also not commonly used now, except for animal sedation and euthanasia, as well as physician-assisted suicide, and some cases of capital punishment.
“It’s not widely used anymore,” said the pharmacist about Chloral Hydrate. “It’s a sleeping medication, it’s very severe."
Chloral Hydrate has a depressant effect, and it does put a person at risk of respiratory depression.
A modern-day victim of Chloral Hydrate (mixed with other drugs) was Anna Nicole Smith, who developed a tolerance to it.
Other known celebrities who succumbed to sleep drugs, and anesthetics were Michael Jackson, and Heath Ledger, who, like Marilyn Monroe was prescribed an anti-histamine for sleep.
“In this day and age, you have to be your own advocate,” the pharmacist concluded, about a patient’s role in their own care.
Patients on one hand, need to have an open and honest relationship with their doctors about the medications they are on.
On the other hand, doctors, the pharmacist said, really need to trust their patients, and must counsel the patients prior to prescribing medications, to alert them of the risks, and monitor their blood pressure, especially if prescribing narcotic medications.
A Dialogue About The Crime Scene With a Police Chief
On August 5, 1962 at approximately 4:35am, the Los Angeles Police Department received a phone call that Marilyn Monroe had died as a result of suicide.
As Marilyn Monroe’s body was wheeled to the morgue, Eunice Murray, Marilyn Monroe’s housekeeper, busily walked around her property, did laundry, spoke cheerfully to reporters and photographers, and ushered in various parties to the home.
Many have questioned her demeanor, as well as the conduct of the two doctors at the scene.
And also questioned how thorough the police investigation was into Marilyn Monroe’s death.
“Los Angeles back then and now has an excellent reputation,” said the Town of Newton Police Chief, Michael Richards, who had been a seasoned detective with the town’s department prior to becoming chief. “These agencies are at the cutting edge of doing things the right way.”
To the department’s disadvantage in 1962, as well as all police departments, Chief Richards said there were technological limitations, which modern-day police departments have access to now.
“One of the nice things is the improvement in technology, which gives closure to families [of the victims],” Chief Richards said.
Chief Richards discussed the disparity that exists between the police work involving the celebrity culture in the Los Angeles area of the country, versus any other town in the United States.
“There’s ‘our’ normal, and there’s ‘their’ normal,” he said. “If you’re a cop out there, you shouldn’t explain things away. If you’re fearful and unsafe don’t ignore that. If something is out of place, keep looking into it until something makes sense.”
When dealing with the famous, Chief Richards said it could hamper an investigation.
“This was a case where too many maybe had hands in this, and it probably made the investigation difficult,” he said.
Chief Richards shed some light on basic investigation techniques, and the importance of collecting information, verifying all facts, and interviewing witnesses minimally three to four times.
Conclusion To This Investigation
Based on evidence the writer and interviewer of this story, Jennifer Jean Miller, and interviewee Jason Kennedy, have discovered and come to their own conclusions in the death of Marilyn Monroe. They are:
Marilyn Monroe’s death was not suicide, or brought about by members of the mob or John or Robert Kennedy;
Marilyn Monroe’s death was a result of years of psychological abuse and control by those who had a hold in her life through the use of heavy sedatives;
These drugs were used to manipulate her into making certain decisions with her last will and testament (and prior wills). When she became discontent about the result of her last will, and planned to rewrite it (the week after she died), Miller and Kennedy believe the individuals mentioned in the story, who were around at the time of her death (and now also deceased), medicated her in the right way to precipitate her death;
The conclusion of the research shows Phenergan, which was not tested for, could have likely been the drug, which pushed Marilyn Monroe over the edge, and stopped her heart. It was prescribed for sleep a day prior to her death, she took one, and her body was not acclimated to it as it was to the other drugs;
The bottle of Nembutal (Pentobarbital), found on Marilyn Monroe’s nightstand was ingested over a period of time, and had already metastasized into her liver, which is where the major concentration was found during the autopsy. It had already set in and was not final blow in her death, though it contributed;
Phenergan was Marilyn Monroe’s “silent killer”, and pushed her over the edge, though it went undetected at the time of her autopsy, because it was not tested for;
She was a victim of psychological abuse, medical malpractice and wrongful death, with her doctors overprescribing a battery of medications, which counteracted each other and caused harm to her;
Marilyn Monroe documented the psychological abuse in the “Surgeon Story”, which she began to endure starting in 1955, when those who took charge of her life and finances ended up “dissecting” her personality and soul in such a way it eventually broke her down and led to her death;
Marilyn Monroe was under the influence of mind-altering drugs, administered to her by Lee Strasberg and Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, when she wrote the “Surgeon Story”. Not only is this based on her written testimony, it is also due to other factors, including the severe misspellings, and random thoughts jotted along with the story, as she crafted it, and;
Those who were responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe were never prosecuted, and continued to profit off of her legacy until their own deaths. Today, her estate, which is managed by an outside agency and those who never knew Marilyn Monroe, continues to manage it in spite of court rulings, and Jennifer Jean Miller and Jason Kennedy advocate this should once again be challenged and re-evaluated in front of a judge as it was in 2007.
Editor’s Note: During the course of the investigation of this story, Jennifer Jean Miller, author of this story and Managing Editor of The Alternative Press of Sussex County and also a seasoned genealogist, has ironically learned with the help of Jason Kennedy, of her own distant blood relation and marital lineage to Marilyn Monroe.
Though her familial ties are still being researched, in light of this discovery and because of her past and current work on the subject of Marilyn Monroe, she has since become one of the founders of a newly formed media and entertainment company, which will produce works and projects focusing on the positive legacy of Marilyn Monroe, and investigate and reveal further details about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Marilyn Monroe.
Miller also gives grateful acknowledgements to Marilyn Monroe Collector Ted Stampfer for his permission to use the image of his Phenergan prescription, and for his contributions to this story.
The opinions expressed herein are the writer's alone, and do not reflect the opinions of
Friday, April 10, 2015
Virtual Special Issue on LHC results
Foreword by Gian Giudice, Editor Physics Letters B
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been the dream come true of a generation of particle physicists. The first feasibility studies for a CERN hadron collider that could fully explore the multi-TeV energy domain started in the early 1980s. The final approval of the project from the CERN Council came only in 1994 and the civil-engineering work moved into full swing in 2000, after the dismantling of LEP. The epic construction and commissioning period ended on 30 March 2010, when proton beams collided at the record high centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. That moment marked the beginning of the most exciting part of the project, when physicists could finally see the fruit of their colossal effort: physics data.
During the so-called Run 1, experiments at the LHC collected about 25 fb^-1 of proton collision data at √s = 7 and 8 TeV, which was promptly translated by challenging physics analyses into a wealth of information about the particle world. The discovery of the Higgs boson, announced on 4 July 2012, was an epochal result, which completed the experimental confirmation of the Standard Model and gave new insight on how the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking is realised in nature. Although the Higgs boson discovery will be remembered as the real climax of Run 1, much else was also learned from LHC data. Our knowledge of QCD, electroweak interactions, b physics, and heavy ions have much progressed thanks to Run 1 LHC, and the severe limits set on new particles beyond the Standard Model have forced theoreticians to reconsider many of their ideas about weak-scale physics.
This Virtual Special Issue on LHC Results wants to celebrate the Run 1 phase of the LHC by collecting some of the most memorable physics results published by the experimental collaborations in Elsevier journals. This collection of papers is a legacy of the success of what is probably the most complex and daring scientific project ever completed by humanity — the LHC.
The publication of this Virtual Special Issue is especially timely now that we are on the eve of the Run 2 phase of the LHC, in which proton beams will collide at the unprecedented centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The transition from Run 1 to Run 2 is probably the biggest jump in energy that many of us will witness during the rest of our professional life. This is a unique opportunity to unveil the secrets of nature at the smallest distances. Both our ideas in theoretical physics and the strategical planning of experimental physics fully depend on Run 2 LHC results: the future of our field is at stake. The wish is that a future Virtual Special Issue — collecting the best Run 2 LHC papers in Elsevier Journals — will contain so many revolutionary results to make even the extraordinary papers presented here pale in comparison.
Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC (OA)
Physics Letters B, Volume 716, Issue 1, 17 September 2012, Pages 30–61
Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at 7 TeV in events with jets and missing transverse energy
Physics Letters B, Volume 698, Issue 3, 11 April 2011, Pages 196–218
Search for resonances in the dijet mass spectrum from 7 TeV pp collisions at CMS
Physics Letters B, Volume 704, Issue 3, 13 October 2011, Pages 123–142
Erratum-ibid. B728 (2014) 526-528, Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the t t-bar production cross section in pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 738, 10 November 2014, Pages 526–528
Observation of long-range near-side angular correlations in proton-lead collisions at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 718, Issue 3, 8 January 2013, Pages 795–814
Suppression of Charged Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum in Central Pb--Pb Collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 696, Issues 1–2, 24 January 2011, Pages 30–39
Centrality Dependence of Charged Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum in Pb--Pb Collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 720, Issues 1–3, 13 March 2013, Pages 52–62
Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 719, Issues 1–3, 12 February 2013, Pages 29–4
Erratum-ibid. B718 (2012) 692-698, Rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 704, Issue 5, 25 October 2011, Pages 442–455
Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 716, Issue 1, 17 September 2012, Pages 1–29
Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9 fb−1 of pp collision data at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 710, Issue 1, 29 March 2012, Pages 49–66
Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 889, December 2014, Pages 486-548
Measurement of the differential cross-sections of inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψJ/ψ production in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 850, Issue 3, 21 September 2011, Pages 387-444
Measurement of CP violation and constraints on the CKM angle γ in B±→DK±B±→DK± with D→KS0π+π− decays
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 888, November 2014, Pages 169-193
Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B0→K⁎0γ)/B(Bs0→ϕγ) and the direct CP asymmetry in B0→K⁎0γB0→K⁎0γ
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 867, Issue 1, 1 February 2013, Pages 1-18
Evidence for the decay X(3872)->Psi(2s)gamma
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 886, September 2014, Pages 665-680
‹ Return to Virtual Special Iss
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been the dream come true of a generation of particle physicists. The first feasibility studies for a CERN hadron collider that could fully explore the multi-TeV energy domain started in the early 1980s. The final approval of the project from the CERN Council came only in 1994 and the civil-engineering work moved into full swing in 2000, after the dismantling of LEP. The epic construction and commissioning period ended on 30 March 2010, when proton beams collided at the record high centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. That moment marked the beginning of the most exciting part of the project, when physicists could finally see the fruit of their colossal effort: physics data.
During the so-called Run 1, experiments at the LHC collected about 25 fb^-1 of proton collision data at √s = 7 and 8 TeV, which was promptly translated by challenging physics analyses into a wealth of information about the particle world. The discovery of the Higgs boson, announced on 4 July 2012, was an epochal result, which completed the experimental confirmation of the Standard Model and gave new insight on how the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking is realised in nature. Although the Higgs boson discovery will be remembered as the real climax of Run 1, much else was also learned from LHC data. Our knowledge of QCD, electroweak interactions, b physics, and heavy ions have much progressed thanks to Run 1 LHC, and the severe limits set on new particles beyond the Standard Model have forced theoreticians to reconsider many of their ideas about weak-scale physics.
This Virtual Special Issue on LHC Results wants to celebrate the Run 1 phase of the LHC by collecting some of the most memorable physics results published by the experimental collaborations in Elsevier journals. This collection of papers is a legacy of the success of what is probably the most complex and daring scientific project ever completed by humanity — the LHC.
The publication of this Virtual Special Issue is especially timely now that we are on the eve of the Run 2 phase of the LHC, in which proton beams will collide at the unprecedented centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The transition from Run 1 to Run 2 is probably the biggest jump in energy that many of us will witness during the rest of our professional life. This is a unique opportunity to unveil the secrets of nature at the smallest distances. Both our ideas in theoretical physics and the strategical planning of experimental physics fully depend on Run 2 LHC results: the future of our field is at stake. The wish is that a future Virtual Special Issue — collecting the best Run 2 LHC papers in Elsevier Journals — will contain so many revolutionary results to make even the extraordinary papers presented here pale in comparison.
Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC (OA)
Physics Letters B, Volume 716, Issue 1, 17 September 2012, Pages 30–61
Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at 7 TeV in events with jets and missing transverse energy
Physics Letters B, Volume 698, Issue 3, 11 April 2011, Pages 196–218
Search for resonances in the dijet mass spectrum from 7 TeV pp collisions at CMS
Physics Letters B, Volume 704, Issue 3, 13 October 2011, Pages 123–142
Erratum-ibid. B728 (2014) 526-528, Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the t t-bar production cross section in pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 738, 10 November 2014, Pages 526–528
Observation of long-range near-side angular correlations in proton-lead collisions at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 718, Issue 3, 8 January 2013, Pages 795–814
Suppression of Charged Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum in Central Pb--Pb Collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 696, Issues 1–2, 24 January 2011, Pages 30–39
Centrality Dependence of Charged Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum in Pb--Pb Collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 720, Issues 1–3, 13 March 2013, Pages 52–62
Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 719, Issues 1–3, 12 February 2013, Pages 29–4
Erratum-ibid. B718 (2012) 692-698, Rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV
Physics Letters B, Volume 704, Issue 5, 25 October 2011, Pages 442–455
Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 716, Issue 1, 17 September 2012, Pages 1–29
Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9 fb−1 of pp collision data at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Physics Letters B, Volume 710, Issue 1, 29 March 2012, Pages 49–66
Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 889, December 2014, Pages 486-548
Measurement of the differential cross-sections of inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψJ/ψ production in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 850, Issue 3, 21 September 2011, Pages 387-444
Measurement of CP violation and constraints on the CKM angle γ in B±→DK±B±→DK± with D→KS0π+π− decays
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 888, November 2014, Pages 169-193
Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B0→K⁎0γ)/B(Bs0→ϕγ) and the direct CP asymmetry in B0→K⁎0γB0→K⁎0γ
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 867, Issue 1, 1 February 2013, Pages 1-18
Evidence for the decay X(3872)->Psi(2s)gamma
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 886, September 2014, Pages 665-680
Tevatron Constraints on Models of the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity Using Decays to Bottom-Antibottom Quark Pairs
The CDF,
D0 Collaborations
(Submitted on 3 Feb 2015 (v1), last revised 24 Mar 2015 (this version, v2))
Combined constraints from the CDF and D0 Collaborations on models of the Higgs boson with exotic spinJ and parityP are presented and compared with results obtained assuming the standard model valueJP=0+ . Both collaborations analyzed approximately 10~fb−1 of proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. Two models predicting exotic Higgs bosons withJP=0− andJP=2+ are tested. The kinematic properties of exotic Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson differ from those predicted for the standard model Higgs boson. Upper limits at the 95% credibility level on the production rates of the exotic Higgs bosons, expressed as fractions of the standard model Higgs boson production rate, are set at 0.36 for both theJP=0− hypothesis and theJP=2+ hypothesis. If the production rate times the branching ratio to a bottom-antibottom pair is the same as that predicted for the standard model Higgs boson, then the exotic bosons are excluded with significances of 5.0 standard deviations and 4.9 standard deviations for theJP=0− andJP=2+ hypotheses, respectively.
Comments: | 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by PRL |
Subjects: | High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) |
Report number: | FERMILAB-PUB-15-029-E |
Cite as: | arXiv:1502.00967 [hep-ex] |
(or arXiv:1502.00967v2 [hep-ex] for this version) |
Submission history
From: Thomas Junk [view email][v1] Tue, 3 Feb 2015 19:23:46 GMT (68kb)
[v2] Tue, 24 Mar 2015 02:35:43 GMT (68kb)
Years after shutting down, U.S. atom smasher reveals properties of 'God particle'
Latest News
Reidar Hahn/Fermilab
Fermilab’s Tevatron ran from 1983 to 2011 and made a spirited drive to discover the Higgs.
Years after shutting down, U.S. atom smasher reveals properties of 'God particle'
Years after shutting down, U.S. atom smasher reveals properties of 'God particle'
a scientific ghost story, a U.S. atom smasher has made an important
scientific contribution 3.5 years after it shut down. Scientists are
reporting that the Tevatron collider in Batavia, Illinois, has provided
new details about the nature of the famed Higgs boson—the particle
that’s key to physicists’ explanation of how other fundamental particles
get their mass and the piece in a theory called the standard model. The
new result bolsters the case that the Higgs, which was discovered at a
different atom smasher, exactly fits the standard model predictions.
“This is a very interesting and important paper, because it’s a different mechanism” for probing the Higgs’s properties, says John Ellis, a theorist at King’s College London and CERN who was not involved in the work. “This is the swan song” for the Tevatron, he says.
The Tevatron, a 7-kilometer-long ring-shaped collider at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, ran from 1983 until September 2011. It saw hints of the Higgs boson but never actually discovered the particle. That honor went to physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27-kilometer-long atom smasher at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. They announced their discovery in July 2012.
As soon as physicists at the LHC discovered the Higgs, they nailed down its mass: 125 giga-electron volts, or roughly 133 times the mass of the proton. But the particle has other characteristic properties, too. Like all fundamental particles, the Higgs has a fixed and quantized amount of angular momentum or spin. It also has a property of symmetry called parity, which can be either even or odd and which affects, for example, the way the Higgs can decay into other particles. According to the standard model, the Higgs should have zero spin and positive parity. However, it’s conceivable that the observed particle could have zero spin and negative parity or two units of spin and positive parity. Many physicists would be thrilled if the Higgs had such exotic “spin-parity,” as it would point to new phenomena not predicted by the standard model.
In fact, experimenters working with the two biggest particle detectors fed by the LHC—massive devices called ATLAS and CMS—have already shown with high certainty that the Higgs boson has zero spin and even parity. To do that, they studied the decay of the Higgs into familiar particles, such as a pair of photons or a pair of massive particles called Z bosons. From the angular distributions of those emerging daughter particles, physicists were able to determine the spin and parity of the parent Higgs.
Researchers working with the Tevatron data took a different tack. Instead of studying the decays of the Higgses, they looked for signs of a Higgs produced in tandem with a Z boson or a W boson, particles that convey the weak nuclear force, as they explain in a paper in press at Physical Review Letters. (The Higgs was assumed to decay into a pair of particles known as a bottom quark and an antibottom quark.) From the energies and momenta of the Higgs and its partner, researchers then calculated a quantity called the invariant mass for the pair. Were the Higgs and the partner born from the decay of a single parent particle, this quantity would be the mass of that parent. In actuality, the Higgs and its partner would emerge directly from the chaos of the particle collision, so the parent particle is purely hypothetical.
Nevertheless, by calculating the mass of that hypothetical parent particle, researchers were able to test for different combinations of spin and parity by proxy. If the Higgs had “exotic” spin-parity rather than the standard model characteristics, the observed invariant mass would be higher. So researchers working with the two particle detectors fed by the Tevatron—CDF and D0—searched for such high-invariant mass pairs. Finding none, they ruled out even more stringently exotic versions of the Higgs. So even though Tevatron physicists never conclusively observed the Higgs boson, they were able to put limits on its properties.
Technically, the new Tevatron limits are slightly stronger than the limits set by the LHC experiments, says Dmitri Denisov, a physicist at Fermilab who works on D0. But CERN’s Ellis says that ATLAS and CMS had already essentially settled the matter.
In fact, Tevatron researchers missed an opportunity to scoop their LHC counterparts on the spin and parity of the Higgs, Ellis says. Just weeks after researchers at the LHC had discovered the Higgs, Ellis and colleagues explained in a paper how the Tevatron teams might apply the invariant-mass technique to their archived data to take the “fast track” to testing the Higgs’s spin and parity. For technical reasons, the technique would be more sensitive on Tevatron data than on LHC data, they explained, because the Tevatron collided protons and antiprotons, whereas the LHC collided protons and protons. But in the end, the Tevatron analysis proceeded slowly, as CDF and D0 team members left to work on the LHC. “This result has somewhat of an ‘us too’ character rather than being first as we’d hoped,” Ellis says.
Denisov agrees that lack of people impeded progress. He notes that the whole idea could have been tried even before the Higgs was found: “If [Ellis] had come to us a year before we might have been able to determine the spin and parity of the Higgs even before it was discovered.”
For Higgs studies at the Tevatron, “this is basically it,” Denisov says. In the meantime, physicists working at the LHC are aiming to probe other properties of the Higgs with higher precision. In particular, they hope to measure to within a few percentage points how quickly the Higgs decays into different combinations of more-familiar particles and compare that with standard model predictions. Researchers say that work should take about 15 years.
“This is a very interesting and important paper, because it’s a different mechanism” for probing the Higgs’s properties, says John Ellis, a theorist at King’s College London and CERN who was not involved in the work. “This is the swan song” for the Tevatron, he says.
The Tevatron, a 7-kilometer-long ring-shaped collider at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, ran from 1983 until September 2011. It saw hints of the Higgs boson but never actually discovered the particle. That honor went to physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27-kilometer-long atom smasher at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. They announced their discovery in July 2012.
As soon as physicists at the LHC discovered the Higgs, they nailed down its mass: 125 giga-electron volts, or roughly 133 times the mass of the proton. But the particle has other characteristic properties, too. Like all fundamental particles, the Higgs has a fixed and quantized amount of angular momentum or spin. It also has a property of symmetry called parity, which can be either even or odd and which affects, for example, the way the Higgs can decay into other particles. According to the standard model, the Higgs should have zero spin and positive parity. However, it’s conceivable that the observed particle could have zero spin and negative parity or two units of spin and positive parity. Many physicists would be thrilled if the Higgs had such exotic “spin-parity,” as it would point to new phenomena not predicted by the standard model.
In fact, experimenters working with the two biggest particle detectors fed by the LHC—massive devices called ATLAS and CMS—have already shown with high certainty that the Higgs boson has zero spin and even parity. To do that, they studied the decay of the Higgs into familiar particles, such as a pair of photons or a pair of massive particles called Z bosons. From the angular distributions of those emerging daughter particles, physicists were able to determine the spin and parity of the parent Higgs.
Researchers working with the Tevatron data took a different tack. Instead of studying the decays of the Higgses, they looked for signs of a Higgs produced in tandem with a Z boson or a W boson, particles that convey the weak nuclear force, as they explain in a paper in press at Physical Review Letters. (The Higgs was assumed to decay into a pair of particles known as a bottom quark and an antibottom quark.) From the energies and momenta of the Higgs and its partner, researchers then calculated a quantity called the invariant mass for the pair. Were the Higgs and the partner born from the decay of a single parent particle, this quantity would be the mass of that parent. In actuality, the Higgs and its partner would emerge directly from the chaos of the particle collision, so the parent particle is purely hypothetical.
Nevertheless, by calculating the mass of that hypothetical parent particle, researchers were able to test for different combinations of spin and parity by proxy. If the Higgs had “exotic” spin-parity rather than the standard model characteristics, the observed invariant mass would be higher. So researchers working with the two particle detectors fed by the Tevatron—CDF and D0—searched for such high-invariant mass pairs. Finding none, they ruled out even more stringently exotic versions of the Higgs. So even though Tevatron physicists never conclusively observed the Higgs boson, they were able to put limits on its properties.
Technically, the new Tevatron limits are slightly stronger than the limits set by the LHC experiments, says Dmitri Denisov, a physicist at Fermilab who works on D0. But CERN’s Ellis says that ATLAS and CMS had already essentially settled the matter.
