1.”of or like a demon or demons.” 2. having a guiding spirit; daemonic; hence, 3. inspired.”
Dictionary Source: Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, College Ed. The World Publishing Co. c. 1959.
Please examine the following multiple pictures, and note for yourself the demonic nature of aka Obama. Realize how that demonic nature has taken its toll upon traditional, patriotic and Constitutional America to steal, kill and destroy all that is wholesome and morally good. Also keep in mind that these pictures are released White House pics:
Look at the vehicle on the lower right of the page. Read the caption below the picture as it describes the apparent Satanic image:
of the Obama’s leaving to attend an Easter Sunday 2014 Baptist Church
service. Please note the image on the right vehicle. It appears as if it
is some type of Satanic image – a Vulture turned upside down with a
serpent’s head protruding from its mouth. This is not a one of a kind
phenomenon. Strange images appear (at times) when photos are taken of our White House criminal ID fraud. Could it be that the “father of all lies” wants to remind aka Obama that he is only a chief disciple? Pic attribution – http://news.yahoo.com/photos/u-president-barack-obama-family-depart-easter-services-photo-142319388.html
Rolling his eyes is natural for aka Obama. Being in a perpetual state of demonic influence makes it easy:
Pic of aka Obama
in his natural devilish state. The mainstream media would have everyone
believe that he is only acting out a line from a “children’s” book he
was reading Easter Monday at the “136 annual Easter Egg Roll” on the
“South Lawn of the White House” (4/21/2014). Other pics of aka Obama as
they have appeared on the Moralmatters website are equally as scary. Our
White House ID fraud is continually motivated by demonic influences. Pic attribution: http://news.yahoo.com/photos/obama-acts-line-rolled-terrible-eyes-childrens-book-photo-161857133.html
It appears as if aka Obama is again rehearsing one of his future hereafter activities:
of Aka Obama rehearsing his presence in his future literal (physical)
hell, where the Scripture describes its tortured and suffering
inhabitants will be “weeping and gnashing their teeth.” Of course the
aka Obama worshipping mainstream media reports that our White House ID fraud
is only acting out the book line from “Where the Wild Things Are” at
the Easter Monday White House Easter Egg Roll children’s festivity. Pic
attribution – http://news.yahoo.com/photos/obama-acts-line-gnashed-terrible-teeth-childrens-book-photo-161600788.html
Please note the poor pixel “clarity” of the pic of aka Obama. This is deliberately done by the sanction of “the White House” to obscure the deranged and demonic White House occupier:
Please click on the pic to enlarge. See for yourselves the demonic look of aka Obama.
For those having the computer capability of enlarging the pic it
appears as if he has fangs. Look at the clenched fist and the eyes of
aka Obama at Ann Arbor MI addressing the crowd. Pic attribution: Picture
by Joshua Lott – Getty Images. – http://news.yahoo.com/photos/obama-paul-ryans-budget-stinkburger-photo-211226161.html
Aka Obama again exhibiting his deranged and demonized state:
Another pic of aka Obama in his deranged and demonized state. He’s speaking at the U of M in Ann Arbor, MI Pic attribution – http://finance.yahoo.com/photos/michigan-obama-calls-minimum-wage-photo-191332576.html
What is aka Obama, on? Is he inebriated with his “father of lies?” Does he really expect to prevail with his lifestyle lies against traditional, patriotic and Constitutional America?
Obama’s passivity is fertile ground to
disseminate his cabal’s Marxist agenda against America. (Click on the
pic to enlarge). Ask yourself as this author has: “If it weren’t for his
script writers, his loyal cabal and [for] his doc’s meds, how would aka Obama function in the real world?” – Pic attribution – Reuters – news.yahoo.com/ – Nov. 6 – Love Field, Texas.
Apparently, the aka Obama’s are not content to extort from Americans and kill and destroy the US capitalistic economy:
Pic of our White House criminal ID fraud,
fake “first lady,” aka Michelle Obama. The mainstream news says that
she is giving an “enthusiastic hug” to this little girl. It doesn’t look
“enthusiastic” from this Christian emeritus pastor’s perspective. Aka
Michelle Obama’s look appears quite terrorizing – even demonic. How long
will it take this youngster to recover from this spiritual invasion of
her private space? Pic attribution – http://news.yahoo.com/photos/youngster-gets-enthusiastic-hug-first-lady-michelle-obama-photo-172621220.html;_ylt=AtsCaTIam0NuqkvCxohx.NbRtDMD
Related informational links:
- The Demonic Mentality Of The Obama Regime - moralmatters.org
- Demonic Obama: America’s Omen Child - moralmatters.org
- Obama is one of the devil’s favorite disciples – moralmatters.org
- Two Top Wicked Persons In US Government: Aka Obama And Attorney General Eric Holder – moralmatters.org
- Deranged and Demonic Obama: Same Day As The 2nd Fort Hood Shooting - moralmatters.org
- Liars go to hell – christianmessage.org
- President X - terribletruth.wordpress.com
- Obama In Free-Fall: He’s Left To His Lonesome Self - moralmatters.org
Ridding America of Obama and corrupt government: Deliberate, practical and prayerful ways – moralmatters.org
Denying Obama the platform: Americans have within their grasp the successful means to end Obama’s fraudulent occupation and control of government – moralmatters.org
Informational links dealing with the most
important issue our nation faces; a White House occupier national
security risk, who arrived there by stealth and corruption:Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation – moralmatters.org
- The Sheriff Arpaio Information Kit and the damning evidence of aka Obama’s ID Fraud – moralmatters.or
- Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate? – wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com
- Sheriff’s Kit – dropbox.com – Note the forensic evidence of Obama’s criminal ID fraud
- Terrible Truth by Martha Trowbridge – Investigative Research On Barack Hussein Obama II: Forget What He Claims! The Real Personal History Of The Man Who Presents As United States President “Barack Hussein Obama II” – terribletruth.marthatrowbridgeradio.org/blog
- Poor Bari Shabazz, A Fugitive At Large. Of Course He’s Got To Hide Out As Barack Obama! - terribletruth.wordpress.com
- Ridding America of Obama and corrupt government: Deliberate, practical and prayerful ways – moralmatters.org
“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”
“When did big government and its mainstream media tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
[Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]
Posted by:Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel
Note: Above pics and / or videos found on the web.
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