I wrote well over a year ago about how Obama’s policy in the Middle East and appeasing of Iran could start a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. This is now coming true.
The news coming out of the negotiations is that the Obama administration has caved to Iran on them operating centrifuges to enrich uranium in hardened facilities which will be impervious to attack. This is an obvious effort to allow Iran to go nuclear in order to “get a deal,” which we have spoken about on these pages often.
Today, Saudi Arabia said they are considering building nuclear weapons to counter the capability Obama is giving Iran. The Independent reports:
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Saudi Arabia will not rule out building or acquiring nuclear weapons, the country’s ambassador to the United States has indicated.
Western intelligence agencies believe that the Saudi monarchy paid for up to 60% of Pakistan’s nuclear programme in return for the ability to buy warheads for itself at short notice, the Guardian newspaper reported in 2010.
In 2012 the Saudi Arabian government threatened to acquire nuclear weapons were neighbouring regional power Iran ever to do so.
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“Politically, it would be completely unacceptable to have Iran with a nuclear capability and not the kingdom,” a senior Saudi source told The Times newspaper at the time.
The lack of American leadership has created a power vacuum that each Middle Eastern nation is struggling to fill. What Obama said originally is the truth—Iran cannot be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon. They simply do not have the civility and maturity as a nation to be allowed to have this capability.
Congress has to force the administration to seek Congressional approval of any deal with Iran. There are enough responsible Democratic senators who will vote to override any possible presidential veto of this action.
The consequences for our nation and the world are just too great to shirk this congressional responsibility.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by WesternJournalism.com.