In fact, Tevatron researchers missed an opportunity to scoop their LHC counterparts on the spin and parity of the Higgs, Ellis says. Just weeks after researchers at the LHC had discovered the Higgs, Ellis and colleagues explained in a paper how the Tevatron teams might apply the invariant-mass technique to their archived data to take the “fast track” to testing the Higgs’s spin and parity. For technical reasons, the technique would be more sensitive on Tevatron data than on LHC data, they explained, because the Tevatron collided protons and antiprotons, whereas the LHC collided protons and protons. But in the end, the Tevatron analysis proceeded slowly, as CDF and D0 team members left to work on the LHC. “This result has somewhat of an ‘us too’ character rather than being first as we’d hoped,” Ellis says.
Denisov agrees that lack of people impeded progress. He notes that the whole idea could have been tried even before the Higgs was found: “If [Ellis] had come to us a year before we might have been able to determine the spin and parity of the Higgs even before it was discovered.”
For Higgs studies at the Tevatron, “this is basically it,” Denisov says. In the meantime, physicists working at the LHC are aiming to probe other properties of the Higgs with higher precision. In particular, they hope to measure to within a few percentage points how quickly the Higgs decays into different combinations of more-familiar particles and compare that with standard model predictions. Researchers say that work should take about 15 years.
Posted in Physics
Sunni Mufti: ISIS and Affiliates Have Killed over 300 Sunni Imams, Preachers
Sunni Mufti: ISIS and Affiliates Have Killed over 300 Sunni Imams, Preachers
The jihadist terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) claims to represent the interests of Sunni Muslims in Iraq, Syria, and the greater Middle East. One Sunni Mufti boldly debunked that claim on Lebanese television station Al Mayadeen, denouncing hundreds of murders of Sunni clerics by ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Speaking on a program on Al Mayadeen this week, Sunni cleric Khaled al-Mulla denounced Al Qaeda “and its ilk” for the mass murder of fellow Sunnis. ISIS claims to be the highest authority for all Sunnis and, upon declaring an independent state spanning Iraq and Syria, demanded all Sunnis pay allegiance to their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
“We, especially as Sunnis in Iraq, have a bitter experience with Al Qaeda and its ilk,” Mulla told the audience, noting that “the
head of the institution admitted that Al Qaeda has killed more than 300
Sunni imams and preachers.” He later added that the jihadist groups had
also “killed and displaced hundreds of thousands of other Sunnis in
Mulla gave specific examples of Sunni clerics who had been killed by
ISIS. Mulla claimed that one cleric, Sheikh Hamzeh, had been gunned down
“at his pulpit” for disagreeing with the extremist and violent views of
their interpretation of Sharia law. “He
was slaughtered like a sheep in Fallujah, only because he said
something that ISIS and extremists couldn’t digest,” Mulla explained.While ISIS has achieved unprecedented success in recruiting Muslims from Western countries to travel to Syria and Iraq and wage jihad, it has struggled to acquire the support of any officials within Sunni Islam. In one notable case, a female Sunni Iraqi politician was killed using a rocket launcher to attack clusters of ISIS militants fighting in Jabara. Her father, a Sunni official, had been killed by Al Qaeda, as well. ISIS has particularly struggled to receive the blessings (other than occasional support from political entities) of clerics. Given the lack of authority within the group, the establishment of the so-called “Caliphate” is likely a violation of Sharia law.
In addition to attacking Shia religion sites and calling for the deaths of non-Muslims, ISIS has been known to commit mass murders of Sunnis, and even jihadists, whom the terrorists consider insufficiently extreme in their ideology. In Syria, ISIS jihadists crucified nine men, deemed too moderate in their Islamic loyalties, who were fighting the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
Obama's 'Dead Pool'
Last Updated 3/31/2015 Extortion 17: Feds hide details of Navy SEALs shootdown Parents suing for 'betrayal' want government held in contempt
Deaths connected to the Obama White House
Mama Lois" Anderson: 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn't take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.
Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell: Died in the Camp Bastion attack 3 days after the Benghazi attack
Jeff Joe Black: Found dead on a hiking trail from "blunt force trauma to the head": Chicago activist who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event.
Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time - Report: Mother Of Obama's Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up -- With Video
Andrew Breitbart - Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama's extremist activities in college. More speculation: Breitbart: "Wait 'Til They See What Happens March 1st", Breitbart's Footage Shows Obama 'Palling Around' With Terrorists..... Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ......An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart's Death Scene... Breitbart's skin color described as bright red. ... Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?...More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?..........Coroner: Breitbart Died of Heart Failure...* Christopher Lasseter, Dissapears.....witness to Breitbart's death vanishes -Follows suspicious demise of member of coroner's team (possibly in hiding to avoid reporters), .... Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks Describes 'thick white band' around forehead at death ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy (story also linked here ) ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed ; Brandon Walker interviews Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China.. states he knows that President Obama ordered the murders of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart (Audio)
Steve Bridges Dies At 48 - Impersonator Who Offended 0bama ...Steve Bridges as President Obama - August 2011 ....It appeared that he died of natural causes...: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death 'an accident"...that the probable cause of death was due to "upper airway anaphylaxis", caused by a severe allergic reaction.. --- CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?... A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis
Tom Clancy Dies at 66; actual list of cause of death on his autopsy, cause of death unknown.; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy- Dr. Garrow states President Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well and noted that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Amazingly enough, or coincidentally, the doctors did not perform an autopsy on Tom Clancy’s body for 5 days. (story also linked here ) ; Did Tom Clancy, who died in October... predict Russia's move on Ukraine in his book "Command Authority?
Robin Copeland, 46, 11/4/2011: former Energy Department official who took part in several significant disarmament programs, died suddenly
Michael Cormier - respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death......Conspiracy theorists cry foul after Andrew Breitbart's 'coroner' dies of arsenic poisoning- ....Police Debunk Theories Linking Breitbart, L.A. Coroner Tech Deaths ; No Answers in Death of Technician Linked to Andrew Breitbart: Killed by high amounts of arsinic in his system ; Breitbart's Coroner Murdered. News From LA
Dominic Di-Natale; Veteran Fox News correspondant in the middle east, committed suicide; covered the Arab Spring, Egypt, fall of Libya and Benghazi Fox News journalist Dominic Di-Natale dead at 43 ; I debated whether to repost this (I taped this in February 2013) ….and decided that I would like you to know my good friend and colleague Dominic Di-Natale …this is tough for many of us at Fox News (Greta Van Sustern Interview) ; Mysterious Death of Obama Critic and Reporter on Bin Laden’s Death and Ferguson Labeled Suicide
Madelyn Payne Dunham: Obama's grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour - alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.
BEVERLY ECKERT, Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks
Extortion 17: On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog. It is considered the worst loss of U.S Military life in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005. There were 15 Navy SEAL's killed. ; Afghanistan's Benghazi: The Shoot-Down of Extortion 17 ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 - Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED - Obama Failures ; Obama increased special op's missions from an average of 56 a month to 334 per month (statement begins at 26 minute mark of video) ; Afghan Benghazi: Extortion 17, Betraying Seal Team 6 ; ; Navy SEAL's father: Obama sent my son to his death Tells Michael Savage 'they knew something was up' ; Extortion 17! Mother of slain SEAL on Biden: "He should be in prison for high crimes and treason." ; Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan ; Navy warrior's quick cremation deepens mystery of Chinook disaster in Afghanistan ; The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL's Father ; Extortion 17, The Deadliest Day in the War on Terror ; SEAL's Parents: Obama's Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops ; Congressional Hearing Scheduled for 30 fallen Heroes Killed in Shoot Down of Extortion 17 ; Defense Official Denies SEAL Team Six Operation Was Compromised Families left without answers on operation that left 30 American troops dead ; Feds hide details of Navy SEALs shootdown Parents suing for 'betrayal' want government held in contempt
Loretta Fuddy: -Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy dies in small plane crash ; 'Fuddy was at the center of controversy in the birth certificate controversy as she was the person who reportedly granted "an exception" to Barack Obama, allegedly witnessing the copying of Obama’s birth certificate and attested to its authenticity' ; Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash ; Fuddy only one to die in plane crash ; Video.. Hawaii DOH Director Who "Certified" Obamas BC As Legit Dies In Plane Crash!! ; Engine Failure Blamed In Molokai Crash ; Kalaupapa Aircraft Wreckage to be Recovered, Under Investigation ; NTSB: Officials still trying to determine Fuddy's cause of death ; Obama's land in Hawaii as the NTSB investigates the cause of death; NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersmanis Obama appointee that only reports to Obama. NTSB Chair Hersman has been been accused of conflict of interest., compromsing her independence at the NTSB.---> Speculations: 1. NTSB allowed the evidence in both this Cessna engine failure and the one on Oct 21 very close to Molokai to be contaminated 2. The NTSB had found Cessna 208 engine failure in 2 cases in the previous 34 years, within 50 days and 25 miles there were another 2, and those 2 were not properly treated by Obama's NTSB as a crime scene as mandated. 3. Engine failure itself actually occurred 9 miles north of where the plane landed in the Oct 21 incident, which puts it probably 10-15 miles away from Molokai. 4. Pilot Clyde Kawasaki has never been listed as a pilot of Makani Kai Air on their staff webpage, even though he has supposedly flown for them for the past 1-2 years (depending on the article). There are 2 staff web pages, and both have been updated within the last half a year - one in June, the other earlier this month. 5. Rchard Schuman, Makani Kai Air owner/CEO says the plane (which was photographed sinking while nearly fully-intact) fell apart in a week’s time 60-70 feet underwater because of the movement of the water banging the plane against the rocks but waves would have to have been much greater to affect the engine at that depth. If the engine had come apart from the plane during the salvage operations Schuman would certainly have said that. The fact that he tried to blame the engine's removal on water says that the witnesses on the salvage team knew it hadn't come apart during the lifting of the plane. ; Globe Magazine: Fuddy murdered for knowing where Obama was born ; NTSB: Hawaii plane floated 25 mins, then sank.; Was Fuddy involved with the SUBUD Cult? Obama a secret Subud sect member ; Founder of Subud cult: Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo; Alice Dewey, the great Indonesianist, as she liked to call herself, who spent something like 15 years on and off in Java as an anthropologist, researching javanese arts and crafts, and peasant marketing...Alice, the mentor of Stanley Ann Dunham who wrote her thesis (?) on the subject of Javanese lives permanently in Indonesia. ; Revealed: Inilah Wanita di Balik Bintang Mahaputera untuk Ibu Obama ; Subud, Obama and Laurel Canyon rock hits - a connection? ; Mohammed Subud: Founder Indonesian Muslim cult -resemblence to Obama? Picture ; As posted at little bit later in that thread, an earlier article at…/89053…/23442094/-/139fxot/-/index.html - with an original posting time of 8:25PM CST, which is 4:25pm HST - was titled "Breaking: Small Aircraft Crashed off Kalaupapa" with Twitterfeed as the source. That article says that the plane went down at about 3:45....within 40 minutes of the plane going down it was reported on the news, and within 55 minutes it was reported that there was one casualty. According to the timeline the NTSB is giving now (see ), help crews didn't even ARRIVE to check out the condition of the victims until 80 minutes after the crash - or 5:05pm.... 40 minutes after the crash was reported in the news and 25 minutes after it was reported in the news that there was one casualty. If the NTSB timeline is believed the rescue workers still had to pass Fuddy by, check out others, go back to Fuddy and determine her to be dead, and report it to the news reporter. If that whole process took 30 minutes, then the NTSB timeline would have the news reporting one dead almost an hour before anybody would have determined and reported that. If the NTSB timeline is believed, a death from that plane crash was reported in the news before ANYBODY know that it had happened. IOW, if the NTSB timeline is believed there was SUPPOSED to be one person dead from that plane crash, and that outcome was reported before anybody was sure that had really happened.; New Footage Shows Plane Crash That Killed Woman Who Released Obama's Birth Certificate ; What are the chances? The mysterious death of Loretta Fuddy ; Maui Police release cause of Loretta Fuddy's death: cardiac arrhythmia as a result of stress ; Lawyer Files Request For Fuddy Autopsy (back on 12/18/13) ; The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy ; More Subud cult connections, citing Subud centers in Chicago, Hawaii, and Indonesia: Barack Hussein Soebarkah? ; More Obama Subud Indonesian connections? The REAL Obama: An INDONESIAN, Muslim, Socialist Puppet ; Blockbuster: CSU Criminology Professor Tackles Obama Indonesian Name Soebarkah ; More pictures comparing Obama with Subud ; Fuddy served as a trustee for the Subud Endowment Fund in 2008 and 2009 ; Jim Garrow: Obama was part of the subud cult as well as Loretta Fuddy being connected to this cult. At 31:06 - 31:28 on the audio at the link ; Subud cult and a World Bank? "A Bank for Mankind" ; Concerning Advisors to Bank Susila Bakti ; Rumors of the death of fuddy being a fraud- Did Fuddy Have an Open-Casket Funeral? ; The Hands Photographed Cannot be Loretta Fuddy in That Casket ; Video evidence of others in the water- What Do You See? ; Extras (stills of the black shape in the water) ; Some More Images ; Josh Lang's Photos of the Fuddy Crash Are Not the Same Plane ; Part Two Images ; Kawasaki Underwater Images ; Evidence the Hawaii Medical Examiner turned a blind eye to the death of Loretta Fuddy ; Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off? ; Erik Rush: Montgomery Sibley Updates Obama Felony ID Fraud Case And SCOTUS ; Fuddy paid $50,000?, Doug Vogt's Now Un-Sealed Evidence at the Supreme Court ; Revealed: The Names Of The Purported Obama Birth Certificate Forgers Unsealed ; Loretta Fuddy's Brother Sues Over Fatal Crash ; FAA Claims Fuddy Crash Records Destroyed ; Butterdezillion's interview with the Hagmann and Hagmann Report ; This is the Mandatory Occurrence Report filed by the Investigator In Charge at the Honolulu Control Facility, reporting the Dec 11, 2013 water landing resulting in the alleged death of Hawaii Health Director ; ‘Bombshell: Maui Police Department; Loretta Fuddy’s Original Cause Of Death Is Drowning’ ; MCPD Responses Indicate Fuddy Did Not Die ; FAA Response Indicates That Fuddy Crash and Death W ere Faked ; Altering History
Army General Harold Greene; American General Killed in Shooting at Afghan Military Academy ; U.S. general killed in Afghanistan was key figure in training effort : Army General Harold Greene Was Shot in Back Four Times: Source
Bill Gwatney, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a Clinton super delegate at an upcoming convention in Denver and was fatally shot in 2008. Shooter had a post-it note with a mystery phone number. Did Obama Assassinate Clinton delegates? Bill Gwatney and Stephanie Tubbs Jones? Video: Bill Gwatney Murder Linked to Obama
Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.- A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church. Obama's Passport Breach: Unanswered Questions, and an Unsolved Murder : Harris worked for a security firm run by John Brennan, later to be a terrorism advisor to Obama. Listed as a detail in Youtube video "Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about Barack Obama the MSM Refuses to Report" (at approx. 22 minutes in the video); Was an employee of John Brennan when murdered. John Brennan confirmed to head CIA.
