Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why Obama Went to Israel on Nisan 10, 2013

Why Obama Went to Israel on Nisan 10, 2013

Why Obama Went to Israel on Nisan 10, 2013

When I originally posted the paper “Daniel Prophecies and the Revelation – Part I” (located in the menu tab “Daniel 2”), I got the following comment:

It is a curious thing, Obama entering on Nisan 10. I wonder if his handlers knew the significance of the date. The way the dems operate I wouldn’t be surprised.

I started to think – Why did Obama go to Israel and Jerusalem on Nisan 10, 2013?  I do not think that there were some urgent political affairs that forced him to go there.  So, then, why did he go?

The answer was not very difficult to find.  Of course, Obama has enough staff to monitor Christian websites.  Of course they knew about Dewey Bruton’s presentation “Daniel’s Timelene” and about similar presentation from “119 Ministries”.  They knew that Nisan 10, 2013 was identified as the date of setting up the Abomination of Desolation by the Antichrist.

Obama is a Muslim, and anyone who doubts this should research this issue.  Then any doubts will disappear. Obama believes in Quran, Hadith and in his murderous prophet Muhammad.  And, as every Muslim does, Obama believes that the Bible is hopelessly corrupted man-made book.

I deeply despise Obama as a very mediocre person.  But, as many mediocre persons do, Obama has a very grandiose vision of his own person.  In his mind, he is the greatest defender of Islam, the future Caliph, and the Mahdi.  For Obama, it does not matter that the Mahdi of Islam is the Antichrist of the Bible.  Why should he pay attention to what this hopelessly corrupted man-made book says?

There are no doubts that Obama and the dems knew about the expectations that on Nisan 10, 2013, the Abomination of Desolation will be set up.  So, he decided to teach all these brain-dead, Bible-thumping Christians a good lesson and to demonstrate how corrupted their Bible is.  So, Obama decided to go to Israel and Jerusalem on Nisan 10, 2013.

When the announcement regarding to Obama’s visit to Israel was made, I saw on YouTube a video where two prominent preachers, experts in prophecies were saying that they are well aware of Dewey Bruton’s and 119 Ministries’ expectations, and that they will monitor Obama’s visit very closely.

But, of course, the setting up of Abomination of Desolation did not happen , and, according to Daniel 9:27, it was not supposed to happen in “the middle of the week”  -  [see the paper “Daniel’s Prophecies and Revelation – Part 1”, located in the menu tab “Daniel 2” – a link is below]:

So, Obama showed a middle finger to all these stupid Christians and demonstrated the depth of their stupidity.   I have no doubt that Obama and his minions had a good laugh at those brain-dead fundamentalists and at their corrupted Bible.

God is wise!  He even uses our mistakes to fulfill His prophecies!

Our mistaken expectation regarding to the setting up the Abomination of Desolation prompted Obama to visit Israel and Jerusalem on Nisan 10, 2013 to have a good laugh at us all.  As a result, Obama fulfilled Daniel 9:27 “the middle of the week” prophecy as it was demonstrated in my paper “Daniel’s Prophecies (in Hebrew) and the Revelation – Part I”.

In addition, Obama one more time proved that he is the Demonic Imposter, who willingly or unwillingly mimics the real Messiah Jesus Christ.  Like Jesus Christ, the Demonic Imposter entered Jerusalem on a “donkey” which is a symbol of the Democratic Party.  It is also significant that he was riding in his limousine which has a prophetic name “the Beast”.  By the way, “the Beast” was broken on the way to Jerusalem.  This fact is also significant.

Obama wanted to have a good laugh at Christians and their Bible.  As a result, God of the Bible had a good laugh at him!

Now, I want to say couple of words about Dewey Bruton.  He is a man who made a revolutionary leap in our understanding of the 70 Weeks of Prophecy of Daniel.  His presentation “Daniel’s Timeline” is located in the menu tab “Daniel’s Timeline” – a link is below:

As far as I am concerned, he is nothing less than a giant and a genius.

Because Dewey Bruton did not know the original Hebrew language, he made a mistake of identifying Nisan 10, 2013 as the date of setting up the Abomination of Desolation.  Nevertheless, the core of his whole presentation is ground-shattering and absolutely amazing.  He did identified February 20, 2013 and March 22, 2013 as the key dates in the End of Times Daniel’s Prophecy.

Because of his mistaken interpretation of events that took place on those key dates, all Dewey Bruton’s presentation was thrown in the gutter.  It reminds me of a person who throws in the gutter water from a baby bathtub while a baby is still there!

It is much easier to label Dewey Bruton a “false prophet”, than to re-evaluate and to adjust his teaching.

Though I feel deeply sorry for Dewey Baruton and for people who labeled him as a “false prophet”, there is no doubt in my mind that he will be vindicated and accepted as a giant and a genius he really is.

[End of Paper]

One thought on “Why Obama Went to Israel on Nisan 10, 2013”

Hello, thank you for the info and inspiration.

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