Friday, April 10, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson Says Obama is Corrupt and “Unfit for Office”

Dr. Ben Carson Says Obama is Corrupt and “Unfit for Office”

President Obama and his administration continue to take fire from critics all across the board for their mishandling and down right deceptive misconduct involving the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.
Both members of Congress and political pundits say that Obama’s attempt to cover up the attack in order to help his reelection campaign is grounds for impeachment, and over the last few weeks, talk of impeaching the president has gone mainstream, meaning it is receiving real consideration by the people of this country.

The American public feel lied to by the president and his staff, and this has also caused Obama to lose support among minority voters.
Barack Obama has proven that he is not a leader that can be trusted, which makes the criticism he is taking absolutely justified.
Dr. Ben Carson recently wrote a piece for National Review that sums up clearly why the president is receiving criticism and why the corruption in his administration makes him unfit for for the office he occupies.
Via National Review:
Making mistakes is part of being human, but the ever-increasing deception that is necessary to cover those mistakes when honesty is abandoned is evil. Those willing to ignore evil for political reasons should question their fitness for leadership of our nation. In this case, a blatant falsehood was promoted — namely that the Obama administration had international terrorist activity directed at America under control and that the Benghazi incident was a spontaneous action resulting from the outrage of locals who had viewed an offensive anti-Islamic video. Undue importance was placed on promoting an image of U.S. strength during the weeks immediately preceding the presidential election of 2012.
Carson also addressed the arguments over whether or not Benghazi should be the object of further investigations, and also makes the case that the issue of getting the truth on Benghazi should not be a matter of partisan politics.
The recent escalating arguments over whether there should be further congressional hearings on Benghazi are troubling. The fact that there are substantial numbers of people who feel that there is nothing more to investigate when four American lives were lost and no one has answered for this crime provides an indication of how far our sense of justice has slipped.
This should not be a partisan issue, because the implications of ignoring or prevaricating about the underlying mistakes will have far-reaching consequences. The United States has diplomatic establishments throughout the world, and if they can be attacked without consequences, it greatly diminishes our influence despite any protestations to the contrary.
Dr. Carson also explains that Benghazi has serious implications for how America is perceived on the world stage in the future, as well as the lowering of confidence for troops who fear their lives might be sacrificed for the political gain of those in Washington.
What does it say about our judgment if we have diplomatic establishments for which we make inadequate provisions for protection? This is especially disturbing because it was revealed that requests by the diplomatic facility in Benghazi for more protection were refused. There had been attacks on the facility not long before the fatal attack, and hostile actions had been taken against the British, which they were wise enough to react to appropriately.
Even more confounding was the decision to abandon our personnel at the facility because someone decided that our military forces could not reach them in time to effect a rescue. How could such a decision be made when no one knew how long the hostile action would last?
When our top officials make decisions to abandon our own people because they feel the situation is hopeless, they also abandon the concept of American exceptionalism and create doubt in the minds of all future military participants about the intention of their superiors to expend maximum effort to preserve their lives when they have sacrificed everything for our nation.
Ben Carson is 100 percent correct on this. The president has demonstrated a propensity for evil with the malicious act of covering up mistakes that were made, which cost the lives of American citizens, to save face during an election.
This evil should not be tolerated, which is why Obama should be impeached for his actions. The uncertainty and doubt this scandal puts in the minds of the troops risking life and limb for America is appalling and dangerous. These individuals deserve to know they have the support of a government who will do all in their power to preserve their lives, rather than their political careers.
It’s time for Obama to be held accountable for this atrocity and to be removed from his office as he is unfit ethically and morally to serve.
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