Andy P. Hart: Guantanamo attorney dead in apparent suicide....Hart was assigned to defend Mohammed Rahim al-Afghani, one of 16 detainees at Guantanamo which the US government has designated as "high-value."
Michael Hastings: Rolling Stone Journalist, Author Believed to be Dead in Hollywood Crash... known for his interview of Gen. Stanley McCrystal: Michael Hastings death: Coroner still hasn't ID'd badly burned victim: Picture of the burned out car ; autopsy results will take weeks; Video report .. was covering a story about the defense dept. and Hollyood... nervous wreck ; Michael Hastings, journalist who helped bring down US general, dies at 33 ; WikiLeaks Claims Michael Hastings Told Them FBI Was Investigating Him Hours Before He Died ; Hastings' death in fiery car crash is just the latest in a growing list of dead investigative journos ; Michael Hastings' Chilling Final Story....-->"Why Democrats Love to Spy on Americans" ; Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before death ; Hastings "Boston Brakes" Killing a Warning? ; FBI says journalist Michael Hastings was not under investigation ; Michael Hastings "CAUGHT ON TAPE" Running Red-Light Seconds Before Crash ; Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE ; Hastings Sent Colleagues Email Hours Before Crash ; Was Michael Hastings' Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It's Possible ; Journalist Michael Hastings' Body Cremated by Authorities Against Family's Wishes (Video) ; Hackers Reveal Nasty New Car Attacks--With Me Behind The Wheel (Video) ; MICHAEL HASTINGS CRASH CAUGHT ON SURVEILLANCE CAMERA ; Bush advisor: Hastings crash 'consistent with a car cyberattack' ; Group sues FBI for records after Michael Hastings' mysterious death ; Report: Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director John Brennan ; CIA Director Brennan Confirmed as Reporter Michael Hastings Next Target ; Coroner Classifies Michael Hastings' Death As Accidental ; Coronor: Drugs in Hastings' system. Was Bipolar ; Rolling Stone journalist feared prior to crash his car was tampered with: Report ; Mystery grows: Journalist died prepping Obama exposé Major probe tied to agent suspected of sanitizing president's passport records ; Who Killed Michael Hastings? ; Why Was the FBI Investigating Michael Hastings’ Reporting on Bowe Bergdahl? - see Nachumlist file "Bad Bergdahl Bargain" ; Hastings' article in 'Rolling Stone on Bergdail: America's Last Prisoner of War (June 2012) ; Michael Hastings: CIA Director John Brennan Appears On Fox News Sunday – And Missing Historical Puzzle Pieces Simultaneously Fall Into Place….
Barnaby Jack: Hacker found dead days before he was to demonstrate how to hack a pacemaker
Stephanie Tubbs Jones: found brain dead in 2008. Democratic Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, a super delegate and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, was found in her car unconscious Also: Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates? Additional: Hollywood Producer Bettina Viviano: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible - ....Caucus death threats (audio)... also reported by Jerome Corsi at WND: Hillary supporter's untold Obama horror stories Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death
Christopher Kelly - Committed suicide, under pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich ; Christopher Kelly Case Round-Up
David Koschman, Mudered in a Chicago Rush Street brawl by Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley- Homicide case involving Daley nephew closed without charges , Witness to Killing Involving Daley Nephew: Deceased Didn't Start It
Kam Kuwata - was found dead inside his Venice home after friend — concerned that they had not heard from him for a few days — alerted police. Political consultant in California. Democratic insider. Possibly the Obama consultant referred to in the Ulsterman Report: Alledgedly viewed bizarre drug induced behavior from Obama during the the 2008 campaign.: "The Troubling Timeline".... The Death of a Political Operative – The Troubling Timeline… (UPDATED)
Chris Kyle: Author of "American Sniper" among the dead at Rough Creek ; Former Navy SEAL & 'American Sniper' Author Chris Kyle Reportedly Killed at TX Lodge ; Deadliest sniper in U.S. military history is 'shot and killed point- blank by veteran suffering from PTSD' at Texas gun range ; Conspiracy? Chris Kyle The Third High Profile Firearms Business Owner Killed in Past Month, Along With 30 SEALs The Past Four Years ; Suspicions Raised After Deaths of Three Firearms Experts ; Murdered Navy SEAL Was Obama Gun Control Foe ;Revealed: Marine who 'killed' famous sniper threatened to 'blow his brains out and kill his family months before shooting two men at gun range' ; Obama Has Yet To Acknowledge Death Of Legendary Seal Sniper Chris Kyle (2/13/13) ; Chris Kyle Widow: Former Navy SEAL 'Died Because Somebody Wanted to Kill Him' ; Chris Kyle Said About OBAMA (VIDEO) ; Was Chris Kyle’s killer a converted Muslim? ; Evidence Surfaces That Chris Kyle's Killer Was Not Suffering From PTSD But May Have Been A Terrorist Sympathizer ; This Photo Of Chris Kyle’s Accused Killer Is Raising A Huge Question About His Motive
Robert McKeon: founder of private-equity firm Veritas Capital, dies Sept. 10, 2012 of suicide; General Dynamics bought company in August 2011 to expand influence into Obamacare IT
Marco McMillian: Mississippi's first gay mayoral candidate, 34, 'was beaten and burned' before his body was found dumped on a riverbank. Victim of a hate crime? Pictured with Obama. Another black and gay associate of Obama murdered. (see Nachumlist file Is Obama Gay? )
John Noveske; the owner of Noveske Rifleworks. Vehicle run off the road - Two gun makers killed in two days, and no answers (Photos)
Renee L Abena Obama: baby girl Born on October 31, 2004. The infant died less than two months later on December 25, 2004. "..the death was not reported by any hospital in the State of Maryland, but by a funeral home (indicated by the SSDI code "72"). BHO’s biographies do not report the death of an infant in 2004, yet here was a baby girl who bore his last name--and the initial of his grandmother’s middle name--Madelyn "Lee" Dunham. A search of the Social Security Death Index produced "No Results," though a genealogical index at produced a Social Security number: "215-71-0752." From: "Who was Renee L. Abena Obama?"
Alex Okrent: -Apparently found deat at Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago. Witnesses say he collapsed, found dead after. Okrent had long been a staffer back the Obama 2004 U.S. senate campaign, on staff for eight years. Parents immediately say the cause of death was "heart attack", but no autopsy was yet performed. Medical examiner said the cause of death was "inconclusive". Internet recornds have been scrubbed. Twitter account timeline also makes no mention of his work for Obama: Okrent Twitter file (on Twitter). - Speculation as to whether he was a witness to an Obama gay connection: Who Is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Youtube video: Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Part 1 .........-Part 2 ; Autopsy Inconclusive for Obama Campaign Worker Who Collapsed at Chicago Campaign HQ ; Gay opinion piece...-Alex Okrent: Equality is a Moral Equivalent; What Do Colorado Shooter James Holmes And Obama Staffer Alex Okrent Have In Common? digital footprint on the internet; Was Obama Staffer Alex Okrent Murdered Because he was Going to Expose Obama's Anti-Israel Ties?
Donald A. Perry: Chick-fil-A’s public relations director dead of heart attack : Is Rahm Emanuel bullying Chick-fil-A over gay marriage? : Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views ; Rahm: Chick-fil-A Values Are Not Chicago Values ; Rahm backs down: We never said we’d block Chick-fil-A from Chicago, says spokesman
Albert Peterson: Wealthy Defense Contractor commits suicide, kills family; Man Kills His Entire Family, Feared Obama Would Get Re-Elected ; Pictured: 'Beautiful' family slain hours after church by 'mentally ill father who was tormented by the prospect of Obama winning the election''He said he wanted to expose something at work. He also got the impression at work, that if they didn't vote for Obama and get him elected, they would lose their jobs,' " (See Obama and Your Prvacy- Nachumlist file)
Rafael Prieto: Secret service apparent suicide under investigation: D.C., police are investigating the apparent suicide of a U.S. Secret Service supervisory agent assigned to President Obama's security detail. -Was under investigation for going to prostitutes; Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe....Prieto’s apparent cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning
Keith Ratliff; ..was well known for a series of videos he produced on Youtube, known as "FPSRussia," in which various high-powered firearms were demonstrated. Found with a single shot in the head - Two gun makers killed in two days, and no answers (Photos) ; Partner YouTube video-maker FPSRussia Home Raided by ATF
Eva Rausing: Found dead with no cause of death yet established. Her husband has been suspected as the killer. Rausing's family says she was at Occidental College at the same time as Obama. "Family of tragic Tetra Pak wife Eva Rausing reveal she began dabbling with 'hard drugs' while at the same college as Barack Obama as husband is arrested for murder"... Suspected cause of death from drug overdose.
Marine Cpl. Robert Richards, badly wounded in Afghanistan and later appeared in a controversial video urinating on dead Taliban insurgents; Marine sniper at center of viral video scandal found dead
John McCarthy Roll: - was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, murdered by the same gunman attacking Gabrielle Giffords. Theory that Roll's prelimiary ruling on "United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” (Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010) was cause for the assassination and that the shooter used the mass shooting as a cover for the government. - Claim: Giffords hit a planned assassination: Judge Roll real target ; Judge John Roll - Wake Up Tucson
Michael Scott - Although Chicago school board president Michael Scott's death had been ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner's office, Chicago police characterized the case as a death investigation, and have not concluded that Scott's death was a suicide- was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago's elite schools. -also was under scrutiny over Olympics-related real estate dealings.
Navy Death: U.S. Navy Commander Alphonso Doss: Pensacola Navy Commander Homicide Victim ; Navy commander slain in Orange Park was living troubled life ; Navy Commander Who Interrogated 9/11 Terrorist Mastermind KSM Found Murdered ; 2 Years ago: Former Ruleville student promoted to Navy Commander
Navy SEAL Commander Job Price, 42: US Navy SEAL commander dies in Afghanistan: suicide -----SEAL Team Four commander in Afghanistan 'commits suicide' as body of married father is found shot dead: Rumor?- Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran ; State Department Denies Hillary Clinton Injured in Plane Crash ... but- ABC News Report on Emergency Landing of a US Plane in Iran 16 days earlier ; US Navy Seal Commander, Who Killed Osama Bin Laden, Commits 'Apparent Suicide’ In Afghanistan
Navy SEALs Jeffrey Reynolds and Mark Kennedy, found dead on the Maersk Alabama; Official: Drugs, needles found with dead officers on Maersk ; Report: Two Navy SEALS on Maersk Alabama Died of Respiratory Failure – Heroin Abuse?? (Video) ; Autopsy: Men on Maersk had respiratory failure, suspected heart attacks ; 'What's the chance of two ex-Navy SEALs turning up dead in the same room?' Family and friends demand U.S. investigation into mystery 'hookers and heroin' deaths on ship made famous by Captain Philips
SEAL Team 6: Helicoptor shot down by terrorists. Possibly given location by infiltrators. Obama rules of engagement possibly lead to deaths. Father of fallen SEAL begs for military officer to tell the truth about "criminal" rules of engagement ; The deaths of Seal Team Six ...who never would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone. UNBELIEVABLE: 'More Than 20 Navy SEALS From The Unit That Killed Osama Bin Laden' Die In Helicopter Crash ; 31 US troops, mostly elite Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan 7 Afghan commandos also die in attack; SEALs were from same unit but not same team that killed Osama bin Laden ; Navy SEAL Team 6 Families To Reveal Government's Culpability In Death Of Their Sons ; OUTRAGE! Obama Administration Allowed Radical Cleric to Curse US Navy SEAL Heroes at Funeral Services (Video) ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 - Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED - Obama Failures ; SEAL Team Six Parents Demand Obama Answer For Funeral Desecration ; UNANSWERED QUESTIONS PLAGUE SEAL TEAM 6 LOSSES Lawsuit claims Navy used for White House effort to 'coddle Islamist fundamentalists' ; Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash ; The unexplained ambush of Navy SEAL Team Six ; A Scandal Bigger Than Benghazi? ; SEAL Team 6 families' suspicions of gov't grow 'I believe someone on their side definitely made a deal with somebody on our side' ; SEAL's Parents: Obama's Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops ; Did SEAL Team 6 die in Afghanistan to give Obama good publicity? [VIDEO] ; Michael Savage: SEAL Team Six was set up, murdered in Afghanistan
Malcolm Shabazz: Malcolm X's Grandson dies in Mexico. Was 'thrown off a building', or 'shot'. Two men arrested in Malcolm Shabazz murder in Mexico, more sought; Obama was in Mexico on May 2nd. Shabazz is murdered on May 9th. Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X? ; Rumors that Obama was a child of Malcom X?
Brett D. Shadle: SEAL, Special Warfare Operator Chief ; Member of SEAL Team 6 killed, another SEAL injured in parachute accident
Matt Simmons, an investment banker and whistle blower in the British Petroleum oil spill. Died suddenly at home of a heart attack at the age of 67. An autopsy by the state medical examiner's office concludes that Simmons died from accidental drowning "with heart disease as a contributing factor." Speculation of murder: Assassinations by induced heart attack and cancer.; Did The CIA Assassinate Matt Simmons For Blowing The Whistle On The BP Gulf Oil Spill Coverup?
Holiyah Soetoro Sobah, aka Lia Soetoro, Obama’s adopted sister: died under mysterious, sudden, and unusual circumstances just as she was getting ready to be reunited with her childhood companion and adopted brother. She spoke of many specific incidences in the household, where she grew up with "Barry" in Indonesia. She saved many items that Barry used during childhood. She was looking forward to seeing him, because she’d seen him on TV and was told that was “Barry”, her little brother; however, Lia had reservations about it and so was anticipating seeing the scars he had from falling out of the mango tree and the limp she said he walked with. That was not to be because she up and died. Read about it here and watch video of here........PDF document from a web site of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia appears to confirm a relationship between Lia and Barack Hussein Obama. Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia.
Ambassador Chris Stevens: (Also see the Nachumlist: "Benghazi-Gate" file ) Killed by a mob in Libya. The Obama administration ignored warnings two days prior to the attacks. Hillary Clinton made the decision not to post Marines. New now comes out that Stevens was gay: meaning that Obama sent a publicly gay man to be an ambassador in a Muslim country. Obama skipped intel meetings for days leading up to the attacks despite credible information of the attacks. Video: Libyan democratic party spokesman: amb christopher stevens was a muslim (Statement that Ambassador Chris Stevens was a Muslim is made between 1:00 & 1:20); Col. David Hunt: "State Department just allowed our guys to get killed" : Glenn Beck video: Stevens was a CIA operative and weapons dealer- Glenn Beck "the Blaze TV" 9-17-12 US arms terrorists in Middle East? ; Report: Terrorist Behind Ambassador Murder 'Ally of Sorts' to Obama Admin ; Report: Murdered Ambassador Knew He Was On Al Qaeda Hit List ; Video of Stevens Murder: What Really Happened- Video which some news outlets claimed had showed Libyans trying to save Ambassador Stevens turns out to show the opposite.; Clinton: 'No Info' Amb. Stevens Was on al Qaeda 'Hit List' ; Evidence mounts that al-Qaida group killed US ambassador to Libya ; Obama Politicizes The Sacrifices Of The SEALs - Again ; Did Hillary Clinton send a gay ambassador to Libya as intentional provocation? ; CNN obtains journal of slain ambassador, reportedly goes against his family’s wishes ; Anderson Cooper admits that CNN found slain American ambassador's journal inside U.S. consulate in Libya and 'secretly' used it in reporting ; Obama Went to Bed While Consulate was Under Siege ; CNN Hid Knowledge of Libya Ambassador Diary For Days ; Report: State Dept Left Consulate Unsecured Days After Ambassador Murder ; Prior attacks on the embassy...Flashback: Bomb targets U.S. mission in Libya's Benghazi ; US Consulate in Libya Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Attack, Ambassador Known Target (+video) ; Obama to UN: It's Not My Fault Stevens is Dead ; Obama Administration Knew Libya Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours ; Obama Administration Deleted State Dept. Memo From Internet After Discovering Al-Qaeda Was Behind Benghazi Attack ; Christopher Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya, dead body. No bruises on face.; Despite looting of the embassy and the loss of sensitive documents, CNN finds Stevens' diary. ; Benghazi: The Unanswered Question- what lapses on the part of the Obama/Clinton State Department made his murder sickeningly easy?; In Libya, Security Was Lax Before Attack That Killed U.S. Ambassador, Officials Say ; Did the White House order a cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador? ; Report: Obama Admin Rejected Military Intervention in Benghazi During Attack ; Benghazigate: Obama Chose Not to Save Ambassador Stevens' Life ; Was Ambassador Stevens' death a hit? ; Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama Administration ; Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping To Trade Blind Sheik... and arranged by Obama? ; Obama Arranged Benghazi Trip That Resulted In Murder Of US AMB Chris Stevens; ... Stevens in possession of death certificate of Osama Bin Laden?, - OBL died in 2001? ; CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say: .....Denied 3 Times ; John McCain: Obama Administration has Classified Benghazi Surveillance Tapes Top Secret ; Obama avoids question on whether Americans in Libya were denied requests for help ; Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered? : (Ann Barnhardt) Proof Benghazi was Murder of Stevens: "Hillary (Clinton) began pushing the fake "protests against a video blaspheming the prophet" BEFORE WOODS AND DOHERTY WERE KILLED. Per the story below, the Associated Press first published a story on Hillary's official statement on Benghazi at 10:58pm Eastern, which means that the State Department must have released it BEFORE 10:58 pm EDT. Which means that is was actually written and composed hours before that. State Department press releases in the Secretary of State's name aren't written and released without all kinds of "approvals" and process. And this statement is written in nuanced prose, referencing "religious tolerance" and all kinds of bullshit. It isn't a flash bulletin. It was thought out, long and hard. Doherty and Woods were killed by mortar fire between 11:14 and 11:26 pm EDT. Here is the citation link." ; Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'got away with murder' ; The secret war behind Benghazi A stealth campaign of assassinations, run by CIA nominee John Brennan, resulted in the death of the US ambassador, a new book claims...- Claim that secret war ran behind the back of Gen. Patreus ; Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together: Stevens recruited by Hillary Clinton to run guns to Syria from Libya ; Ambassador Chris Stevens didn’t have to die in Benghazi – The real story of what led to his death on 9/11: Book Benghazi: The Definitive Report ; More evidence of slain U.S. ambassador's secret activities ; Is Muslim Brotherhood working together with Amb. Chris Stevens' assassin? ; 15 Benghazi Eyewitnesses “Unable” to Testify- : Because they're dead RELATED: Colonel Ibrahim al-Senussi Akila- was shot to death in his car, in downtown Benghazi.
Aaron Swartz: 26-year-old genius, computer prodigy, co-creator of RSS and Reddit, commits suicide after Obama DOJ harassment; 'kill list' critic ; Attorney for Aaron Swartz: Prosecutors' Arguments Were "Disingenuous and Contrived" ; Aaron Swartz dead; was this brilliant internet revolutionary 'taken out?'( disclose tv ) The cause of death is currently unconfirmed. : The father of information activist Aaron Swartz blames US prosecutors for his son’s death: Aaron Was Killed By The Gov't ; Aaron Swartz' suicide raises questions for Eric Holder and the Justice Dept. ; Issa, Cummings press Holder for answers about Aaron Swartz trial ; Aaron Swartz files reveal how FBI tracked internet activist ; Daryl Issa (on Twitter): Very concerning allegations about DOJ's handling of Aaron Swartz case on pg. 67-68 of MIT Report ; Documents show Secret Service kept tab of Swartz ; First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's Secret Service File Released
Shane Todd : found dead in his Singapore apartment last summer; he apparently hanged himself, but his family claims he was murdered: - Was he murdered? Mystery death of American engineer working in Singapore on cutting-edge military technology ´who had deep misgivings about his work' ; WH: Obama will talk to China about hacking our weapons systems ; Flashback: Sudden death of U.S. engineer in Singapore linked to cyber espionage? ; Mystery surrounding American's death in Singapore deepens as parents quit inquest into son's death ; Singapore Says US Scientist Hanged Himself
Ashley Turton, wife of the Obama administration's House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting. Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire. The body was discovered after fire crews doused the blaze. The fire also charred part of the garage. Nobody in the house was injured, fire officials said. Ashley Turton worked as a lobbyist for the utility giant Progress Energy, according to Politico. She was a former staffer for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. The Rahm Emanuel Connection to the Deceased Ashley Turton, -- The ATF investigates - Ashley Turton Crashed Under the Influence
Jessica Upshaw: Mississipi State Rep. found dead Sunday of an apparent suicide . Ardent opponant of Agenda 21 (see Nachumlist file Obama and Agenda 21). Chaired a committee that stops Agenda 21 legislation in committe: Anti-Agenda 21 Bill Dies in Mississippi House Committee Chaired by Rep. Jessica Upshaw ; Was directing BP oil spill fine money ; 'kills herself' at home of former lawmaker...fifth Mississipi legislator to die in the last few months
John Wheeler- former presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler III was found in a Delaware garbage dump. Wheeler's cell phone discovered - Cause of death released in Wheeler case, blunt force trauma -- Wheeler's cell phone found in a taxi -- His family wants information - John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed - Who killed Jack Wheeler? ; John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?
Victoria Windsor: Blogger, researcher into ancestry: .. .reported that.she had "found evidence that the records of Madelyn Payne Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham had been “tampered with." Cause of death not yet revealed. Said to have died from a "sudden illness".
Donald Young -Openly gay friend of Obama's at Murdered at Trinity Church in Chicago-...Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case - Video report: Obama-Donald Young murder (December 24, 2007)..........All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks..... -Jeff Kuhner interview with Larry Sinclair. Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama's Homosexuality/Drug Use? ;
Jaime Zapata - Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent who was murdered in an ambush. Revelation that I.C.E. Report of Investigation on seizure of Fast & Furious weapons in Texas in August 2010 was signed by Zapata. Speculation that he was murdered as part of a coverup the Gunwalker scandal. (Nachumlist Gunrunner-Gate scandal files here)
Ilya Zhitomirskiy: 22-year old a co-founder of the start-up social network Diaspora, which has been described as the "anti-Facebook" for its emphasis on personal privacy and decentralized data collection. Friends and associates of Mr. Zhitomirskiy said there were indications of suicide.
Obama's 'Dead Pool'
Last Updated 3/31/2015 Extortion 17: Feds hide details of Navy SEALs shootdown Parents suing for 'betrayal' want government held in contempt
Deaths connected to the Obama White House
Mama Lois" Anderson: 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn't take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.
Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell: Died in the Camp Bastion attack 3 days after the Benghazi attack
Jeff Joe Black: Found dead on a hiking trail from "blunt force trauma to the head": Chicago activist who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event.
Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time - Report: Mother Of Obama's Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up -- With Video
Andrew Breitbart - Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama's extremist activities in college. More speculation: Breitbart: "Wait 'Til They See What Happens March 1st", Breitbart's Footage Shows Obama 'Palling Around' With Terrorists..... Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ......An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart's Death Scene... Breitbart's skin color described as bright red. ... Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?...More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?..........Coroner: Breitbart Died of Heart Failure...* Christopher Lasseter, Dissapears.....witness to Breitbart's death vanishes -Follows suspicious demise of member of coroner's team (possibly in hiding to avoid reporters), .... Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks Describes 'thick white band' around forehead at death ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy (story also linked here ) ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed ; Brandon Walker interviews Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China.. states he knows that President Obama ordered the murders of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart (Audio)
Steve Bridges Dies At 48 - Impersonator Who Offended 0bama ...Steve Bridges as President Obama - August 2011 ....It appeared that he died of natural causes...: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death 'an accident"...that the probable cause of death was due to "upper airway anaphylaxis", caused by a severe allergic reaction.. --- CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?... A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis
Tom Clancy Dies at 66; actual list of cause of death on his autopsy, cause of death unknown.; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy- Dr. Garrow states President Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well and noted that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Amazingly enough, or coincidentally, the doctors did not perform an autopsy on Tom Clancy’s body for 5 days. (story also linked here ) ; Did Tom Clancy, who died in October... predict Russia's move on Ukraine in his book "Command Authority?
Robin Copeland, 46, 11/4/2011: former Energy Department official who took part in several significant disarmament programs, died suddenly
Michael Cormier - respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death......Conspiracy theorists cry foul after Andrew Breitbart's 'coroner' dies of arsenic poisoning- ....Police Debunk Theories Linking Breitbart, L.A. Coroner Tech Deaths ; No Answers in Death of Technician Linked to Andrew Breitbart: Killed by high amounts of arsinic in his system ; Breitbart's Coroner Murdered. News From LA
Dominic Di-Natale; Veteran Fox News correspondant in the middle east, committed suicide; covered the Arab Spring, Egypt, fall of Libya and Benghazi Fox News journalist Dominic Di-Natale dead at 43 ; I debated whether to repost this (I taped this in February 2013) ….and decided that I would like you to know my good friend and colleague Dominic Di-Natale …this is tough for many of us at Fox News (Greta Van Sustern Interview) ; Mysterious Death of Obama Critic and Reporter on Bin Laden’s Death and Ferguson Labeled Suicide
Madelyn Payne Dunham: Obama's grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour - alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.
BEVERLY ECKERT, Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks
Extortion 17: On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog. It is considered the worst loss of U.S Military life in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005. There were 15 Navy SEAL's killed. ; Afghanistan's Benghazi: The Shoot-Down of Extortion 17 ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 - Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED - Obama Failures ; Obama increased special op's missions from an average of 56 a month to 334 per month (statement begins at 26 minute mark of video) ; Afghan Benghazi: Extortion 17, Betraying Seal Team 6 ; ; Navy SEAL's father: Obama sent my son to his death Tells Michael Savage 'they knew something was up' ; Extortion 17! Mother of slain SEAL on Biden: "He should be in prison for high crimes and treason." ; Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan ; Navy warrior's quick cremation deepens mystery of Chinook disaster in Afghanistan ; The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL's Father ; Extortion 17, The Deadliest Day in the War on Terror ; SEAL's Parents: Obama's Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops ; Congressional Hearing Scheduled for 30 fallen Heroes Killed in Shoot Down of Extortion 17 ; Defense Official Denies SEAL Team Six Operation Was Compromised Families left without answers on operation that left 30 American troops dead ; Feds hide details of Navy SEALs shootdown Parents suing for 'betrayal' want government held in contempt
Loretta Fuddy: -Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy dies in small plane crash ; 'Fuddy was at the center of controversy in the birth certificate controversy as she was the person who reportedly granted "an exception" to Barack Obama, allegedly witnessing the copying of Obama’s birth certificate and attested to its authenticity' ; Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash ; Fuddy only one to die in plane crash ; Video.. Hawaii DOH Director Who "Certified" Obamas BC As Legit Dies In Plane Crash!! ; Engine Failure Blamed In Molokai Crash ; Kalaupapa Aircraft Wreckage to be Recovered, Under Investigation ; NTSB: Officials still trying to determine Fuddy's cause of death ; Obama's land in Hawaii as the NTSB investigates the cause of death; NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersmanis Obama appointee that only reports to Obama. NTSB Chair Hersman has been been accused of conflict of interest., compromsing her independence at the NTSB.---> Speculations: 1. NTSB allowed the evidence in both this Cessna engine failure and the one on Oct 21 very close to Molokai to be contaminated 2. The NTSB had found Cessna 208 engine failure in 2 cases in the previous 34 years, within 50 days and 25 miles there were another 2, and those 2 were not properly treated by Obama's NTSB as a crime scene as mandated. 3. Engine failure itself actually occurred 9 miles north of where the plane landed in the Oct 21 incident, which puts it probably 10-15 miles away from Molokai. 4. Pilot Clyde Kawasaki has never been listed as a pilot of Makani Kai Air on their staff webpage, even though he has supposedly flown for them for the past 1-2 years (depending on the article). There are 2 staff web pages, and both have been updated within the last half a year - one in June, the other earlier this month. 5. Rchard Schuman, Makani Kai Air owner/CEO says the plane (which was photographed sinking while nearly fully-intact) fell apart in a week’s time 60-70 feet underwater because of the movement of the water banging the plane against the rocks but waves would have to have been much greater to affect the engine at that depth. If the engine had come apart from the plane during the salvage operations Schuman would certainly have said that. The fact that he tried to blame the engine's removal on water says that the witnesses on the salvage team knew it hadn't come apart during the lifting of the plane. ; Globe Magazine: Fuddy murdered for knowing where Obama was born ; NTSB: Hawaii plane floated 25 mins, then sank.; Was Fuddy involved with the SUBUD Cult? Obama a secret Subud sect member ; Founder of Subud cult: Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo; Alice Dewey, the great Indonesianist, as she liked to call herself, who spent something like 15 years on and off in Java as an anthropologist, researching javanese arts and crafts, and peasant marketing...Alice, the mentor of Stanley Ann Dunham who wrote her thesis (?) on the subject of Javanese lives permanently in Indonesia. ; Revealed: Inilah Wanita di Balik Bintang Mahaputera untuk Ibu Obama ; Subud, Obama and Laurel Canyon rock hits - a connection? ; Mohammed Subud: Founder Indonesian Muslim cult -resemblence to Obama? Picture ; As posted at little bit later in that thread, an earlier article at…/89053…/23442094/-/139fxot/-/index.html - with an original posting time of 8:25PM CST, which is 4:25pm HST - was titled "Breaking: Small Aircraft Crashed off Kalaupapa" with Twitterfeed as the source. That article says that the plane went down at about 3:45....within 40 minutes of the plane going down it was reported on the news, and within 55 minutes it was reported that there was one casualty. According to the timeline the NTSB is giving now (see ), help crews didn't even ARRIVE to check out the condition of the victims until 80 minutes after the crash - or 5:05pm.... 40 minutes after the crash was reported in the news and 25 minutes after it was reported in the news that there was one casualty. If the NTSB timeline is believed the rescue workers still had to pass Fuddy by, check out others, go back to Fuddy and determine her to be dead, and report it to the news reporter. If that whole process took 30 minutes, then the NTSB timeline would have the news reporting one dead almost an hour before anybody would have determined and reported that. If the NTSB timeline is believed, a death from that plane crash was reported in the news before ANYBODY know that it had happened. IOW, if the NTSB timeline is believed there was SUPPOSED to be one person dead from that plane crash, and that outcome was reported before anybody was sure that had really happened.; New Footage Shows Plane Crash That Killed Woman Who Released Obama's Birth Certificate ; What are the chances? The mysterious death of Loretta Fuddy ; Maui Police release cause of Loretta Fuddy's death: cardiac arrhythmia as a result of stress ; Lawyer Files Request For Fuddy Autopsy (back on 12/18/13) ; The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy ; More Subud cult connections, citing Subud centers in Chicago, Hawaii, and Indonesia: Barack Hussein Soebarkah? ; More Obama Subud Indonesian connections? The REAL Obama: An INDONESIAN, Muslim, Socialist Puppet ; Blockbuster: CSU Criminology Professor Tackles Obama Indonesian Name Soebarkah ; More pictures comparing Obama with Subud ; Fuddy served as a trustee for the Subud Endowment Fund in 2008 and 2009 ; Jim Garrow: Obama was part of the subud cult as well as Loretta Fuddy being connected to this cult. At 31:06 - 31:28 on the audio at the link ; Subud cult and a World Bank? "A Bank for Mankind" ; Concerning Advisors to Bank Susila Bakti ; Rumors of the death of fuddy being a fraud- Did Fuddy Have an Open-Casket Funeral? ; The Hands Photographed Cannot be Loretta Fuddy in That Casket ; Video evidence of others in the water- What Do You See? ; Extras (stills of the black shape in the water) ; Some More Images ; Josh Lang's Photos of the Fuddy Crash Are Not the Same Plane ; Part Two Images ; Kawasaki Underwater Images ; Evidence the Hawaii Medical Examiner turned a blind eye to the death of Loretta Fuddy ; Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off? ; Erik Rush: Montgomery Sibley Updates Obama Felony ID Fraud Case And SCOTUS ; Fuddy paid $50,000?, Doug Vogt's Now Un-Sealed Evidence at the Supreme Court ; Revealed: The Names Of The Purported Obama Birth Certificate Forgers Unsealed ; Loretta Fuddy's Brother Sues Over Fatal Crash ; FAA Claims Fuddy Crash Records Destroyed ; Butterdezillion's interview with the Hagmann and Hagmann Report ; This is the Mandatory Occurrence Report filed by the Investigator In Charge at the Honolulu Control Facility, reporting the Dec 11, 2013 water landing resulting in the alleged death of Hawaii Health Director ; ‘Bombshell: Maui Police Department; Loretta Fuddy’s Original Cause Of Death Is Drowning’ ; MCPD Responses Indicate Fuddy Did Not Die ; FAA Response Indicates That Fuddy Crash and Death W ere Faked ; Altering History
Army General Harold Greene; American General Killed in Shooting at Afghan Military Academy ; U.S. general killed in Afghanistan was key figure in training effort : Army General Harold Greene Was Shot in Back Four Times: Source
Bill Gwatney, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a Clinton super delegate at an upcoming convention in Denver and was fatally shot in 2008. Shooter had a post-it note with a mystery phone number. Did Obama Assassinate Clinton delegates? Bill Gwatney and Stephanie Tubbs Jones? Video: Bill Gwatney Murder Linked to Obama
Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.- A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church. Obama's Passport Breach: Unanswered Questions, and an Unsolved Murder : Harris worked for a security firm run by John Brennan, later to be a terrorism advisor to Obama. Listed as a detail in Youtube video "Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about Barack Obama the MSM Refuses to Report" (at approx. 22 minutes in the video); Was an employee of John Brennan when murdered. John Brennan confirmed to head CIA.
Andy P. Hart: Guantanamo attorney dead in apparent suicide....Hart was assigned to defend Mohammed Rahim al-Afghani, one of 16 detainees at Guantanamo which the US government has designated as "high-value."
Michael Hastings: Rolling Stone Journalist, Author Believed to be Dead in Hollywood Crash... known for his interview of Gen. Stanley McCrystal: Michael Hastings death: Coroner still hasn't ID'd badly burned victim: Picture of the burned out car ; autopsy results will take weeks; Video report .. was covering a story about the defense dept. and Hollyood... nervous wreck ; Michael Hastings, journalist who helped bring down US general, dies at 33 ; WikiLeaks Claims Michael Hastings Told Them FBI Was Investigating Him Hours Before He Died ; Hastings' death in fiery car crash is just the latest in a growing list of dead investigative journos ; Michael Hastings' Chilling Final Story....-->"Why Democrats Love to Spy on Americans" ; Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before death ; Hastings "Boston Brakes" Killing a Warning? ; FBI says journalist Michael Hastings was not under investigation ; Michael Hastings "CAUGHT ON TAPE" Running Red-Light Seconds Before Crash ; Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE ; Hastings Sent Colleagues Email Hours Before Crash ; Was Michael Hastings' Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It's Possible ; Journalist Michael Hastings' Body Cremated by Authorities Against Family's Wishes (Video) ; Hackers Reveal Nasty New Car Attacks--With Me Behind The Wheel (Video) ; MICHAEL HASTINGS CRASH CAUGHT ON SURVEILLANCE CAMERA ; Bush advisor: Hastings crash 'consistent with a car cyberattack' ; Group sues FBI for records after Michael Hastings' mysterious death ; Report: Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director John Brennan ; CIA Director Brennan Confirmed as Reporter Michael Hastings Next Target ; Coroner Classifies Michael Hastings' Death As Accidental ; Coronor: Drugs in Hastings' system. Was Bipolar ; Rolling Stone journalist feared prior to crash his car was tampered with: Report ; Mystery grows: Journalist died prepping Obama exposé Major probe tied to agent suspected of sanitizing president's passport records ; Who Killed Michael Hastings? ; Why Was the FBI Investigating Michael Hastings’ Reporting on Bowe Bergdahl? - see Nachumlist file "Bad Bergdahl Bargain" ; Hastings' article in 'Rolling Stone on Bergdail: America's Last Prisoner of War (June 2012) ; Michael Hastings: CIA Director John Brennan Appears On Fox News Sunday – And Missing Historical Puzzle Pieces Simultaneously Fall Into Place….
Barnaby Jack: Hacker found dead days before he was to demonstrate how to hack a pacemaker
Stephanie Tubbs Jones: found brain dead in 2008. Democratic Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, a super delegate and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, was found in her car unconscious Also: Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates? Additional: Hollywood Producer Bettina Viviano: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible - ....Caucus death threats (audio)... also reported by Jerome Corsi at WND: Hillary supporter's untold Obama horror stories Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death
Christopher Kelly - Committed suicide, under pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich ; Christopher Kelly Case Round-Up
David Koschman, Mudered in a Chicago Rush Street brawl by Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley- Homicide case involving Daley nephew closed without charges , Witness to Killing Involving Daley Nephew: Deceased Didn't Start It
Kam Kuwata - was found dead inside his Venice home after friend — concerned that they had not heard from him for a few days — alerted police. Political consultant in California. Democratic insider. Possibly the Obama consultant referred to in the Ulsterman Report: Alledgedly viewed bizarre drug induced behavior from Obama during the the 2008 campaign.: "The Troubling Timeline".... The Death of a Political Operative – The Troubling Timeline… (UPDATED)
Chris Kyle: Author of "American Sniper" among the dead at Rough Creek ; Former Navy SEAL & 'American Sniper' Author Chris Kyle Reportedly Killed at TX Lodge ; Deadliest sniper in U.S. military history is 'shot and killed point- blank by veteran suffering from PTSD' at Texas gun range ; Conspiracy? Chris Kyle The Third High Profile Firearms Business Owner Killed in Past Month, Along With 30 SEALs The Past Four Years ; Suspicions Raised After Deaths of Three Firearms Experts ; Murdered Navy SEAL Was Obama Gun Control Foe ;Revealed: Marine who 'killed' famous sniper threatened to 'blow his brains out and kill his family months before shooting two men at gun range' ; Obama Has Yet To Acknowledge Death Of Legendary Seal Sniper Chris Kyle (2/13/13) ; Chris Kyle Widow: Former Navy SEAL 'Died Because Somebody Wanted to Kill Him' ; Chris Kyle Said About OBAMA (VIDEO) ; Was Chris Kyle’s killer a converted Muslim? ; Evidence Surfaces That Chris Kyle's Killer Was Not Suffering From PTSD But May Have Been A Terrorist Sympathizer ; This Photo Of Chris Kyle’s Accused Killer Is Raising A Huge Question About His Motive
Robert McKeon: founder of private-equity firm Veritas Capital, dies Sept. 10, 2012 of suicide; General Dynamics bought company in August 2011 to expand influence into Obamacare IT
Marco McMillian: Mississippi's first gay mayoral candidate, 34, 'was beaten and burned' before his body was found dumped on a riverbank. Victim of a hate crime? Pictured with Obama. Another black and gay associate of Obama murdered. (see Nachumlist file Is Obama Gay? )
John Noveske; the owner of Noveske Rifleworks. Vehicle run off the road - Two gun makers killed in two days, and no answers (Photos)
Renee L Abena Obama: baby girl Born on October 31, 2004. The infant died less than two months later on December 25, 2004. "..the death was not reported by any hospital in the State of Maryland, but by a funeral home (indicated by the SSDI code "72"). BHO’s biographies do not report the death of an infant in 2004, yet here was a baby girl who bore his last name--and the initial of his grandmother’s middle name--Madelyn "Lee" Dunham. A search of the Social Security Death Index produced "No Results," though a genealogical index at produced a Social Security number: "215-71-0752." From: "Who was Renee L. Abena Obama?"
Alex Okrent: -Apparently found deat at Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago. Witnesses say he collapsed, found dead after. Okrent had long been a staffer back the Obama 2004 U.S. senate campaign, on staff for eight years. Parents immediately say the cause of death was "heart attack", but no autopsy was yet performed. Medical examiner said the cause of death was "inconclusive". Internet recornds have been scrubbed. Twitter account timeline also makes no mention of his work for Obama: Okrent Twitter file (on Twitter). - Speculation as to whether he was a witness to an Obama gay connection: Who Is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Youtube video: Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Part 1 .........-Part 2 ; Autopsy Inconclusive for Obama Campaign Worker Who Collapsed at Chicago Campaign HQ ; Gay opinion piece...-Alex Okrent: Equality is a Moral Equivalent; What Do Colorado Shooter James Holmes And Obama Staffer Alex Okrent Have In Common? digital footprint on the internet; Was Obama Staffer Alex Okrent Murdered Because he was Going to Expose Obama's Anti-Israel Ties?
Donald A. Perry: Chick-fil-A’s public relations director dead of heart attack : Is Rahm Emanuel bullying Chick-fil-A over gay marriage? : Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views ; Rahm: Chick-fil-A Values Are Not Chicago Values ; Rahm backs down: We never said we’d block Chick-fil-A from Chicago, says spokesman
Albert Peterson: Wealthy Defense Contractor commits suicide, kills family; Man Kills His Entire Family, Feared Obama Would Get Re-Elected ; Pictured: 'Beautiful' family slain hours after church by 'mentally ill father who was tormented by the prospect of Obama winning the election''He said he wanted to expose something at work. He also got the impression at work, that if they didn't vote for Obama and get him elected, they would lose their jobs,' " (See Obama and Your Prvacy- Nachumlist file)
Rafael Prieto: Secret service apparent suicide under investigation: D.C., police are investigating the apparent suicide of a U.S. Secret Service supervisory agent assigned to President Obama's security detail. -Was under investigation for going to prostitutes; Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe....Prieto’s apparent cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning
Keith Ratliff; ..was well known for a series of videos he produced on Youtube, known as "FPSRussia," in which various high-powered firearms were demonstrated. Found with a single shot in the head - Two gun makers killed in two days, and no answers (Photos) ; Partner YouTube video-maker FPSRussia Home Raided by ATF
Eva Rausing: Found dead with no cause of death yet established. Her husband has been suspected as the killer. Rausing's family says she was at Occidental College at the same time as Obama. "Family of tragic Tetra Pak wife Eva Rausing reveal she began dabbling with 'hard drugs' while at the same college as Barack Obama as husband is arrested for murder"... Suspected cause of death from drug overdose.
Marine Cpl. Robert Richards, badly wounded in Afghanistan and later appeared in a controversial video urinating on dead Taliban insurgents; Marine sniper at center of viral video scandal found dead
John McCarthy Roll: - was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, murdered by the same gunman attacking Gabrielle Giffords. Theory that Roll's prelimiary ruling on "United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” (Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010) was cause for the assassination and that the shooter used the mass shooting as a cover for the government. - Claim: Giffords hit a planned assassination: Judge Roll real target ; Judge John Roll - Wake Up Tucson
Michael Scott - Although Chicago school board president Michael Scott's death had been ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner's office, Chicago police characterized the case as a death investigation, and have not concluded that Scott's death was a suicide- was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago's elite schools. -also was under scrutiny over Olympics-related real estate dealings.
Navy Death: U.S. Navy Commander Alphonso Doss: Pensacola Navy Commander Homicide Victim ; Navy commander slain in Orange Park was living troubled life ; Navy Commander Who Interrogated 9/11 Terrorist Mastermind KSM Found Murdered ; 2 Years ago: Former Ruleville student promoted to Navy Commander
Navy SEAL Commander Job Price, 42: US Navy SEAL commander dies in Afghanistan: suicide -----SEAL Team Four commander in Afghanistan 'commits suicide' as body of married father is found shot dead: Rumor?- Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran ; State Department Denies Hillary Clinton Injured in Plane Crash ... but- ABC News Report on Emergency Landing of a US Plane in Iran 16 days earlier ; US Navy Seal Commander, Who Killed Osama Bin Laden, Commits 'Apparent Suicide’ In Afghanistan
Navy SEALs Jeffrey Reynolds and Mark Kennedy, found dead on the Maersk Alabama; Official: Drugs, needles found with dead officers on Maersk ; Report: Two Navy SEALS on Maersk Alabama Died of Respiratory Failure – Heroin Abuse?? (Video) ; Autopsy: Men on Maersk had respiratory failure, suspected heart attacks ; 'What's the chance of two ex-Navy SEALs turning up dead in the same room?' Family and friends demand U.S. investigation into mystery 'hookers and heroin' deaths on ship made famous by Captain Philips
SEAL Team 6: Helicoptor shot down by terrorists. Possibly given location by infiltrators. Obama rules of engagement possibly lead to deaths. Father of fallen SEAL begs for military officer to tell the truth about "criminal" rules of engagement ; The deaths of Seal Team Six ...who never would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone. UNBELIEVABLE: 'More Than 20 Navy SEALS From The Unit That Killed Osama Bin Laden' Die In Helicopter Crash ; 31 US troops, mostly elite Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan 7 Afghan commandos also die in attack; SEALs were from same unit but not same team that killed Osama bin Laden ; Navy SEAL Team 6 Families To Reveal Government's Culpability In Death Of Their Sons ; OUTRAGE! Obama Administration Allowed Radical Cleric to Curse US Navy SEAL Heroes at Funeral Services (Video) ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 - Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED - Obama Failures ; SEAL Team Six Parents Demand Obama Answer For Funeral Desecration ; UNANSWERED QUESTIONS PLAGUE SEAL TEAM 6 LOSSES Lawsuit claims Navy used for White House effort to 'coddle Islamist fundamentalists' ; Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash ; The unexplained ambush of Navy SEAL Team Six ; A Scandal Bigger Than Benghazi? ; SEAL Team 6 families' suspicions of gov't grow 'I believe someone on their side definitely made a deal with somebody on our side' ; SEAL's Parents: Obama's Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops ; Did SEAL Team 6 die in Afghanistan to give Obama good publicity? [VIDEO] ; Michael Savage: SEAL Team Six was set up, murdered in Afghanistan
Malcolm Shabazz: Malcolm X's Grandson dies in Mexico. Was 'thrown off a building', or 'shot'. Two men arrested in Malcolm Shabazz murder in Mexico, more sought; Obama was in Mexico on May 2nd. Shabazz is murdered on May 9th. Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X? ; Rumors that Obama was a child of Malcom X?
Brett D. Shadle: SEAL, Special Warfare Operator Chief ; Member of SEAL Team 6 killed, another SEAL injured in parachute accident
Matt Simmons, an investment banker and whistle blower in the British Petroleum oil spill. Died suddenly at home of a heart attack at the age of 67. An autopsy by the state medical examiner's office concludes that Simmons died from accidental drowning "with heart disease as a contributing factor." Speculation of murder: Assassinations by induced heart attack and cancer.; Did The CIA Assassinate Matt Simmons For Blowing The Whistle On The BP Gulf Oil Spill Coverup?
Holiyah Soetoro Sobah, aka Lia Soetoro, Obama’s adopted sister: died under mysterious, sudden, and unusual circumstances just as she was getting ready to be reunited with her childhood companion and adopted brother. She spoke of many specific incidences in the household, where she grew up with "Barry" in Indonesia. She saved many items that Barry used during childhood. She was looking forward to seeing him, because she’d seen him on TV and was told that was “Barry”, her little brother; however, Lia had reservations about it and so was anticipating seeing the scars he had from falling out of the mango tree and the limp she said he walked with. That was not to be because she up and died. Read about it here and watch video of here........PDF document from a web site of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia appears to confirm a relationship between Lia and Barack Hussein Obama. Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia.
Ambassador Chris Stevens: (Also see the Nachumlist: "Benghazi-Gate" file ) Killed by a mob in Libya. The Obama administration ignored warnings two days prior to the attacks. Hillary Clinton made the decision not to post Marines. New now comes out that Stevens was gay: meaning that Obama sent a publicly gay man to be an ambassador in a Muslim country. Obama skipped intel meetings for days leading up to the attacks despite credible information of the attacks. Video: Libyan democratic party spokesman: amb christopher stevens was a muslim (Statement that Ambassador Chris Stevens was a Muslim is made between 1:00 & 1:20); Col. David Hunt: "State Department just allowed our guys to get killed" : Glenn Beck video: Stevens was a CIA operative and weapons dealer- Glenn Beck "the Blaze TV" 9-17-12 US arms terrorists in Middle East? ; Report: Terrorist Behind Ambassador Murder 'Ally of Sorts' to Obama Admin ; Report: Murdered Ambassador Knew He Was On Al Qaeda Hit List ; Video of Stevens Murder: What Really Happened- Video which some news outlets claimed had showed Libyans trying to save Ambassador Stevens turns out to show the opposite.; Clinton: 'No Info' Amb. Stevens Was on al Qaeda 'Hit List' ; Evidence mounts that al-Qaida group killed US ambassador to Libya ; Obama Politicizes The Sacrifices Of The SEALs - Again ; Did Hillary Clinton send a gay ambassador to Libya as intentional provocation? ; CNN obtains journal of slain ambassador, reportedly goes against his family’s wishes ; Anderson Cooper admits that CNN found slain American ambassador's journal inside U.S. consulate in Libya and 'secretly' used it in reporting ; Obama Went to Bed While Consulate was Under Siege ; CNN Hid Knowledge of Libya Ambassador Diary For Days ; Report: State Dept Left Consulate Unsecured Days After Ambassador Murder ; Prior attacks on the embassy...Flashback: Bomb targets U.S. mission in Libya's Benghazi ; US Consulate in Libya Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Attack, Ambassador Known Target (+video) ; Obama to UN: It's Not My Fault Stevens is Dead ; Obama Administration Knew Libya Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours ; Obama Administration Deleted State Dept. Memo From Internet After Discovering Al-Qaeda Was Behind Benghazi Attack ; Christopher Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya, dead body. No bruises on face.; Despite looting of the embassy and the loss of sensitive documents, CNN finds Stevens' diary. ; Benghazi: The Unanswered Question- what lapses on the part of the Obama/Clinton State Department made his murder sickeningly easy?; In Libya, Security Was Lax Before Attack That Killed U.S. Ambassador, Officials Say ; Did the White House order a cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador? ; Report: Obama Admin Rejected Military Intervention in Benghazi During Attack ; Benghazigate: Obama Chose Not to Save Ambassador Stevens' Life ; Was Ambassador Stevens' death a hit? ; Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama Administration ; Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping To Trade Blind Sheik... and arranged by Obama? ; Obama Arranged Benghazi Trip That Resulted In Murder Of US AMB Chris Stevens; ... Stevens in possession of death certificate of Osama Bin Laden?, - OBL died in 2001? ; CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say: .....Denied 3 Times ; John McCain: Obama Administration has Classified Benghazi Surveillance Tapes Top Secret ; Obama avoids question on whether Americans in Libya were denied requests for help ; Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered? : (Ann Barnhardt) Proof Benghazi was Murder of Stevens: "Hillary (Clinton) began pushing the fake "protests against a video blaspheming the prophet" BEFORE WOODS AND DOHERTY WERE KILLED. Per the story below, the Associated Press first published a story on Hillary's official statement on Benghazi at 10:58pm Eastern, which means that the State Department must have released it BEFORE 10:58 pm EDT. Which means that is was actually written and composed hours before that. State Department press releases in the Secretary of State's name aren't written and released without all kinds of "approvals" and process. And this statement is written in nuanced prose, referencing "religious tolerance" and all kinds of bullshit. It isn't a flash bulletin. It was thought out, long and hard. Doherty and Woods were killed by mortar fire between 11:14 and 11:26 pm EDT. Here is the citation link." ; Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'got away with murder' ; The secret war behind Benghazi A stealth campaign of assassinations, run by CIA nominee John Brennan, resulted in the death of the US ambassador, a new book claims...- Claim that secret war ran behind the back of Gen. Patreus ; Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together: Stevens recruited by Hillary Clinton to run guns to Syria from Libya ; Ambassador Chris Stevens didn’t have to die in Benghazi – The real story of what led to his death on 9/11: Book Benghazi: The Definitive Report ; More evidence of slain U.S. ambassador's secret activities ; Is Muslim Brotherhood working together with Amb. Chris Stevens' assassin? ; 15 Benghazi Eyewitnesses “Unable” to Testify- : Because they're dead RELATED: Colonel Ibrahim al-Senussi Akila- was shot to death in his car, in downtown Benghazi.
Aaron Swartz: 26-year-old genius, computer prodigy, co-creator of RSS and Reddit, commits suicide after Obama DOJ harassment; 'kill list' critic ; Attorney for Aaron Swartz: Prosecutors' Arguments Were "Disingenuous and Contrived" ; Aaron Swartz dead; was this brilliant internet revolutionary 'taken out?'( disclose tv ) The cause of death is currently unconfirmed. : The father of information activist Aaron Swartz blames US prosecutors for his son’s death: Aaron Was Killed By The Gov't ; Aaron Swartz' suicide raises questions for Eric Holder and the Justice Dept. ; Issa, Cummings press Holder for answers about Aaron Swartz trial ; Aaron Swartz files reveal how FBI tracked internet activist ; Daryl Issa (on Twitter): Very concerning allegations about DOJ's handling of Aaron Swartz case on pg. 67-68 of MIT Report ; Documents show Secret Service kept tab of Swartz ; First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's Secret Service File Released
Shane Todd : found dead in his Singapore apartment last summer; he apparently hanged himself, but his family claims he was murdered: - Was he murdered? Mystery death of American engineer working in Singapore on cutting-edge military technology ´who had deep misgivings about his work' ; WH: Obama will talk to China about hacking our weapons systems ; Flashback: Sudden death of U.S. engineer in Singapore linked to cyber espionage? ; Mystery surrounding American's death in Singapore deepens as parents quit inquest into son's death ; Singapore Says US Scientist Hanged Himself
Ashley Turton, wife of the Obama administration's House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting. Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire. The body was discovered after fire crews doused the blaze. The fire also charred part of the garage. Nobody in the house was injured, fire officials said. Ashley Turton worked as a lobbyist for the utility giant Progress Energy, according to Politico. She was a former staffer for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. The Rahm Emanuel Connection to the Deceased Ashley Turton, -- The ATF investigates - Ashley Turton Crashed Under the Influence
Jessica Upshaw: Mississipi State Rep. found dead Sunday of an apparent suicide . Ardent opponant of Agenda 21 (see Nachumlist file Obama and Agenda 21). Chaired a committee that stops Agenda 21 legislation in committe: Anti-Agenda 21 Bill Dies in Mississippi House Committee Chaired by Rep. Jessica Upshaw ; Was directing BP oil spill fine money ; 'kills herself' at home of former lawmaker...fifth Mississipi legislator to die in the last few months
John Wheeler- former presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler III was found in a Delaware garbage dump. Wheeler's cell phone discovered - Cause of death released in Wheeler case, blunt force trauma -- Wheeler's cell phone found in a taxi -- His family wants information - John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed - Who killed Jack Wheeler? ; John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?
Victoria Windsor: Blogger, researcher into ancestry: .. .reported that.she had "found evidence that the records of Madelyn Payne Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham had been “tampered with." Cause of death not yet revealed. Said to have died from a "sudden illness".
Donald Young -Openly gay friend of Obama's at Murdered at Trinity Church in Chicago-...Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case - Video report: Obama-Donald Young murder (December 24, 2007)..........All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks..... -Jeff Kuhner interview with Larry Sinclair. Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama's Homosexuality/Drug Use? ;
Jaime Zapata - Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent who was murdered in an ambush. Revelation that I.C.E. Report of Investigation on seizure of Fast & Furious weapons in Texas in August 2010 was signed by Zapata. Speculation that he was murdered as part of a coverup the Gunwalker scandal. (Nachumlist Gunrunner-Gate scandal files here)
Ilya Zhitomirskiy: 22-year old a co-founder of the start-up social network Diaspora, which has been described as the "anti-Facebook" for its emphasis on personal privacy and decentralized data collection. Friends and associates of Mr. Zhitomirskiy said there were indications of suicide.
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